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Title: COTK S8&S10 Server Merger on Aug 7th [Print this page]

Author: sittree    Time: 2014-8-5 11:20
Title: COTK S8&S10 Server Merger on Aug 7th
Edited by sittree at 2014-8-5 11:52

To maintain a quality in-game environment and increase player interactions, we will carry out a server merger for COTK starting at 12:30 on Aug 7th,2014.The merger will last approximately 2 hours and the servers involved are S8 and S10. These servers will be temporarily shut down during the merger. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding.
S10 will be merged into S8.Players’ current game progress will not be affected after the merger. Players can still log into the game like they used to.

I.             Please be aware that the following will be completed during the merger.
1.      Characters fall into the following three categories at the same time will be deleted:
a.      Lower than level 30
b.     Not been logged in for 30 days
c.      No Gold recharge records
2.      For duplicated names, here are the solution
a.      Duplicated character name will be added the old server number as a suffix, for example, Arthur.S10
3.      All events will be reset/deleted after the merger. Remember to claim all unclaimed rewards before the merger.
4.      If players play on several servers and their different characters happen to be on the same new merged server
a.      He will have to choose a character before log in game.
b.     Recharge on Heyshell will need to choose a default character
5.      Cities in the world map and city guards will choose the data from target server (the old server).
6.      Supplies will choose the data from target server (the old server).
7.      Country level and EXP will choose the higher one of the servers.
8.      All heroes will send back tothe capital city.
9.      All shadows will be cleared andreturn free shadow times.
10.  Officials in Palace will be cleared.
11.  Arena rank data will be cleared.
12.  All the data in Rank (Kills,Duel Rank, Siege) will be kept and combined.
II.           Free Merger Gift Pack
S10 launched later than S8, players higher than Lv 75 from S10 will get a gift pack.
Gift pack = Days difference * (10 Gold, 30K Lord EXP and 100K Food)
And Gift pack for S10 is 200 Gold, 600K Lord EXP and 2000K Food. (Max Day difference is set to be 20 days.)
III.          Exciting Events
We have avariety of fun and exciting events coming up after the merger! Be prepared to be thrilled!
IV.          Feedback Gathering
If you have any suggestion or expectations about the server mergers, please mail us :  cotk@corp.heyshell.com
Thank you foryour support and enthusiasm!
COTK Team.

Author: sima    Time: 2014-8-5 11:39
What? 25th July next year? Lol

Author: MaChao    Time: 2014-8-5 11:51

It's better leave it like this. Do you people really even care about the quality of the game ?

One sima is already overpower in S10, but we can still accept that. More interesting.

But if you merge it with s8 many Wei player will retired. I guaranteed it.

We need S9 to make it balance with 3 countries, but you merged it with S7.

You dont care about this. Do you even need us do vote ?

Would you care ??

Wei S10.

Author: kenarok    Time: 2014-8-5 12:09
Fuck GM why you not merge s10 with s5 wei. S8 wei is dead not use merger witb them. GM ONLY HEAR FROM SIMA NOT OTHER PLAYER.i vip 8 will resign from this game if u not hear us. I heard sima move to Wu. Are u GM always and care with Sima. So u bastard.......i'm kenarok
Author: Sokurata    Time: 2014-8-5 12:14
all please go to game discussion and do the poll!


Author: zhugezai    Time: 2014-8-5 12:20
GM are u blind?, what sima asked u always give him. iplz recruit OP to check server 1 by 1 and see country lvl all contry every server before merger. fair play i hope all country with same lvl after merger.
so plz think again before decision thx
Author: MehMehye    Time: 2014-8-5 12:25
s1s2, s3s4 s5s6 then now why s7s9 s8s10

gap 2 server will kill us!!


Author: sima    Time: 2014-8-5 12:38
I never asked or suggested to GM a word about merge to any server. Merge or not i will can keep moving. It i do love to have more friends. Wu how could you complain about this merge you have more vip players and more active and already have country lvl5 but shu lack of this failed to up country. Ypu think on your side and do you think on other side? Shu ppl hope this merge could give them benefit from country lvl. Shu now has only 3 lvl above 97 include me. Look at your country? Dont cry like i kid but fight like a man.
Good thing for everyone, after merge we will have more general to fight with older server that has already merged.
Author: XXXzel    Time: 2014-8-5 12:47
dear simatod, at least the gm shud ask before they do the decision!
u failed the country up on 96% because ur fault didnt manage the defenses.. dont blame anyone

Author: MaChao    Time: 2014-8-5 12:55

Whoever it is XXXzel. Please dont use similar nickname like Xzel -.--'

However I appreciate the poll.

Author: zhugezai    Time: 2014-8-5 13:26
Author: sima    Time: 2014-8-5 13:31
Man need sleep. they did great job. Admire them.
Author: MaChao    Time: 2014-8-5 14:01
Edited by MaChao at 2014-8-5 14:02

LOL. Nice words Sima. Hahaha

Human Need Sleep.

NB : Please tell us when you're gonna sleep early. Thanks.

Author: SMJr    Time: 2014-8-5 16:54
GM Please be sensible.... this merger is one sided. Do reconsider before is too late.
Thank you
Author: SMJr    Time: 2014-8-5 16:57
Dear GM,

Please evaluate the situation. S10 and S8 Shu is too strong as it is. If the merger takes place, the kingdom will be dead because is 1-sided.
I think is best you try to merge S10 with other server like S9/ S12 / S11 so that it is fair.
Please try not to upset your paymasters else no more gold for you.
Thank you
Author: Wumin    Time: 2014-8-5 19:43
GM .. dun siao la.. S8 Wei is dead and than u merge with S8 Shu and S10 shu together.. i will make sure your rating for this game become 1 stars .... we will vote for no merger..

S10 Wei
Author: Budzz    Time: 2014-8-5 19:54
this game similar like chaos of 3 kingdom by huayu. I played that game. Spent lots of $ before leaved following my leaders there. Even we are top $ spenders.
Why? Because after merger my side became too powerful. Wu s23. So Many shu n wei retired after dissapointed from merger result.
Really..no fun playing against dead accounts.
Hope you can consider carefull. So hope you will not ruins your hard work on this game.
Good work you all done soo far.
Not too greedy for $.
Author: MaChao    Time: 2014-8-5 22:59
Thats true. If they continue the merged, just Playing with the Guard every hour.

They just hope the weak countries to top up because of this.

But I think top spender $ in this game will retired also.

I also consider to recharge, but if this continue. Then it's over.

Author: MaChao    Time: 2014-8-6 13:48
Edited by MaChao at 2014-8-6 13:49

Nice view before Merge in Wei S10





Maybe after merge Wei only have YeCheng.. If GM really care about this.

We need real person not some bot that can reach 172 generals.

Author: evefux    Time: 2014-8-6 17:59
oh god why?? its not fair
Author: MadaraUchiha    Time: 2014-8-7 10:24
You all talking like this... Do you ever think the gm will read this forum?

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