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Title: MERGER S15 AND S14 [Print this page]

Author: Beren    Time: 2014-8-7 14:11
Title: MERGER S15 AND S14
Please GM MERGER S15 AND S14
in s14 wu and wei stronger
In s15 i think only one kingdoma
Me in wu s15
More shu in arena20
Wu only 6 Wei only 3 or 4
i think more player move new server because s15 so imbalance
Please consider and MERGER PLEASE!
Me CaoYung s15
Author: MadaraUchiha    Time: 2014-8-7 14:49
Can i see the photo of the imbalance in s15?
Natsu wei s14
Author: MaChao    Time: 2014-8-7 15:09
LOL. you dont see 90% top 20 Arena S8 is SHU.

Top 10 All of it SHU, one Wei, one Wu.
The best in S10 also SHU. No one can ever beat him.

They still merge it anyways.

Money talk.
Author: Beren    Time: 2014-8-7 23:53
Natsu: no, i play in android. No photo sorry
But im play to in s14

machao: yes in s15 shu is same to
Top 10 is also Shu
Wei 1, Wu 1
i think to move new server but my lv is 93 --
Author: Shadowthrone    Time: 2014-8-8 14:35
For ur infor, S14 Wu has e least active players, arena is not a good indication of how strong a kingdom is
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2014-8-9 14:15
don't forget wei s13 also merge please with trash bin or whatever digusting things similar with it
wei S13 now still level 3 country

Author: CaoPi    Time: 2014-8-16 15:02
Sodarakuuuu,lek dimerger karo 15 nangis nangis aku liat musuhh
S16 aja,mantab2 weinya
Author: kudogami    Time: 2014-8-17 07:05
please antri s11 s12 s13 dl..baru ngmg s14.. wahahah
Author: zhins007    Time: 2014-9-22 09:48
hello aku dari s12 tolong GM mergekan kita dengan s14 wei karena s12 shu ngeri dan kuat

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2014-9-22 13:10
merger s1-s19
Author: vidzz    Time: 2014-9-23 06:03
haha s14 come n see s8 ull shocked by bot
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2014-9-23 09:04
come to s7

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