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Title: how to get soldier [Print this page]

Author: jahanam    Time: 2014-8-8 00:07
Title: how to get soldier
I just wan to ask.... how to get soldier?
Is it count it everytime hero level up or by what?

Author: COTK    Time: 2014-8-8 10:22
refine your equip and upgrade your amament

Author: CaoPi    Time: 2014-8-16 14:57
Troops you mean?
Troops can increased using foster,equip(with Troops skill),and armament(XingJunZhang or CangBinGe)
If hero,each 5 lvl you can get new hero at instance,max hero you can recruit 5(2 from start,3 at lvl 29,4 at lvl 73,5 at lvl 85)
There also special hero,ZhenJi and DiaoChan from event,CaoCao,LiuBei,and SunJian from voucher,and hero from elite inst,hero from elite inst can get after you defeat all 10 stage at they elite inst
Author: Namia9494    Time: 2014-10-22 13:50
Salam.. Orang malaysia ke?? Server mana orang malaysia byk main dlm.game nie

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