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Title: God M.Y.Lu Box Is Coming Again! What Are You Waiting For? [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2018-6-29 23:19
Title: God M.Y.Lu Box Is Coming Again! What Are You Waiting For?
Edited by COTK-Chen at 2018-6-29 23:19

Event. Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune is an event of chance. With fantastic prizes, everyone is a winner. It is also quick and easy to play.
In this event, you can get God M.Y.Lu Box, J.Xu Box and Trinket Box! This time we have change the Rank Rewards in here, We have add Hersbit+27 in Rank Rewards ,and rich the other rewards, come on! All the rewards are like at hand and everyone has a chance to own them. When you own with them, you can strengthen heroes more immediately and fight for honor better. Therefore if you are interested in them, please join this event!

Time: Jun.30th- Jul.2nd (GMT+8)
Server: S1 - S91

When you roll the Wheel of Fortune, your daily free chance will be used first. And then, your Gold will be consumed.
When the pointer of wheel stops completely, the corresponding rewards will be shown to you. Then you need to claim first before starting the next roll. The options you have are as follows:
>> Free Chances - Roll the wheel for free. Players will get 1 free chance at 00:00 a.m. every day.
>> Start - Spend 50 Gold to roll the wheel. Gold will be deducted the moment you click start button.
>> Claim - claim the rewards you get. Claiming does not cost Gold.
>> Rank - Players joining this event will be listed on the Normal rank and receive the ranking rewards after event. Players spending more than 20K Gold in this event will rank the Elite Rank and get a gift pack! What's more, Top 5 in Elite Rank can all get Hersbit after the event! We added Seal in Normal rank rewards, you can use it to get more pieces in Armscraft. And ordnance and starlight have been added to Elite rank rewards, you could use it to become stronger. When Wheel of Fortune is over, the Rank will last half a day.



God M.Y.Lu Box:

J.Xu Box:

Trinket Box:

1. Free chances will be given to players at 00:00 a.m. every day.
2. Lv. 70 is required to join this event.

3. Gold will be deducted if you have no free chances.
4. Claiming does not cost Gold.
5. Please claim all the rewards before the event ends.
6. Players consuming the same amount of gold in this event will rank the same on the list and they will receive that same reward.

Author: C4ncan    Time: 2018-7-2 20:10
Edited by C4ncan at 2018-7-2 20:15

Wheel of Fortune? I spent so much on wheel and the trinket box give me RO?
What a big dissapointment....when the wheel almost stop at mylu or jiaxu it Will passover by one notch
Wheel of shit and cheat
Clarksam S91
Author: Davidhorac    Time: 2018-7-2 20:34
Hi, Calrksam , did u spinned ard20k gold ?

Author: C4ncan    Time: 2018-7-2 20:42
Is this a game of money gambling?
That a character ini an online game worth 20k?
Maybe this game should register their permit under gambling commision
Otherwise, it is better to fix the price of a Hero character without any dubious scheme
Who knows what is the probability of having a jiaxu or mylu in this wheel of shit?
Author: C4ncan    Time: 2018-7-2 21:10
Trinket box say give out hersbit and lantern but you gave me 80 RO you cheat...
If you do not compensate me with mylu box i Will be very dissapointed...i was cheated
Author: Davidhorac    Time: 2018-7-2 21:58
Lol , all the while this way man , they will not fixed a price as they cant, if they said , means a game for rich  players , sometimes they r lenient , but guess .....
20k for a wheel n get all resources ,not a single hero , common man , just be happy that u can built up ur heores with resources though disappointed , no laughing , but i exp myself !!!!!!

Author: Davidhorac    Time: 2018-7-2 22:07
C4ncan replied at 2018-7-2 21:10
Trinket box say give out hersbit and lantern but you gave me 80 RO you cheat...
If you do not compen ...

They r CHEATING , as they r able to give 80 RO , what a nice gm !!! Good job !!!sleeping on ur job hahahaahahaha !!!!!!

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