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Title: To Rank in the World War Competition, You Can Maximize Your Value and Resources! [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2019-7-11 09:37
Title: To Rank in the World War Competition, You Can Maximize Your Value and Resources!
Edited by COTK-Chen at 2019-7-11 09:37

Event. World War Competition
Dear players,
New Cross event World War is to be begun! You can fight in new world map! During the World War, three random countries from all servers are made one team. At beginning, three teams are appointed randomly into Wei, Shu and Wu to fight in each competition. lords can get Pearl Case Fragment and S.Pearl Fragment by obtaining a good rank. Come on and unify the whole world!
>Details of World War<
>> Event Time:
Registration Time:
Maintenance completed Jul.11th - Jul.12th 12:00 (GMT+8)
Competition Time:  20:00 - 22:00 Jul.12th
                                 20:00 - 22:00 Jul.13th
                                 20:00 - 22:00 Jul.14th
                                 20:00 - 22:00 Jul.15th

                                 20:00 - 22:00 Jul.16th
>> Required Level: above Lv.90
>> Server: S1 - S100
>> Groups & Schedule:
Three random countries
from all servers are made one team. Teams which join the World War for the first time will meet their opponents selected by system automatically. Then opponents will be selected and arranged automatically by system based on the points of participants.
Every day there is a match which lasts 2 hours during World War for 5 consecutive days.
>> How to join
Players could open the registration page by clicking the event icon in the main interface. Then click the ‘Sign up’ button to join for the competition.
>> Rewards:
1)Every day from the end of competition to 12:00 the next day, players can claim rewards according to the number of cities team points and your siege and enemies you kill. You can also use Gold to claim more rewards.
2)At the end of all competitions, each team will get the rewards from Top States according the cumulative score, and then win the rewards from Top States. What’s amazing now, lords whose kill numbers are ranked in the top of 100 can get the rich rewards from Top Heroes according rank.
Rewards are listed as follows:
1.Top Heroes Rewards for top 100 (based on rank):
2.Top States Rewards (based on rank):

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