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Title: Fake gold clones [Print this page]

Author: zhoA    Time: 2014-11-9 11:10
Title: Fake gold clones
Edited by zhoA at 2014-11-9 11:14

This Alanl on s8 shu rank below 100 in arena with gjia is typical fake gold clone... Gm do your job and ban before everyone use fake gold again.  Btw I am almost certain this acct was what machau tested on to have everyone banned.

Author: ude    Time: 2014-11-9 11:34
Lately these shu s8 clones been getting gjia and boosting initiative like crazy also Gm u need to check satria, kocok, and mystic these fucking clones need to get banned
Author: Redragon    Time: 2014-11-9 12:07
Why my name is not on that list ? Im powerfull player from shu s8 and i want to be famous too
Author: patyapkc    Time: 2014-11-9 12:37
Edited by patyapkc at 2014-11-9 12:39

Yes gm please check AlanL , he every time tell me he got no money but how can he rc so much to get gj
please tell me how much he rc , I am gonna tell his mama
Author: devil_eye    Time: 2014-11-9 23:46
Edited by devil_eye at 2014-11-9 23:48

Now you see Alan, we've told you not to get Guo Jia too fast you don't listen, now those cheater are complaining about you
And mystic you too, level up too fast !
Author: Drei    Time: 2014-11-10 00:47
Author: The_spicy    Time: 2014-11-10 01:25
Simaa is this all you do? Complain about Shu? AlanL was over VIP 8 before he got Guo Jia same with his brother mystic, and Machau using clones? What a joke, Maco barely plays you chump
Author: ude    Time: 2014-11-10 04:21
Vip8 below rank 100 in arena? Wow
Author: The_spicy    Time: 2014-11-10 09:00
Maybe he's below 100 now that he's leveling his Jia up but Alan has more than 4500 init I know that for a fact he used to be behind me in the arena around 44 or so, granted he dropped to lvl his Jia and I my Ji but we could easily claw our way back under 50 with a gen change Ude.
Author: The_spicy    Time: 2014-11-10 09:07
I just saw a screenshot of his rank on whatsapp, atm? Rank 35, not sure when 35 became lower than 100 in the arena but hey maybe I missed that update...
Author: AlanLCK    Time: 2014-11-10 09:39
What is there to cry for when I out my Gjia with init of 4700+...who are you to criticize me of using fake gold accusations when u didn't hav the proof to penalize me...all you know is crying for mummys milk when we shu8 grows stronger day by day...wake up ya brain & play enjoy the game with all ya frens...it's juz a game dude...learn to respect ya opponents
Author: ude    Time: 2014-11-10 14:50
Edited by ude at 2014-11-10 14:55

Gm Arthur need to investigate. STOP FAVORING SHU!!!! BTW your initiative is deceiving ..u just using fake gold to buy vouchers to up horcrux nothing special.
Author: patyapkc    Time: 2014-11-10 18:26
if upgrading horcrux is nothing special , then show us what is special ? show me u can get gj with level 1 horcrux BTW u just jealous others are willing to pay more than u in this game , but the fact is there is nothing more u can do except being a cry baby here , I dare u to check

Author: Satriaâ„¢    Time: 2014-11-10 20:58
ude replied at 2014-11-9 11:34
Lately these shu s8 clones been getting gjia and boosting initiative like crazy also Gm u need to ch ...

go check me GM, before "ude" crying again. I am a clone? B'cos i never speak in country chatt?? hahahahahahahah
Author: zhoA    Time: 2014-11-11 04:22
Yet again Fucking Gm favoring shu..maybe let's just get rid of wei and wu and we play shu and fight barbs?
Author: patyapkc    Time: 2014-11-11 07:54
hey good idea , maybe u should just quit wei and play with us at shu , we can eat all the barbs in wei and wu too and the hourly guards , or better still u just buy heyshell and ban us all , by the way I still see u using wei yan , well , just come join us , we make sure u have gj in no time

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