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Title: Address the unbalance [Print this page]

Author: Hawkx    Time: 2014-11-13 06:29
Title: Address the unbalance
Sick and tired of no ballance,wu shu and wei so unbalanced it's getting old so once again I offer a solution

Allow us to send gold to players inside our own country so that we can fix the problem our selfs

This would allow us to make our own guys stronger and our vip level still goes up, for those that buy gold

If you won't help with the problem allow us to fix it

P.S thanks for not even considering what I write

Author: Hawkx    Time: 2014-11-13 06:37
38000 gold I've paid for so read the f,n posts hey shell , Australian money . Not counting the recharges I've done for others
Author: Athur    Time: 2014-11-18 10:29
Sir/Madame, sincerely appreciated for the information you provided, and we'll take this matter seriously and forward to our staff, thx
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2014-11-20 08:32
Athur replied at 2014-11-18 10:29
Sir/Madame, sincerely appreciated for the information you provided, and we'll take this matter serio ...

This weeks event will tell you how unbalanced  some country's are. most of wu's players can't even enter event in s18 so I guess only the strong can have prizes . And if only the strong can have prizes the inbalance grows and players give up when there is no hope .   

By the way I'm one of the strong fighting for the weaker players right to have fun .


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