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Title: Hemet Nesingwary is an anagram of Ernest Hemingway [Print this page]

Author: xingwang    Time: 2020-1-11 09:59
Title: Hemet Nesingwary is an anagram of Ernest Hemingway
Hemet is conceivably one of the best acclimatized quest-givers in Angel of Warcraft history. In Classic, Hemet gives players of WOW Classic Gold both factions the befalling to coursing agrarian bold in the boscage of Stranglethorn Vale.

While leveling up, players will aswell accretion accidental pages from the acclaimed hunter's book, "The Blooming Hills of Stranglethorn" from mobs that they kill. These pages can be traded or awash on the Bargain House, and a amateur that collects the abounding book will get a nice accession to their XP.

Hemet became so acclimatized with players during Archetypal that Bang confused Hemet to MMOBC assorted zones in all of the game's expansions to acquiesce players accession befalling to coursing massive beasts. And yes, "Hemet Nesingwary" is an anagram of Ernest Hemingway.

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