Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Support lowering of gold price! [Print this page]

Author: Aptknack    Time: 2014-12-31 14:56
Title: Support lowering of gold price!
Edited by Aptknack at 2015-1-2 14:57

Hi all,

Happy 2015 to everyone! I think it is good to get things off your chest whenyou feel like expressing it, and putting things behind. In terms of this game,I have some views also.
I totally understand this is business for the GM, but it is also fun for theplayers. But I think when knowledge spreads more and more, you will realizethat maybe we can hope for better.

For some time many have asked me if the chinese server is really cheaper andare their costs the same. I mean if their gold is cheaper but costs higher thenof course that will make no difference. However, the point of this post is tomake a strong request to the GM to understand that we are all human beings. Iknow you hope no one knows the real cost of things, heck if I am the GM I willalso want to charge high and earn more.

But reality is, more and more people are understanding that the real costs ofthe original game is actually 3 times lower than this. Once and for all, I willshow everyone how it is like on the chinese servers.

Aside to Arthur and gang, I have nothing against the GM, but in reality it isexpensive and that is why players resort to cheating and fake recharging, andyou lose players over time. There are many other games like Kungfu House andClash of Clans etc applying similar models but much less expensive and easierto "have fun" even without spending much. You have to consider thepossibility that, the forumla of satisfaction = FUN/COSTS, maybe getting lowerfor COTK and higher for some of these other games. I like the game and wouldwant to see players spend on it, but it is hard to make them spend on theinsane amount of things that you refuse to give into, not even the basic goldprice. I think if you lower the gold price by 3 times, not only you will notlose customers to other games, you will have more players spending. I cannotguarantee the overall profit of your revenues, but I can promise 2 things thatwill happen. 1) People will have better things to say about the English COTKversion - which translates into business 2) Your revenue streams will lastlonger. (At the pace this is going, the game will die a year or 2). Lower costswill prolong the revenue streams and may over be better, or breaking even withcurrent situation. - BECAUSE, you cannot stop people from knowing the truth ofthe costs in this game.

Now to the main post. This is the screenshot I posted sometime back.
Although this is denominated in SGD, a little conversion is clear that USD100 gets you 6300 gold. For our English version, USD100 gets you 2300 (2.73 times exact), almost 3 times more expensive. This is alright IF the costs of all the other items in the game is also 3 times more expensive than our English version. However, this is not the case.

Let us start with gold that we spend almost everyday.
Familiar? Free silver, wood, food for daily login. 1 gold iron and 5 gold gem first worship. Exactly the same cost. Let's see another...

Well I can't show you the 5 gold per refine because I have 29 advance orders. You can see however the free is also 12 per 6 hours. I assure you if I use up all my 29 advance, you will see the 5 gold per refine. I was considering if I should use up all the 29 advance just to show the 5, but heck if you don't believe it's 5 then just go spend your gold wkwkwk. Next one, interesting also...

Well in the latest version of COTK, there are free advance summon (like advance refine), but you can see the advance*10 summon costs also 1400 gold also.
Imagine if you recharge USD100 and you have 2300 gold, you cannot even do 2 advance*10. BUT if the gold you get for USD100 is 6300, you can do 4 TIMES advance*10 SUMMON!!!! That is potentially 4 PURPLE heroes!!!! and 36 RED heroes!! for now if you spend 2300 on liegeman, you can at BEST get 1 purple hero and well, 15 RED heroes, if you use advance only. So spending on liegeman, well good to have but unless you are very rich, you have to live with free summon. The GM don't seem to understand that if I can have 6300 gold, I will spend more on this area.

One more thing about liegeman, GM can correct me if I am wrong, you seem to have lowered the probability of Purple liegeman even with advance*10 purchase following the Chinese server probability, however, they are given 6300 gold, you can do that to them, but we are given 2300 gold, you still don't give us purple for every 1400 summon, how to use this function more often?

Other costs are simply the same as well:
30 gold for paid explore
40gold for 25SP
10 gold for additional daily task star

Do you see any difference in costs at all???

How about in game spending? Such as shadows?
It is still 20 gold per shadow. I used up my free shadows to show the 20 gold wkwk. Well for USD100 now I can shadow 115 times. For those in chinese server, a RC of USD100 gives them 315 shadows. well, the thought of that makes me want to shadow less now.

I think you get the point. The costs in the chinese game is not more expensive, they are paying for items and stuff the same amount of gold as us, but they get cheaper gold.

This post is not to punish or blame the GM. We want to spend ourselves. But are we super-generous or super-stupid? that we look at this and decide we are going to live with this. 2015 is coming, I ask the GM to surprise us pleasantly and allow the price to be the same as the Chinese servers. I assure you, you will see prolonged spending and even some people who didn't spend may also start spending. I have set a poll and hopefully, our views are heard and something done. Have a good year ahead.

YunFei, S7

Author: bibon    Time: 2014-12-31 15:14
Agree with YunFei.
Bravo S7 S9
Happy new year for all COTK player, game for fun and make friends with other.
Happy new year GM. waiting for same gold price with Chinese server
Author: Lancelot    Time: 2014-12-31 15:19
Support this shit
Author: Nobility    Time: 2014-12-31 15:29
Agree indeed.... please just make some new revolution changes, so that we can enjoy playing and rc more...but when its too high??  Not fun at all...

Thank u
Author: Isabella@0521    Time: 2015-1-1 00:23
Well if that the case no point we being the cash cow.No more RC until they sort it out.It real cash vs virtual cash they have nothing to lose
Author: atrenis    Time: 2015-1-1 09:39
Well they cant exactly change this unless they are willing to refund or rebate in gold to those whom have already spend thousands on this game so i am guessing nothing is going to be done about this.
Author: MerLynn    Time: 2015-1-1 16:01
Dear Bos,

First of all, I want to say thank you to my brother to raise this issue up and I would like to agree of his comment and solution.

Our GM also want a fair play that we could seen in our user interface notification. It would be sound amazing if our GM can perform converter.
Actually, I also want our GM to do some "adjustment" like give bonus from our past period top up but I understood that you can't finish it all issue at the same time.

Please listen to our request to convert or adjust our payment. Hopefully GM can accept and answer our small request as soon as possible and thank you.

MerLynn S18
Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-1-1 17:00
Voted, great post Yunfei Hope GM listen to us and adjust the gold package in a fair manner.
Author: [rc]    Time: 2015-1-1 17:20
I have filed a several complained to GM over this issues too, but seems like our dearest Mr gm didn't even bother explaining !!!
this had been very frustrating. The only respond i gt is " the Chinese server had a different developer "
I guess GM try to bluff everyone believing that crap excuses...
what a total joke on management !!!!
Author: Hocky1131    Time: 2015-1-1 18:46
Many players already sound their disagreement over the price of gold in this game. I personally think that if there is still no response at all from the management, means this forum is only read by those low rank officers of service department who cant make the job well done. What harm will it makes to you only to forward these messages from the players to the authorized or decision making leader and then come back to us with a certain answer? I think we deserve far much respect here.
Author: Dhafe    Time: 2015-1-1 22:13

Great posting Bro YunFei... Now let us see what GM reaction... Hope the gold price will be same like in the original version.
-Dartztyle s9-
-Dhafe s.14-
Author: ShuAegis    Time: 2015-1-2 00:24
Firstly, we need more players participating in this vote, so please spread this post link (http://bbs.heyshell.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1798) to your respective server and country. Thanks.

Secondly, given that heyshell is redistributing and rebranding the chinese game, I can understand if the price here is more expensive than the original. Most likely Heyshell have to pay some form of royalty fees to the original developer, in addition to covering their own operational expenses and making a profit on top of that. Even if it turns out Heyshell and the original chinese game developer are in the same business group, I can still understand the reason for adopting a different pricing strategy for local and international market.

Thirdly, however, I do think Heyshell hasn’t allocate enough work (i.e. funds) into making this game more acceptable for the international market. The quality and response time of support (think Arthur), the very low quality standard on documentation (incomprehensible at times, and plagued with spelling & grammatical errors), the obvious cherry-picking on banning the use of clone accounts, the very self-centred message regarding “fake recharge” that we all have to see every time we login (I personally find it offensive)… all of these suggest a small shop operation that has very little capability (again read: funds allocated) to deal with the international market.

Fourthly, given the 3rd point above, I do think this 3x gold price increase compared to the original Chinese game is really unjustified. We’re given sub-standard support & lower quality of documentation (at least the Chinese players won’t have translation problem nor have to face inarticulate support personnel), practically no added-value at all compared to the original game, and yet we have to pay 3x higher? If Heyshell management has any clue at all, they should at least understood that no business can be sustained in this way unless it’s a monopoly of basic human needs; or b) it’s a monopoly of a thing that addicts need.

Finally, given the above, I suggest Heyshell to either lower the gold price to a more reasonable level, or drastically improve the support and customer service experience, or any other initiatives that give us more value compared to the original game players. If there's no step taken to implement any of these soon, I will assume Heyshell does see itself like a drug dealer providing an expensive fix to their already hooked customers (the players), and therefore see no reason to take any feedback seriously: after all, who needs to listen to addicts, they will always come back for more fix regardless their complaint, won’t they?

In which case I rest my case, and will simply prove Heyshell wrong by quitting this game for good.

Author: Shawn888    Time: 2015-1-2 13:12
Guys, FYI I have a friend in the gaming industry and he told me for this type of games. it only cost US$ 40K - US$ 50K to write the gaming programme in China
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-1-2 16:45
I feel like I have been raped after reading this post ,no wonder chinese players so powerful ,this almost feels racist , I'm am discussed in this and suport you fully on this mater .please keep this going more people see this the more support you will gain
Author: [rc]    Time: 2015-1-3 09:30
Hi again...
seems like no respond again from Mr GM..
I wondering did he even read this forums...
considering to quit this game for good too.

vip 9
5% more to vip 10
Author: susumama    Time: 2015-1-3 12:36
Hello there,
GM I also agree with YunFei to lower the gold price.
Believe me ur income will get more and for sure lastlong.
I will.wait until it become reality to make me rc again
VIP ..
Author: sima    Time: 2015-1-3 13:36
totally agree. we would spend more for same goods but better service. Here GM service and support very bad. Every events just copy and past from Chinese version and you sell with 3 time higher price. But hell yeah, the top up event used to be good before and now no more. I know you target only few players who can make your game survive but those players will leave also when the game become bored, many players left, less players mean boring.

Sima s8, so bored nowday fighting only with clones, and ready to leave this game if this situation doesn't change. Anyway, happy new year to all.
Author: atrenis    Time: 2015-1-4 16:13
wah first time see all the big boys uniting....hope gm really take note of this issue....but it would probably be achievable only if all of us stop the recharging...which is kinda impossible
Author: Fenrir    Time: 2015-1-4 22:44
been talking about this with YunFei couple months ago until I decided to take off some time due to work. I saw some newer server still buying lotsa of gold. But I tried playing in one of the new server. It seems that the gold consumption rate has gone down quite a lot compared with people from old server. Do think about this Heyshell. You guys made lots of money without giving back anything to the community. I stopped charging big time since couple months ago and will not recharge anymore than I need to for monthly needs.
So bloody do it Heyshell.
Author: ccc    Time: 2015-1-4 22:53
Pls lower the gold price!

Jackoooooo S11
Author: devil_eye    Time: 2015-1-6 23:52
ALL HAIL YunFei!!!

For the same game (just diferrent language), China have 2 version, Taiwan has 1 version, Japanese version and more, every version of the same game gold price is different but not too much but, why this English version is the most expensive if compare to Taiwan version which is almost 3 time cheaper?
Or Gm think player who play in this English version is richer?

Author: patyapkc    Time: 2015-1-7 01:22
Not only the gold is expensive, they even lower down the percentage u get from free stuff ,  people will rc if they are happy but not being forced to , u are making it hard for players to play ,  not only big spender but as well as free players
Author: IamNoob    Time: 2015-1-7 01:31
I see many players including the top players of this game already giving their support and comments on this matter. Stop recharging or even worse quit the game is just a matter of time. Once again, your service sucks and your gold price is even worse !!!

Author: susumama    Time: 2015-1-7 15:07
Lai laii Medan kia lagi gabungg...
Author: jody    Time: 2015-1-7 15:43
absolutely agree with mr yunfei


Author: Megantropus    Time: 2015-1-7 18:11
Author: Wumin    Time: 2015-1-10 19:15
Gm arthur pls look into this .. I from sg n i feel weird that there are 2 differents sets of purchasing gold under one company .. n u are clever to merge S7,S8,S9,S10 to build more server 23 and 24 to be coming soon.. this is not how u do it ..
anyway pls solve this gold issues first..
Author: wboyd    Time: 2015-1-10 21:20
1st of all gm need alot of planning b4 they can lower the gold charges. Cause the game will go unbalance but wtf i care ITS YOUR JOB GM. Figure it out and come back to us within 7days with an answer.

I will ask for support frm Wu on my server

Author: snowiee    Time: 2015-1-10 22:33
Hi GM,
will try to bring across this message short & sweet for you.

* your income doesn't generate progressively by regularly opening new servers/hosting competitions tourney having limited sales.
We aren't bots, we do think before we spend.

So if you wanna have progressive income and regular supporters, its now your time to think.

Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-1-11 17:00
My English version how can I possibly keep up in gold purchase ,with other versions ? If we can't compete at same level why would we play .get the point!!!   

Fair gold prices is all we want
Author: GizelGodW    Time: 2015-1-11 17:09
Why u no just play at chinese server then? Lol
Author: Shawn888    Time: 2015-1-11 17:39
I am already playing the China server and it is a lot a lot better in terms of gold price and game function
Author: val    Time: 2015-1-11 21:50
Can i hav d chinese ver u playin.
Author: memed123456789    Time: 2015-1-12 14:09
Agreed with all master cotk player..
IGN Wildgeese

Author: Shawn888    Time: 2015-1-13 01:32
It is 兵戒天下 www.feidou.com\yttx
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-1-13 06:21
GizelGodW replied at 2015-1-11 17:09
Why u no just play at chinese server then? Lol

After spending all the money already why change make them fix it and be fair
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-1-13 14:40
Don't let this post fade away
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-1-13 14:42
Arthur send our response to english version gold prices
Author: stonemanlz    Time: 2015-1-14 15:45
I think this GM happy get drunk with girls using our money all the time. They don't care but I support this
Author: Freshbie    Time: 2015-1-14 17:56
The only way to bring this into a serious consideration is by stopping all the purchase. When we agree but still buying, then I don't think this GM will care. Lets see the servers merging case, S4 and S7 as examples, I think many players have stop buying or buy far much less than before. Then this company decided to merge them into 1 server. Their only care is not whether you are bored, winning or losing. It is because by merging will generate a new challenge for a new domination from players which also mean cash flow to their bank account from the less profit servers.

Everyone face same problem in this game such as difficulty in leveling, stuck at special instance for a new hero, getting good combo of liegements, up the polish of armament and the hocrux, refining the needed equipments and so on.. These kind of problems will be much easier for us as players to solve with a better gold price. So kindly ask everyone in your server to support your and our opinion here. Btw, yes your improvement will be slowing down for a bit and for a while, however think further please..

apologize if I say something inappropriate here.. thanks

Author: Athur    Time: 2015-1-15 18:34
Sir/Madame,they're different games and operated by different team, sincerely hope you could understand, thx
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-1-15 19:29
Shawn888 replied at 2015-1-13 01:32
It is 兵戒天下 www.feidou.com\yttx

This is a stupid question but I ask anyways , can I get chinese version and keep my current progress? Or am I stuck with this English version ,witch cost me 3300 Australian dollars so far
Author: Hawkx    Time: 2015-1-15 19:38
Athur replied at 2015-1-15 18:34
Sir/Madame,they're different games and operated by different team, sincerely hope you could understa ...

Thank you
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-1-16 00:55
when 1gold cost 10k usd?
Author: Shawn888    Time: 2015-1-16 02:31
The gold is a lot a lot cheaper in the Chinese version and in the chinese version there is a lot of new function which the English version have not release. This will means that you will need to Rc for more gold to try the new function in the English server. I'm already vip 10 nearly 11 but I totally quit the English version now before I rc further in the English server....why spend more when there is a cheaper version. Game is for leisure and if gameplay is the same why pay more? Only bad thing is have to replay everything again.
Author: Aptknack    Time: 2015-1-16 12:37
Athur replied at 2015-1-15 18:34
Sir/Madame,they're different games and operated by different team, sincerely hope you could understa ...

Arthur, are you saying we are paying more because this is actually a different game? Think about that....

Or are you saying we are paying more because the operators are different? Think hard about this also...

Please understand if I am the GM and you are the player, you, or your friends, will ask me the same things.
Author: beatstick    Time: 2015-1-18 18:06
Everyone to stop RC and to stop playing for 1 month?
Author: atrenis    Time: 2015-1-18 18:43
hmm i tried to sign up for the chinese version but got stuck at a page that ask me to register a phone number. doesnt seem to accept singapore number...anyone can help guide me through on how to get started on the chinese version?
Author: zhoA    Time: 2015-1-18 18:44
He is telling us heyshell is a fucking greedy company and wants to rip is off.
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-3 11:57
zhoA replied at 2015-1-18 18:44
He is telling us heyshell is a fucking greedy company and wants to rip is off.

Sir/Madame,they're different games and operated by different team, sincerely hope you could understand, thx
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-3 11:57
atrenis replied at 2015-1-18 18:43
hmm i tried to sign up for the chinese version but got stuck at a page that ask me to register a pho ...

Sir/Madame,they're different games and operated by different team, sincerely hope you could understand, thx
Author: atrenis    Time: 2015-2-4 12:49
Athur replied at 2015-2-3 11:57
Sir/Madame,they're different games and operated by different team, sincerely hope you could unders ...

Same game different company you mean....well different if you consider that what we are playing is just a older version ...
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-4 14:30
atrenis replied at 2015-2-4 12:49
Same game different company you mean....well different if you consider that what we are playing is ...

Sir/Madame, we're sorry we have no idea what the game is operated in Chinese mainland, cause these are two games, thx for your understanding
Author: V1cky    Time: 2015-2-10 14:05
Visit www.feidou.com, then login using your current heyshell id and password. taddaaaaaaa... can login without need to sign up.

2 different games you fucking liar head la !!!

Author: Boothe    Time: 2015-2-19 20:17
Moving to Chinese Version
Author: benjol    Time: 2015-2-21 07:58
V1cky replied at 2015-2-10 14:05
Visit www.feidou.com, then login using your current heyshell id and password. taddaaaaaaa... can log ...

Hahaha.. I can login with my heyshel id too..  since know this shit, I stop rc and maybe stop playing this version. GM is a big liar and a cheater
Author: kalijaga    Time: 2015-2-22 13:31

It's not fun anymore. Wei S11 seems to stop playing the game because their leading players are moving to Chinese servers. Now it is becoming romance of two kingdoms in S11 rather than three kingdom.

If you are not adjusting the gold price ASAP the same as Chinese server. then you will lose the player like me and many others. Either we will move to Chinese server or we simply quit the game.

Kalijaga s11
Author: brothercao    Time: 2015-3-9 16:10
to be honest, even the chinese/taiwan server guys know about us now and they are amused we are paying this. Super.
Author: FvckAthur    Time: 2015-3-10 23:56
Yawn~~ he answer all the same and cant bring any argument back
fuck youu athur hahahaha suck my dick cocksuckers

brainless fucktard
Author: bibon    Time: 2015-4-13 12:04
lift up..... lift up.... lift up

Author: f3afless    Time: 2015-4-13 12:51
ridiculous ... easily spent plenty of chest and in warehouse trinket works get nothing good lol
Author: f3afless    Time: 2015-4-13 13:08
Whois Server Version 2.0

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.

Domain Name: FEIDOU.COM
Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 420
Whois Server: grs-whois.hichina.com
Referral URL: http://www.net.cn
Name Server: NS2.KAIXIN001.COM
Name Server: NS4.KAIXIN001.COM
Status: ok http://www.icann.org/epp#OK
Updated Date: 05-jan-2015
Creation Date: 01-mar-2008
Expiration Date: 01-mar-2016


Whois Server Version 2.0

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.

Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 420
Whois Server: grs-whois.hichina.com
Referral URL: http://www.net.cn
Name Server: NS2.KAIXIN001.COM
Name Server: NS4.KAIXIN001.COM
Status: clientUpdateProhibited http://www.icann.org/epp#clientUpdateProhibited
Updated Date: 12-jun-2014
Creation Date: 10-jul-2013
Expiration Date: 10-jul-2015

--- bull shit different company
Author: wendy    Time: 2015-4-13 13:30
Vampire version
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2015-4-13 14:52
Agree with YunFei.
Bravo S7 S8 S9 S10
Happy new year for all COTK player, game for fun and make friends with other.
Waiting for same gold price with Chinese server....
Author: MaxC4D    Time: 2015-4-13 23:19
Edited by MaxC4D at 2015-4-13 23:38

Agree and support this,great Yunfei...

Author: WarSpirit    Time: 2015-4-14 19:06
100% support.
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-4-15 10:41
V1cky replied at 2015-2-10 14:05
Visit www.feidou.com, then login using your current heyshell id and password. taddaaaaaaa... can log ...

Sir, these are different games and the price have all been already set so that it cannot be modified under the heyshell platform, in addition, if it were modified, it would hurt the benefit of players who have recharged before, thx for ur understanding  
Author: Swdong    Time: 2015-4-15 12:22
if that's the case, you can just recalculate the difference between old rate and new rate and compensate the different into gold and send it to individual acc using claim code for each acc.It would be more fair for both old and new player.

Example :
different old rate and new rate about 100g and the player already recharge 100.000 gord

in that case u can just calc = 100 x 100.000

There's no such thing as diificult or impossible, the problem is your willingnes to do it.

Author: PanerBruno    Time: 2015-4-15 15:35
Sir, these are different games and the price have all been already set so that it cannot be modified under the heyshell platform, in addition, if it were modified, it would hurt the benefit of players who have recharged before, thx for ur understanding  


Woi gm don't reply the same massage by using copy paste from other thread that u already reply..

this complain is for u to solve the problem not to prolong with excuse bla bla bla bla


Author: zha0yun    Time: 2015-4-16 00:23
Let me repeat this again for us to hear:
"Our Dear Sir Artur is the only person working in COTK english. He's working as GM, Webmaster, Admin, Moderator, IT support and even Translator. Lol, sux to be working all by himself "
There's no one else taking care of COTK english.
He's the sole person responsible that needs to be crucified to redeem all this mess, lol

He gets a percentage Commision fee from your RC
And that's why all his reply in this forum are basically telling u to be patient & in the meantime plz keep RC-ing, lol.

Author: Lolo    Time: 2015-4-16 00:31
Everyone complaining everyday, quit la quit la. this game is already not meaningful to play with, i rather play candy crush u cb arthur
Author: Konyaku    Time: 2015-4-16 05:05
Dear Arthur / GM,

This is indeed a very discouraging discovery and a potentially disastrous one for Heyshell if not handled well. You have had evidence all thrown back at you so please stop telling us its a different game / developer excuses. Sorry, not excuses but LIES.

At this point you are still attempting to lie to us as though we were all born yesterday? For the last time Arthur (you fail to respond timely and satisfactory for every request / comment I post up), please do something about this matter. Adjusting and backlogging algorithms should be easily available from your china side. We are not even asking for a refund in cash, just for you to be fair to us and rebate our gold according to what we have spent.

Again, I believe all eyes are on you and are looking forward to your prompt reply and resolve on this matter.


Konyaku - S12
VIP 11

Author: Emilia    Time: 2015-4-16 05:59
I think we should taking a lawsuit against this money grabber scamming company
Even with no RC, they think they already win because they already have milking out your money
That's why they don't taking seriously our demands and making a silly announcement
If someone here know about law please help these people to seek justice
Just translate the game and then charge 3 times more expensive
Wow, What an ultimate money grab plan
Author: uuhh    Time: 2015-4-16 13:58
Lolo replied at 2015-4-16 00:31
Everyone complaining everyday, quit la quit la. this game is already not meaningful to play with, i  ...

psst... candy crush good... can hack... n its FREE...


Author: uuhh    Time: 2015-4-16 14:02
Emilia replied at 2015-4-16 05:59
I think we should taking a lawsuit against this money grabber scamming company
Even with no RC, they ...

ROFL... any Lawyer here playin this game ?

read their TOS b4 u intend to sue them...

coz u ll end up losing... or making ur lawyer laff at u ...

unless u ve found a solid ground to hav a lawsuit...

otherwise u wont win...

stoppin RC is 1 of the way... n lettin new players like me know it too...

so we as new players also refrain from RC...

there r plenty of place to spread of this unsatisfactory feelin...

n plenty of place to let ppl know besides this forum wat HEYSHELL is doin...

we onli can hope tht the company will consider the comments from the players n make amendments...

price of gold can maintain... but increase item gain wit the amount of gold is a good step

towards a better service...

Author: MerLynn    Time: 2015-4-16 14:07
To all players, VIP, VVIP, or Newbie, please ur cooperation to donot recharge to COTK Heyshell.
One of the point of Arthur statements “it would hurt the benefit of players who haverecharged before” but our concern to make the price same with ChineseVersion. The problems pop out from VVIP players, so why did u say that it goingto hurt VIP players?


Question: did u ask for compensation that u have been donewith your recharge?
My opinion, better let it be, and let we start new system(Low Price) happily. And VIP players should be can understand that all of you already one step ahead then lower VIP oreven Newbie. Forget about compensation and all of us can start new system forbetter future.
First of all, really really big sorry to super VIP playersif hurt you so much, in case if u still asked for compensation, Arthur also didn’tstupid to allow it, because after SUPER VIP Players got it, perhaps they willnot recharge anymore or a bit only for the probability.

TO Arthur

U need to see your potential markets, mostly around Asia,and your price too expensive for them. Remember, most of your players still don’thave great suit, items, gem, iron, etc. When you make the price lower or same withChinese version, you still can get big money from that.
So, how it can be work?
The answer’s simple, u still can get it from your TURN OVER. Commissions that you can getwhen they upgrade their suits or item will get benefit between players and youArthur.

Let’s start new system with low price, forget about compensation, stop recharge until Arthur done with his job. Also need all of your support and your cooperation, shall we?

Author: MerLynn    Time: 2015-4-16 14:19
Remember Arthur, u need to buy new version of yourLamborgini, don’t keep always use your old version, must replace it.

And one thing, I talked about logic and probability, if youralgorithm calculated it to hold your previous statement will get a lot ofbenefit, just do it !!!

MerLynn S15/S18

Author: Levantsarch    Time: 2015-4-16 17:49
Lol MerLynn
This thread was hidden into page 28 by our friend Dear Sir Artur.
Let's keep it on Page 1.

Players Unite !!  
Author: WuZeDian    Time: 2015-4-16 20:38

I had moved since 3 months ago and it is quite fun here. You should ask fellow cotk fans here to go with you. First the language will be a bit barrier, but after a while most of you dont even need to read to know which button is for what. It is only a short adapting moment to new environment. Trust me, it worths an effort. I believe you will find suits are affordable cause they are like 3 times cheaper and the most fun part is the price for King heroes. Here you buy 1, there you can afford 3 Kings already. You dont have to worry about what heroes to use cause final form will go nowhere far from these 3 Kings. You will never find the fun and excitement like while you play here though sometimes you dont understand all the chat. However if most of you gather together and then make 1 English server at the chinese version, that will be a legendary and the first one ever.

Gather as many players as you can and then decide to go which new servers that has not been launched. Remember if you plan to play long term, dont ever hold your money for first recharge.

Last of all, HEY HEYSHELL, you are a bunch of big cowards i ever known !!!!!!!!!! I pity you for not having a gut to reveal the truth that you are so bloodsucking creatures ever created in this planet who dont ever dare to let people speak freely. Moving timeline of this thread only show how pussy you really are. You are a big shame to call yourself Chinese. Su Do Wu Gui !!!!!!!
Author: PanerBruno    Time: 2015-4-16 21:18



Author: Konyaku    Time: 2015-4-17 17:16
Dear Arthur,

You still refuse to seriously address this issue to your customers?

Konyaku - S12
VIP 11  
Author: MartonoLim    Time: 2015-4-17 18:02
lil bit advice my friends,
rather than complaining better u guys  VVVV VIPs join then make a better game than this Cotk,
heysh** already eat your money so much...
or maybe buy Cotk licence from their main company / feidou...
develop a bit....
then ask Cotk to move to your game, give them same privilige they have here before or even better.

just my 2 cent

Author: wan88    Time: 2015-4-18 20:19
Dear GM ...thats why i already stop RC for very very and very long time a go...i think u know what is tge reason ha ha


Wanz s7

Author: COTK-Lame    Time: 2015-4-24 23:43
arthur fired already guys, pls understand
Author: PanerBruno    Time: 2015-5-5 10:41
Fired? last time i still see him ol? xoxo..just make me laugh..GAG of the day

this is the best thread ever..thousand of user id have seen this thread..

should give a trophy for this thread
Author: feicia    Time: 2017-3-21 20:17
sooo??? no reply from GM?
Author: LeeGrace    Time: 2017-3-22 01:56
Its realy unfair
Are we les then they are
They should Get This even with the rest asap

Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2017-5-8 22:37
Dear gm  . Can you give any explanation why all the gold  has increase so drastically ?
Author: Sterk    Time: 2017-5-9 20:11
To be frank. GM makes money from the game, doubt he will ever explain the reasons. Afterall, many players still rc knowing this.
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2017-5-10 09:50
I speak about increase 10% of price on applestore
Author: Tcottulysse    Time: 2018-3-22 15:17
rc no more
Author: Cortex    Time: 2018-3-22 17:52
i need guide how to play in china version. cos i can't sign up thier
Author: 卓素芬    Time: 2018-4-22 19:17
I’m not defending Heyshell, but the one who understands Chinese can see www.feidou.com
In my opinion, Chinese server is recommeded for VERY-HIGH-VIP-RICH-PLAYER(S).
if you are in English version only around VIP 5-7, suggest u not to play in Chinese server, haha. u know what, Special Heroes & Awakened Heroes such as X.Qiao C.Wenji Da Qiao Diao Chan etc can really easy be gotten by recharge or throughout events. it is true that u can get more gold in Chinese Server, but I think u will find it boring since there are lots of special heroes around, and the game will be too easy. Besides, events in Chinese bersion 70% recharge events.. if u recharge specify amount will get blablabla.. so it is optionable wheyher ti play English or Chinese server.
Author: ivy1188    Time: 2018-5-14 23:58
I think gm not read all of this.
Coz they already know our feeling.

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