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Title: Defeat Caocao At GuoJia Map [Print this page]

Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-1-3 18:18
Title: Defeat Caocao At GuoJia Map
Great Regard for all COTK player.

Here i want to share how i pass caocao to get Guojia.why Caocao?, Maybe who ever fight this map will know, this stage is the hardest.

1. hero i use Xuchu,Xdun, Ganning, Dwei, Tsc
2. Average Att (3500) Def (1650 )
3. Line Up and It's Work
    - 1st . Xuchu ==> Must Kill The 1st Gen and still left 3Row
    - 2nd. Xdun ==> The 2nd enemy's Skill will kill 3row xuchu and u have 4row xdun to normal att with him
                                 -If npc wrong skill*( att icon, then u use assoult icon ), guess u will left 1row xdun before 3th enemy out
    -3rd.Ganning==> Kill all the 3rd gen enemy, and still left "1 row"  This Row is for Block 4th Gen....I think Ur Ganning will Block him frequently
    -4th. Dwei ==> Do normal att with 4th gen...and cast the skill to 4row of caocao
    -5th. Tsci ==> Cast the Skill to 4 row caocao. ( My dwei + Tsc Skill to caocao, caocao each row left less then 1000troop )
                           after caocao cast the skill , u still have 4row tsci with( 3row 3kmore tropp+ 1 full troop)
                           * Here i kill cao and still left 1full trop, But its coz caocao Use (att icon ) and i use Assoult Icon..( mybe will hard when cao use assoult *this is i dont know)

For who have Diaochan, i thnk will be more easy here

Only for Share ...any wrong statement or wrong sentence, i said sorry here!!!wish who try this a luck..

Author: Trubite    Time: 2015-1-4 11:30
Bro lim, if use d.chan switch which hero?
Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-1-5 02:41
Trubite replied at 2015-1-4 11:30
Bro lim, if use d.chan switch which hero?

Replace Diao Chan with Gan Ning
Author: beserker    Time: 2015-1-5 08:14
Wats your ARM lvl when you try this? Zhen Ji any good for GJ Inst?

Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-1-5 13:53
Edited by JianYi at 2015-1-5 13:55

Diaochan i dont have, if u have mybe can try replace ganning..just hope ur dchan can block 4th gen..

my arma for this around 80 80 80 60 60 60 gem lvl 10 1 dan 5lvl 9

zji i thnk not useful at gjia map..but my friend ever use zji at no.4 position and give the bubble effect to tsc, then tsc skill caocao to 0 (here i htnk need high att and trick on tsc)

Author: beserker    Time: 2015-1-5 16:15
Wow Bro, How did you get so much iron to get ARM to lvl 80,80,80,60,60,60???? I worship 5 - 9 times a day and iron at 200% boost still will take me ages to get to that.
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-1-5 16:59
beserker replied at 2015-1-5 16:15
Wow Bro, How did you get so much iron to get ARM to lvl 80,80,80,60,60,60???? I worship 5 - 9 times  ...

i seldom worship bro...but all my voucher for iron most...how is ur Arma Level ?
Author: beserker    Time: 2015-1-5 17:01
Hahaha, My Arm lvl is 60,53,60,30,20,30 now. Damn low LOL
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-1-5 17:16
beserker replied at 2015-1-5 17:01
Hahaha, My Arm lvl is 60,53,60,30,20,30 now. Damn low LOL

Ya.. i thnk Still Need to Up 1st bro...but u can try too....mybe u can get with this stat!!! try to make att 3500..specially Tsc try make higher..
Author: huphilip83    Time: 2015-1-5 21:23
Power bro JianYi
Author: beserker    Time: 2015-1-6 09:56
Bro, wats your recommended minimum troops size to get to before trying?
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-1-6 10:54
Try maxsimalisi foster tchi..
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-1-6 17:31
beserker replied at 2015-1-6 09:56
Bro, wats your recommended minimum troops size to get to before trying?

em......i get it when my tsc& Ganning around 72k and xuchu dwei xdun around80k..
Author: ChaosAge    Time: 2015-1-6 21:43
Edited by ChaosAge at 2015-1-6 21:46

I pass guojia with average 64k Troops but average atk 4000, and average defend 1500.. and average blocking per round is 2.. Non VIP, using Formation XuChu Xhdun Ganning Tschi DWei.. Just need pray block every skill n tschi cast skill in cao2 then let dwei fight with rest cao2 troops... Hahah.. Good Luck..

Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-1-8 11:49
My armamen 70/50 only.. Gem 10109 998..  And 23 star polis.. Can I beat Cao-Cao bro lim?
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-1-8 13:52
ukaman87 replied at 2015-1-8 11:49
My armamen 70/50 only.. Gem 10109 998..  And 23 star polis.. Can I beat Cao-Cao bro lim?

Wah......i only 18star that time...u can bro!!!!just need some luck as Chao's said..ur chance will high if ur ganning can left for block 4th gen even ur xuchu no block 2nd gen..try gain bro...wish u a luck
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