Title: So, who has recieved a random package from Similac? [Print this page] Author: brianbennett863 Time: 2021-9-24 23:27 Title: So, who has recieved a random package from Similac? My husband came in with a package, and I often bought things on Amazon, friends, family, and colleagues sent me things, etc. Well, I assumed that he brought it from work or someone gave it to him. He looked at me in confusion, as if I was joking. I asked him where he got it? He said it was at the door, hmm, well, I don't mind the formula, but I prefer to breastfeed, if God wills it. So, I looked at the package and received 2 containers for samples, several coupons, and so on, but still did not order anything. I did sign up for a few things, but literally that day it was impossible for something to arrive in 2 hours, okay, I know I didn't order baby formula. I googled it, and apparently, Similac is sending it to people, and as always, what should I do? Will they keep coming? Am I somehow subscribed to this or am I a member of the club? I don't need it, and I don't want it. Have you experienced anything like this? If they keep sending it, I plan to donate at least some milk.
Thanks. Author: edwardbarnett Time: 2021-9-27 02:42
Lol, no. Did you call them to clarify everything? Author: JasmineHart Time: 2021-9-27 02:43
That's really strange tbh. I've never experienced anything like that. You need to get this back probably Author: KennyOmega Time: 2021-9-27 02:45
I received a weird package with a jumper for a baby. I did not order the item. It came from China and had my name and address information. There was no return address, or point of origin. Should I be worried someone has my personal information (identity theft?). Even though i have ordered a few things from China that have not been delivered yet. I have full knowledge of the delivery process because i use aliexpress tracking system that gives me the exact local postal (country) and final carrier company that will deliver my packages. It’s been a reliable tracking platform for following my worldwide shipments all these years.
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