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Title: Question on Training slot [Print this page]

Author: TaishiCi00    Time: 2014-2-4 03:38
Title: Question on Training slot
im curious what upgrading the training slot does specifically, cant find a guide on it either so I figure I ask in a thread
Author: Arcteryx    Time: 2014-10-4 18:19
can somebody help... i wanna to know also.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2014-10-4 18:48
try then you know
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2014-10-4 18:48
try then you know
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2014-10-5 11:40
Dont try to upgrade ur training slot,,its useless...
Author: CaoPi    Time: 2014-10-6 00:42
No big effect,just more leap exp and more train exp
Better use gold for refine or something better,exp can get from war

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