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Title: BUGS @ server wars [Print this page]

Author: Magician    Time: 2015-2-14 01:03
Title: BUGS @ server wars
Dear GM,

Today i got bug @server war.
Last server war some of my heroes got idle and can't recruit soldiers or move from main city.
This time All of my heroes can't strike or withdraw to any city and make me lost my GOW.
It's ok at beginning but stuck in the last 5 mins.
May you fix all of that so it won't happen again?
Thank you

Author: Athur    Time: 2015-2-14 17:18
Sir, pls check ur network, and refresh it, and as for the thing u mentioned u can't recruit ur hero, pls Click the Hero, and see the under the Recruit Order, thx
Author: Magician    Time: 2015-2-14 17:59
Dear Gm,

For the first problem, i already check my recruit status and I didn't pause my recruit.
Not only me, but also some people got same problems. Commonly, after we use our idle heroes to attack trial tower i will be normal again.
For second problems, I already refreshed my network, cotk program, and also my phone thats why i lost last 5 min to do that but still the same.
But it normal again after the server war finished.
Thx for your response

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