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Title: What sort of excersise? [Print this page]

Author: edwardbarnett    Time: 2022-6-1 03:38
Title: What sort of excersise?
In the fast excersise book, they recommend running or an excersise bike. I don’t want to buy a piece of equipment. And there are no good places to run fast around me without running into people, and definatly no hills.
The book seems to frown on using a skipping rope? Is it really not as good? I’ve seen allot of hiit apps using jumping jacks and such excersise? Can they be used?
Thank you for your thoughts

Author: cedsasd    Time: 2022-6-1 03:57
Edited by cedsasd at 2022-6-1 03:59

Any exercises should be done carefully and under the supervision of a specialist, especially if you have some health problems. Otherwise, you can hurt yourself and slow down the recovery process. It is especially important if a child has been injured since his life processes proceed differently from adults. Therefore, it is very important to find a responsible and good pediatrician. I only take my children to https://www.cameronmch.com/services/pediatrics/. By the way, it is equally important for adults to be examined by a doctor every year to check whether all organs are working correctly. Think about it.

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