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Title: Church volunteer needs tech help please [Print this page]

Author: edwardbarnett    Time: 2022-7-21 14:57
Title: Church volunteer needs tech help please
                    Hi, I volunteered to help my church with the light board RH3 after the person that set it all up left for another opportunity. So, everything is simple but left as is. Recently slider 7 that controls a light over our cross disables or severely limits the other 6 sliders and those light fixtures. I’m reading the manual but also have no experience and I’d like to fix this. I’m not sure if I can do s reboot or program a new setup to fix this or if it’s a wiring problem. They are all single non moving fixtures. Abu guidance or help would be appreciated.                 

Author: Egorklein    Time: 2022-7-21 15:09
What is on fader 7?
Author: Sumerho    Time: 2022-7-21 15:48
I assume that the problem is in the wires and the mains voltage. The device cannot cope with the amount of voltage due to damaged wires. The light in the bulbs cannot correctly recognize the signal, so it does not reach all devices.  I think you should call an electrician to sort out this problem. You did the right thing by agreeing to help the church. I also help from time to time at firstchurchlove.com I can.  But only a specialist can handle this situation; otherwise, you can harm the entire power

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