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Title: Water Purge after Cleaning with Ahh Some? [Print this page]

Author: edwardbarnett    Time: 2022-8-22 18:11
Title: Water Purge after Cleaning with Ahh Some?
                                                                                            This might be a strange question but after using the Ahh Some hot tub cleaner, should I fill the tub up with regular water, run a clean cycle to flush out the lines, drain fully and refill the tub? Or is this not necessary?
        I ask because I changed my water in January and it already appears to need changing again. Its just my wife and I so the waters environment is pretty controlled for the most part.  We usually get a good 4 months of usage before needing to change out the water. But this was the first time I used this product so I didn't know if maybe did something wrong or when I drained the tub. Could there have been some loose bio film, crud or whatever still left in the lines that has caused the water chemistry so change quicker than normal? With the pumps off, the water appears crystal clear and has no odors aside from the Ozonator smell. But once you turn them on, it looks like a bubble bath in there within a couple minutes.
        The water is balanced right and Ive shocked the heck out of it this last week thinking maybe I can get it back to not foaming up uncontrollably, but its just not working.
        Any ideas on this is much appreciated.

Author: Saloumbufing    Time: 2022-8-22 19:14
Edited by Saloumbufing at 2022-8-22 19:21

You should remember a few rules if you want to wash the Jacuzzi efficiently using detergents. First, it is necessary to apply detergent to the entire surface of the Jacuzzi. Secondly, carry out mechanical cleaning with a brush or sponge. You will get rid of dirt or other stains.  Next, it is necessary to pour plenty of water on the walls of the vessels to wash off the detergent and the remnants of dirt. Several friends advised me to contact https://sparklewash.com/eastwisconsin/ to order pressure cleaning services.  However, I'm not sure that such cleaning suits a Jacuzzi. Good luck!

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