Title: Dachshunds and anal glands? [Print this page] Author: brianbennett863 Time: 2022-9-9 22:32 Title: Dachshunds and anal glands? My brother and his wife have their second mini doxie, now 6 years old, and I think she's spayed. Apparently she has a recurring anal gland issue where they seem to require expressing practically every 2 weeks. The last time or two, there has been blood appearing when they were expressed.
She's currently on steroids and not sure if anything else. The vet is now talking surgery to remove the glands with that outside chance of cancer.
Naturally, they are both pretty freaked out and I'm just starting research by asking here.
His vet says that the frequent need to have the anal glands expressed is not uncommon for doxies.
Does anyone know if this is the case?
The vet is suggesting the surgery sooner rather than later at least partly because whatever meds have been giving don't seem to be helping.
Does anyone have experience with anal gland removal surgery, mini doxie or any brand?
Author: Hatrabyn Time: 2022-9-9 22:43
My last girl was a half-miniature dachshund, and with every care, her anal glands stood out.Author: Kentafaw Time: 2022-9-9 22:58
Why does it happen that for one doxie it may be a constant problem, while for another it is intermittent? Maybe I can read about it somewhere? I had a poodle, and he never had gland problems. But he was suffering from cancer, and the only thing we could do was to alleviate his suffering a little with anti-cancer drugs. The doctor did not approve the operation, he said that our boy is unlikely to survive it. I decided to get a dog again, and now I want to be as prepared as possible for anything. If you have any good blogs or articles about treating diseases in dogs, you would be helpful!
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