Title: The toilet is clogged, I don't know what to do. [Print this page] Author: Jacob324 Time: 2023-2-2 00:23 Title: The toilet is clogged, I don't know what to do. I have a clogged toilet, I flush the water and the water only goes up, I'm afraid to flush again so that the water does not come out of the toilet at all. I do not have a plunger so I can not solve this problem. When faced with this, what do I need to do? Author: Thor65 Time: 2023-2-2 00:54
If you don't have a plunger, too bad, but I don't know any other way to solve this problem. If you don't have a plumber nearby, you can ask your neighbors for help. I've had a couple of clogged toilets too, but it was due to a full flush. It took me a few hours for the water to go away. So you may have a clogged drain too, but or some problem with your toilet. But it is advisable to fix this problem as soon as possible because water can come out through the top of the toilet at any time.Author: Alexander340 Time: 2023-2-2 01:27
When the water doesn't go away, it's the most unpleasant problem you can think of. That's why I always make sure the toilet bowl is in good working order.
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