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Title: suggestion merge [Print this page]

Author: sdsdsds    Time: 2015-3-16 22:19
Title: suggestion merge
mr Gm, i suggest you can merge server S27 and S29... it will balance .
s27 wu is strongest one, wei and shu 2/3 position... but in server s29 shu is no 1, wei and wu no 2/3..
if you merge together it will balance...
right now you know rank 1 in s29 is shu top player still dominat, use shadow 40-50 closed gates.. untill now since 1 weeks more. shu always dominate in siege and event... so many wu and wei player quit and move to s31.. if GM reponse this suggestion i will tell all wu friend who play s31 to come back play in s29... thx GM..
this game more fun if merge together.... make this server balance

Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-17 10:41
Sir, appreciated for the info u provided and this has been recorded, we'll forward to our staff, thx for ur understanding
Author: sdsdsds    Time: 2015-3-17 16:12
please quick, because server s29 is like a dying server.. since this 5 day... wei and wu many top rank move to s31. need fresh merge with s27... shu dominate in s29 , thx gm , all wu and wei need quick merge before all resign
Author: ardche    Time: 2015-3-17 16:21
Hei Arthur, make it happen !! agree !
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-17 18:22
sdsdsds replied at 2015-3-17 16:12
please quick, because server s29 is like a dying server.. since this 5 day... wei and wu many top ra ...

Sir, pls take a little patience and give us some time, we'll consider it seriously, pls believe us, thx
Author: reynous    Time: 2015-3-17 19:53
hey stay in line. s21-s26 first. then u turn guys. the old server has dying for couple months. u guys just 5 days already baby crying..
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-3-18 06:45
I would suggest since s27 has very little shu to merge with us at s21 , I hope this doesn't bother lots of ppl , but we will be happy to get our friends back with us at same server , happy gaming all
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-3-18 10:48
Agree with \o/ aka Duke L.B.
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-20 19:05
\o/ replied at 2015-3-18 06:45
I would suggest since s27 has very little shu to merge with us at s21 , I hope this doesn't bother l ...

Sir, pls don't worry, S27 will be handled properly, pls believe us, thx for ur understanding

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