Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Fake gold and Clone player [Print this page]

Author: AdythiaDS    Time: 2015-3-17 14:57
Title: Fake gold and Clone player
GM can you check on S23 player in SHU-Edgarkeren and in Wu-Armstrong.that two player is rank 1 and 3 in arena. The main problem is Edgarkeren from shu is getting G.jia faster when everyone in S23 still in hard time passing D.wei stage and even he is very strong than he can siege anywhere in world map so fast alone and Armstrong from shu is a newcomer in Wu S23 when S25 is newly created,but for a newcomer hes so fast getting d wei when older and stronger player in Wu is still in hard time passing d wei elite instance and then when he get d.wei before anybody else in Wu get it he became the no 3 in rank.and the last fact that very mysterious is when Armstrong S23 Wu come out of nowhere Edgarkeren S23 Shu is online just a very few time on S23. i thought that Edgarkeren from Shu S23 and Armstrong from Wu S23 is being played by same player and GM please check clone in S23 since Shu have many player than Wei and Wu in S23 is combined together and it makes many player from Wu and Wei player has leaving S23. please GM check those two player and clone in S23 and respond it fast
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-17 18:11
Sir, Based on ur requirements, we've checked, they're all good players, and if u have any evidence, pls provide us, thx for ur info once again
Author: Rianitta    Time: 2015-3-17 21:05
Lol... why u allways compllain ??? are u child ? after said im LeeHorac Clone now u said amstrong are clone of edgar...
im mels shu s23.
Author: Samuel    Time: 2015-3-17 21:34
Please also check Thor Shu s23.

    He is so awesome that he can beat both Edgarkeren and Armstrong. He has highest innit and currently highest level in s23.

    Rumour says He can summon 1000 clones out of nowhere when he send out OD and Legion.

    He is like Voldermort of COTK.. Whoever meet him in battle will auto off and log off.

    When he leads a battle,  Shu will win both sieges city event under 1 second.

    Another rumor says he is so overwhelming powerfull that nanman (Barb city) become Green when he arrive.

    One more thing and most important point,  he likes to brags alot and arrogant.

Oh .. and by the way I just remember I am Thor.

Peace yall,
King of Shu S23.
Author: zha0yun    Time: 2015-3-17 21:40
Shameless Self-Proclaimed Awesome?  LOL
Edgar wiped the floor with your ass & u love it.
LOL, oh i meant THOL

Author: Nga_Han    Time: 2015-3-17 21:45
@ zhaoyun, please chill and refrain from using vulgarities like "a**", it makes you look like a barbarian.
Author: Samuel    Time: 2015-3-17 21:55
I don't know if u are being stupid or just having low IQ, that you cant grasp the sarcasm and jokes in my statements towards the thread starters.

So dont ever judge me or edgar.. We are both same kingdom and we dont need to prove to anyone who is stronger. We may compete in rank, but for everything else we do respect each other.

Author: Edgarkeren    Time: 2015-3-18 01:49
Edited by Edgarkeren at 2015-3-18 01:50

Hahaha this is funny
How do i get the first gjia in s23?buy tons of gold...simple right?
i want my name cleared of this false accusation wether its from a wu or shu player
Just check my billing statement name address with the one you accuse me of
For all false accusation pls gm make a punishment because its no fun playing games if ppl pming you
And blaming you for stuff you didnt do
For all shu s23 that always stood by my side love you guys
Edgarkeren shu s23
Author: Lynnea    Time: 2015-3-18 09:28
Edited by Lynnea at 2015-3-18 09:30

after shouting at world and now in forum u did the same??? really... as wu players said.. u are a disgrace for wu.s23... everyone play clean... no cloning and like edgar or thor.. they wanna spent money for gold.. it's their rights.. not yours to hold them not spamming gold... stop being a loser.. if u cant stand it.. go leave s23 and jump to another server.. coward... if u angry.. spent more gold.. be stronger than beat them.. not just a big talk.. lyn s23

Author: AdythiaDS    Time: 2015-3-18 14:27
Hahahah now all of Edgar friends is protecting edgar how funny
Author: BiaoBiao    Time: 2015-3-18 17:11
LoL wtf is this post
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-18 17:16
zha0yun replied at 2015-3-17 21:40
Shameless Self-Proclaimed Awesome?  LOL
Edgar wiped the floor with your ass & u love it.
LOL, oh i m ...

Sir, any rude remarks are severely prohibited here, pls pay attention to that, thx for ur understanding and cooperation
Author: Rianitta    Time: 2015-3-19 02:37
AdythiaDS replied at 2015-3-18 14:27
Hahahah now all of Edgar friends is protecting edgar how funny

Lol u are just jelous with him. just find something u can prove amstrong is edgar and me is leehorac. if u find that tell to arthur for band. easy simple for u i think. if still dont understand i think u still chill.
Author: Dartzz    Time: 2015-3-19 04:50
1 Shu got Guo Jia in less than 3 weeks in S29, cant' really top that.
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-19 11:05
Dartzz replied at 2015-3-19 04:50
1 Shu got Guo Jia in less than 3 weeks in S29, cant' really top that.

Sir, if u think something that is strange, pls try to provide us as more details as u can, once we receive it, we'll check that immediately, thx for ur understanding
Author: AdythiaDS    Time: 2015-3-19 13:42
For Rianitta or mels from shu S23. I never said that you are lee horac clone. Or maybe you're feel that way
Author: AdythiaDS    Time: 2015-3-19 13:43
Arthur please read my message
Author: Samuel    Time: 2015-3-19 14:04
Adythia you need to chill,  even though it just a game, some of us spent lots of money or to be more precise our hard earned money on something like this as entertainment.

I could open a table at pub and spend few grands a night  on girls and liquor, or I could spend it on games that will entertain me for months is up to me to choose. Same as Edgar or Armstrong, its their choice how to spend their money on this game. It is not up to you to judge us.

We have over 20 people with  VIP status in Shu 23. For you to come here and says that we win the game with clones, its not fair. Let me say it again we won all matches with fair play in mind. We have all the support and great teamwork from Shu players and we also have few great leaders to bring everyone together and keep the team solid.

As a King of Shu, I have always asked fellow shu players to respect both wei and wu which completely outnumbered by us. Have you seen any disrespect in world chat after each event being fought?

We respect your alliance with Wei country and I understand the need for the alliance to match up our numbers. So we do wish that we treated with the same respect by you.

It wasnt fun anymore if you keep attacking everyone verbally. You have attacked me twice on world chat and I can ignore that. But saying we have clones that shows disrespect to me and all of active shu players.
Author: AdythiaDS    Time: 2015-3-20 17:07
Hey samael i just want gm to check on it.So is something wrong?

Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-20 19:13
AdythiaDS replied at 2015-3-20 17:07
Hey samael i just want gm to check on it.So is something wrong?

Sir, we'll check it ,pls pay much attention to ur word, any abusive words are severely prohibited here, thx
Author: Edgarkeren    Time: 2015-3-22 01:20
Yeah pls check gm...and pls give the right punishment for those who use abusive word or verbally attacking someone or accusing other ppl clone or cheater if not proven...so everyone can enjoy the game more
Author: Heyshellsucks    Time: 2015-3-22 12:48
We take this case seriously sir. Please wait, we will check it for you..

Hmm.. Okay looks like nothing wrong with that ID. Maybe you should Recharge to us too sir..

Thank you.
Author: leohoh88    Time: 2015-3-22 17:03
Hahaha, sometimes things happen based on jealousy.
well i forgive you for your stupidity. but bro. please dont repeat the same mistake
always remember Armstrong is Armstrong.
Edgarkeren is Edgarkeren. they are not same person. dont disgrace wu infront of everyone.
We still need you bro. Cheers


King Of Wu S23.
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 17:56
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 17:56
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 17:56
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 17:57
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 17:57
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 17:57
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 17:58
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 17:58
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 17:59
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 17:59
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 18:00
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 18:12
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: AdythiaDS    Time: 2015-3-24 23:05
Hey bro kukumi stop that, u spamming in my post
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-25 11:14
kukumi(s22) replied at 2015-3-22 17:56
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during eve ...

Sir, about Clones in S21, pls don't worry, we'll check it, and we've checked clones from s7-s16 last week, pls give us some time, thx

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