Heyshell Games Forum

Title: More player slot at Palace/ City [Print this page]

Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-3-18 11:14
Title: More player slot at Palace/ City
GM, please consider to make more slot for players in City.
Not just only 3 slot, but at least 5 players.
Or you can make other building/palace.
This just suggestion.

Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-18 17:48
Sir, appreciated for the info u provided, and we'll consider it seriously, we're confident our game will become even better with those info, thx and have a nice day
Author: ry4i7    Time: 2015-3-19 15:50
Sir, appreciated for the info u provided, and we'll consider it seriously(it means omg you so funny to make that suggestion that will never happend,just recharge and worship to get more) , we're confident our game will become even better with those info(of course better for heyshell,because they will laugh with this suggestion in their offlice) have a nice day recharge for heysell again if you want to comment again at forum
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-3-19 17:07
I'll want recharge untill i have satisfied n fun in this game
Author: ry4i7    Time: 2015-3-19 19:08
lol ,my fun in this game already ruin with heyshell mistakes and heyshell problem

i am from s12-s14 ,and my id was the highest level in that server, i am the arena rank 1 , my vip stat now was vip 11 , also have all the special ladies gen there , and heyshell do nothing about their mistakes,and make me stop playing this game,even my id status now become elite clone for other to use

Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-20 19:33
Sir, this isn't our fault and this is the problem of the payment channel, if we receive the notice from payment channel, we'll immediatedly give u the points u recharge, and due to ur impolite remark, u're banned for a week to talk in this form, and u'll be unlocked if u have a good performance, thx
Author: andrewwilliam3    Time: 2015-3-20 22:39
Yes, I agree to this suggestion. It is better to make 5 slot in one palace due to many players. Some of us may not still able to get into palace and also some of server has been merged. It's a good idea to expand the palace.

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