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Title: explanation [Print this page]

Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-3-20 15:07
Title: explanation
dear gm,firstly i want to ask how you can u decided to banned someone.u gave them prove or something.or just banned?...becoz i heard it from wu 21 beastmode u already banned but dont give them any reason.i think if u just do and dont prove it,maybe u cant being trusted anymore.and your game is done.
Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-3-20 15:09
so maybe tommorow or someday if someone not like me or want me to quit this game.their just text in to you.and i cant play anymore without prove.so suck this game if this happened.thank you
Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-3-20 15:14
This all is aimed at all players who play in this game.
Author: jusjeruk2    Time: 2015-3-20 15:32
No Picture = Hoaxxxxx
Author: arifin    Time: 2015-3-20 15:41
Edited by arifin at 2015-3-20 15:53

if u really want to know... the fact is... Beastmode still nothing person at past days his rank still at 30 (3k init) .... but only 2 weeks he can beat LB (6k init) at rank 1... thats make GM controller at S21 really want to know how he make it.... just for sure.. Gilder(5.1k init) at rank 2 n Mesmorga(4.9k init) at rank 5 is GM id's at shu, beastmode can beat both of them for 1 weeks is really guessing for them how???? when they found the truth... Beastmode was cheating... thats all. n for good reason n never make somebody else very shame... GM said BM was refund

Author: Trisula    Time: 2015-3-20 15:48
Yes, no picture = hoaxx
Please gm cek again
Author: h3rm4n    Time: 2015-3-20 16:02
sorry, we want Gm come n give us some explanation with some screenshoot n picture to make sure what happen n clear this problem, so i just want ask...ARE U DARE ?....thank you

Author: jusjeruk2    Time: 2015-3-20 16:07
gm will give u gift 20ro n 200k food so this cased is closed
Author: Trisula    Time: 2015-3-20 16:08
beast mode first rc until vip 11 bro,.
So he can beat both in arena
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-3-20 16:11
funny the new wu wanna resurrect the old wu guy that got banned before new wu merge with old wu
now joking aside , Beast got caught doing illegal purchase of gold , how did the gm find out ? , the answer is simple : they compared his gold purchases with gold spent , it didn't match so he got banned , as for screenshots and proof that u all wanna see , gm is not obliged to give anything , if Beast feel that he was wronged , he could have contacted itunes and they would investigate and refund him in full if he was wronged , as a result of these facts and common sense you can see that he is still banned , this is an old issue anyway and it was resolved long ago , and since gm seems to be mia , I hope I gave you a satisfying answer .
P.S: I like the new merger , excitement was overwhelming during the siege event , congrats wu , better luck wei , and best regards to my fellowmen at shu

Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-3-20 16:14
Ok Mr. Arifin.if the beastmode cheat and the gm can prove it.so maybe anyone can accepted.we just ask gm how he can prove it.that's all nothing to say.
Author: Valya    Time: 2015-3-20 16:14
If GM want banned anyone pls at least provide relevant reasons and evidence why. If that how could we know the truth?
Unless u just ban anyone when u have the mood or having PMS u just ban someone???
Author: neo45    Time: 2015-3-20 16:24
we ask GM to explain, not other player.
dont afraid my friend shu. wu just ask GM to explain. we dont want this happen to other player including shu player
Author: jusjeruk2    Time: 2015-3-20 16:27
Compare gold purchased n spent? Its means all Cotk players must be banned, example ab is VIP 1 only rc 1$ but total gold get 60g, n get much gold from bounty ,try it out n etc , its means  he purchased n spent gold not same ,so ab cheaters?
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-3-20 16:30
not when you purchase 10k gold and spend 100k gold , the difference is way too big , anyway if you wanna plead his case again go ahead , but I think he is happier at s29 now , anyway I hope gm gives you the answer you are looking for
Author: jusjeruk2    Time: 2015-3-20 16:52
The problem is,in other game if someone cheat gm will show photo or something else to proved That someone cheat ,so other players will know n don't protest, not just say yes he/she cheat so we banned it,without  picture or proved  ,bm say he don't cheat (he-s friends will protest), and gm say he cheat (people who dislikes bm will say woow just banned that cheaters ).... so confused,
Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-3-20 17:12
Ok i will ask 1 by 1..first of all im a neutral.not a beast mode friends or anyone.i just wanna make a justice to anyone that banned but not give him/her prove..for the answer of mr.arifin said,i'm not agreed.becoz if someone wanna recharge much too become the best.that's no a lot time to prove it like u said only 1 weeks he can beat 6k.i just said "if" i hv a lot money and i spent it much for this game.not only 6k init but 10k also i can beat.thats rite bro arifin??..i just represent all player in this game have to so many many many careful for recharge..becoz the admin(Mr.arthur) cant give an explanation or prove.that all gbu
Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-3-20 17:15
And i wanna add something important for a new player.dont be a number one in your server if u dont wanna be seen by other people.
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-3-20 17:24
seems this will be turning into a personal fight soon , anyway he is banned , he knows what he did , he can plead his case better than all , yet he never spoke out for himself , if you wanna ask gm to post proof go ahead , hope you enjoy the merge with us , good luck to you all
Author: JeKris    Time: 2015-3-20 17:25
Bro, where do u know beast use itune to buy a gold????
Did u investigate him? Or u know fr beast himself?
Really funny....isn't it?
How does others player know how much the other rc for gold?
I think that was the privacy of players....
only him, GM n God.... know how much they rc....

Maybe GM can give us a screen shoot to proved unbalance
between rc n spend...

many thanks
Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-3-20 17:31
Sure we just wanna gm to prove it.not " U"... i'm just from begin not ask u or some other guy to prove it rite..
Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-3-20 17:31
So play our games brother
Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-3-20 17:32
*your game
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-20 19:04
Sir, we never ban anyone without giving them reasons, the reason why he got be banned is because he made refund, that is very seriously problem that is severely prohibited at our game, thx for ur understanding  
Author: shuguard    Time: 2015-3-21 00:23
Taolie replied at 2015-3-20 17:12
Ok i will ask 1 by 1..first of all im a neutral.not a beast mode friends or anyone.i just wanna make ...

if u can prove it 10k init 1 weeks, just go now, how much u will spend to beat LB?? 10K$$$ for a week??? n another 10k$$$ for next week?? BM is just student... no student do that except richie rich or your papa n mama will angrY even u r rich boys
Author: shuguard    Time: 2015-3-21 00:24
Taolie replied at 2015-3-20 17:12
Ok i will ask 1 by 1..first of all im a neutral.not a beast mode friends or anyone.i just wanna make ...

i challenge u 10k init for a week start your present init 5k
Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-3-24 18:46
hahaah...maybe u must read carefully bro.that's say "if".if is not mean i wanna do it now.

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