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Title: Refine [Print this page]

Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-3-21 04:07
Title: Refine

Author: Rozi123456    Time: 2015-3-21 22:53
Yeah too hard increase refine
3 week didnt get hidden

Author: Heyshellsucks    Time: 2015-3-21 23:24
Sir, thank you for your Information. We will forwarded to our staff and take this case seriously.

Please wait after 3 days for more response. All staff on vacation with your money.
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 18:26
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-3-23 00:02
WE ARE SHU S21 never used clones...
We have many active player...
you can find out in country chat, because i think you all spy on us.
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-3-23 00:08
And please GM check and banned permanently clones in s21 (and s22).
All Shu in s21&s22 will be happy if GM banned all clones.
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-3-23 00:37
And about kukumi said we cheating...that's untrue...
Every night after event, all Yellow Roof use their OD in 50% for gaining exp n gathering iron.
Before merger, we have 22 player above level 100, and after that increasing 34 player.
Don't forget in Shu 21 there's a few strong player which very active to play...
With this .merger Shu getting strong now(thx GM for merger).
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-23 11:22
Sir, there's probability on refine, and sincerely hope u could understand and the thing u mentioned about hard to refine will be forward to our staff, pls don't worry, thx
Author: DamnGM    Time: 2015-3-25 02:26
yeah SIR, pls understand!!!! pls don't play this game anymore, and the most important, NEVER RECHARGE!!!!! DON'T GIVE THEM UR MONEY!!!!
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-25 10:53
DamnGM replied at 2015-3-25 02:26
yeah SIR, pls understand!!!! pls don't play this game anymore, and the most important, NEVER RECHARG ...

Sir, this problem has really been forwarded to our staff, and we need to discuss and think carefully, thx for ur valuable feedback which will be a great help to our game, pls give us some time, thx

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