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Title: [Question] hero stats [Print this page]

Author: Jermey    Time: 2015-3-21 08:30
Title: [Question] hero stats
I have some questions and i hope the community could answer them for me.

1. What does harm, skill harm, immu and skill immu stats influence.
2. i heard that you should take harm instead of attack when you get higher lvl, i am wondering why and what is high lvl?
3. Same question as 2. but now for imu instead of defense.
4. How much of each should you take. I know its hero dependant like take attack skill on a more lead based hero. But whats the general concensus like * amount of block/skill immu.

I read that harm is the initial attack damage you do but i find that weird because then there shouldn't be a skill harm stat.

Anyway thanks in advance.

Author: Jermey    Time: 2015-3-22 01:13
no one? bump
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 18:23
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 18:24
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: kukumi(s22)    Time: 2015-3-22 18:24
Shu S22/S21 are very2 stupid love to cheat eat Iron and Farm exp 50% everyday everynight..during event time siege its hard for wei and wu to win when Shu start auto and use Clones to lure and auto off 3 id's maybe more shu reach 100 gens.. wei only have 60 gens sometimes 70.. wu have 50 gens how can wu and wei will able to win that event when shu start to cheat with their stupid asses faggots..
with ur clones shu ur nothing.. Let me say his name who loves to cheat..
OWNER- ZhaoYun

GM Arthur i know that u cant block who have VIP BUT WE ARE TIRED OF SPENDING FOR THIS SHIT..
so do ur Fuckin job to check all Clones Shu S22/S21..
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-3-23 11:38
Sir, these are all attributes u could find them on Refine and all to increase ur equip power. When the related attributes become powerful and are embedded to ur hero, it'll increase ur hero's power. Harm: Raise harm rate; Tactic: raise Skill Harm rate; Immu: Raise immu rate; Ironwall: increase Skill immu rate, sincerely hope this would help u, thx

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