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Title: Being blackmailed [Print this page]

Author: JamesJi    Time: 2023-4-3 22:29
Title: Being blackmailed
What should I do?

Author: StellaKelley    Time: 2023-4-3 23:02
There are better solutions than opening a Go Fund Me account to pay off the blackmailer. By paying the blackmailer, you are only encouraging them to continue this unethical behavior and putting yourself at risk of being targeted again in the future.
Instead, it would be best to seek the advice of professionals who can help you deal with this situation more securely and effectively. You can contact digital forensic experts who can investigate the situation and determine if the threat is legitimate or not. It is important to take action to protect yourself, and not to give in to the demands of the blackmailer. Good luck and stay safe! You can learn more at https://www.digitalforensics.com/blackmail.

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