Title: country lvl up wei/Wu s22/s21 [Print this page] Author: kukumi(s22) Time: 2015-3-23 13:13 Title: country lvl up wei/Wu s22/s21 GM when wei and wu country lvl up?Author: SaistSean Time: 2015-3-23 13:35
Your country have to win in many event.
Our Shu s21 average winning the event is more than 85% before merger.
And choose the right time tu upgrading country(have to 80% active player online minimum)Author: ChaosAge Time: 2015-3-23 16:22
Soon if country upg complain GM GM will reply like this.. I give u future GM answer..
"Sir, pls don't worry, the Barbarians' power has been increased a little after the version updated, but ur suggestions has been recorded, we'll forward this to our staff, thx for ur understanding"Author: SaistSean Time: 2015-3-23 18:19
You right Chaos.
Now the Barbarians n NPC really strong, so hard to defeat after upgrading country.
Barbarians have level 110 in country level 6. Author: Athur Time: 2015-3-23 19:06
Sir, we're trying our best to balance the power between three countries, and if u have better suggestions, pls provide them to us, let's better improve this together, thx in advance
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