Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Shu Wei Wu [Print this page]

Author: TayenJunior    Time: 2014-2-18 09:24
Title: Shu Wei Wu
what differences in heroes recruitable
all player from those 3 kingdoms using almost same hero

Author: ace4glory    Time: 2014-2-19 02:07
agreed.. i think it's will be good, fun, n more variety when we clear instance, we choose one of three hero..

xiahou yuan instance, we should choose one of option instead x.h.yuan.. so instance lvl 32 have 3 hero  to recruit.. for example x.h.yuan/xu huang/yan liang.. lvl 36 have 3 hero to recruit too for example, z.he/wenchou/cao ren.. etc, so hero not monoton in each country.. you can add like other legend china hero like lu xun, jiang wei, lu bu maybe female hero.. it musb be excited n more enjoyable.. but i know it's imposibble COTK, maybe i'll create game like that n steal your gamers.. lol
Author: TayenJunior    Time: 2014-4-6 18:21
ace4glory replied at 2014-2-19 02:07
agreed.. i think it's will be good, fun, n more variety when we clear instance, we choose one of thr ...

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