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Title: Clones [Print this page]

Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-9 22:52
Title: Clones
Please GM take consider about clones.
The most clones not login with FB account.
They usually have similiar emails address.
I'm suggesting Heyshell to check it out.
Please banned permanently.



Author: Athur    Time: 2015-4-10 12:12
Sir, which server do u mean, S21? and pls be more specific and we'll check it, thx
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-10 13:13
I mean to all server, buy you can start with my server s21.

Author: neo45    Time: 2015-4-10 13:40
you said yunus.milan wu s21/22 a clone and that's wrong - big mistake
yunus.milan proof that and you say nothing - u not appology
and you keep talking clones ???
you never learn from your big mistakes
are you stupid ? i think u are
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-10 14:10
Edited by SaistSean at 2015-4-10 14:14

I just said there's clones with similiar emails address.
You okay if using fb account  or just using 1 email address in 1 server.
So you should not to worry about it..because you're playing in different server(s21 & s22).
Only clones will annoyed by this thread.
Author: neo45    Time: 2015-4-10 14:23
read it, u accused someone without thingking, that's mistake
why u r not appology to him - u just said "ups"
u should carefull in write n read
u r not a man, admit it thats u wrong
shu take picture as evidence? its all bullshit, we all know it
its just make your country look idiot
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-10 14:32
So that i tell to Heyshell to check it out.
If you play fairly just relax and not annoyed buy my thread.
Even there's 2 similar ign but login with fb account or not similar email address, it's safe n surely  not clones.
This time to get rid all clones.
Author: neo45    Time: 2015-4-10 14:52
be a man, be brave
admit it if u r wrong or ppl just look u as a coward
Author: Athur    Time: 2015-4-10 18:16
SaistSean replied at 2015-4-10 13:13
I mean to all server, buy you can start with my server s21.

Sir, appreciated for the info, pls don't worry and take a little patience, we'll check it, thx for ur understanding
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-10 20:58
Ohh don't forget to check same IP address of many ign players in the same server
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-13 08:34
Edited by SaistSean at 2015-4-13 11:27

Please HeyShell to considering this problem.
Clones can be find out by same IP address.
All IGN which playing in one server and have similar email name IP address mostly are clones.
Author: uuhh    Time: 2015-4-13 10:33

wats the problem wit clones ?

Author: Athur    Time: 2015-4-13 18:35
SaistSean replied at 2015-4-10 20:58
Ohh don't forget to check same IP address of many ign players in the same server

Sir, thx for ur reminding, and we'll try our best to check it, thx
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-16 20:43
How come the country said less player and then suddenly they have many people in event?
Less player but have so many people?
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-4-18 08:37
Now i know s21 shu have lots clone..  
Please check this server gm..  

Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-18 10:08
ukaman87 replied at 2015-4-18 08:37
Now i know s21 shu have lots clone..  
Please check this server gm..

It's good to check all countries in s21.
Why not?
Let the truth reveal.
Who.will be honour and get respect,
and who will get shame and humiliation.
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-4-18 10:32
SaistSean replied at 2015-4-18 10:08
It's good to check all countries in s21.
Why not?
Let the truth reveal.

My server is shu 16.. How ..s16 lose to s21??? How s21 have lots ppl.. Too many ppl.....if s21 merger,,s16 server merger too..  I personaly kill 17 m ur ppl..if not clone..  How could s21.. Have lots ppl??. Beh server clone.. LoL
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-18 20:41
We have many ppl, there's about 60 players above level 100.
We have many Guo Jia now.
That's make us strong.
In Tourney, our 3 top players take lead us with 3 path to invade.
now Wu s21 increasing numbers of Guo Jia too, and Wei slightly less than Wu.
Please check the Arena ranking, and you can using spy to.see our country players
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-18 20:49
How about s7 can defeat the older server too?
Or your server can defeat the older one either?
Just give to.GM.to check it out
Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-4-18 23:12
ukaman87 replied at 2015-4-18 10:32
My server is shu 16.. How ..s16 lose to s21??? How s21 have lots ppl.. Too many ppl.....if s21 mer ...

why u dont play at s21 shu and check for urself bro??? go and see if there's a clone or not ur s16 already lose at tourney, so why u still blaming? whats the problem if our server younger than ur server dude? ur too embarrassed to admit that YOUR SERVER ALREADY LOSE WITH YOUNGER SERVER ?
how pity...
Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-4-18 23:15
Author: arifin    Time: 2015-4-18 23:59
Edited by arifin at 2015-4-19 00:01
Athur replied at 2015-4-13 18:35
Sir, thx for ur reminding, and we'll try our best to check it, thx

i think not all same IP address mean a clones, coz if u always judge same IP address is a clone u will get banned at least 50 id at least has vip 4 n all high level id in all server, why i said like this??? coz some ppl cant active when event or didnt finished kill chest all day long.... he ask help from another ppl to maintain his id... at least just to do summon, they do for event or tourney? totally yes.... coz we r not always can do login n active by the day,

the truth is more than 10 id with same IP address  sometimes is diff ppl n real ppl.... u cant banned them like that or u will get more ppll out by your banned n for sure much of them is high vip level n has maintain their id more than months... n im sure GM not want lose his best customer (GM please dont do that)

banned all id is not vip is wrong... coz u will get real ppl with high or med level id without any vip ... some ppl in is more feel better than other if got guojia when his vip level is zero.... thats is for sure is their passion

even they r not vip... they has make this game so popular.... n im sure GM dont want lose free marketing player for make this game so popular, n much off new ppl is like to recharging his id to make him growing up so fast (GM please dont banned them)

but... the best choices is... u can start with similiar name... coz similiar name can be identification thats a clone or not

1. compare the level if that equal that id has passed stages1 clone screening, if not go to check second phase screening
2. compare the vip level if equal that id has passed stages2 clone screening, if not go to check third phase screening
3. check the IP address if random Ip address has opened that id means thats totally clear id (thats not   clone at all)
    but if always open by same IP address thats totally clones n u can banned that id even thats id is vip,  its up to u coz to risk banned vip id especially more than vip 1
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-4-19 00:31
Azusa replied at 2015-4-18 23:12
why u dont play at s21 shu and check for urself bro??? go and see if there's a clone or not  ur  ...

Haha funny.. I dont care u guys use clone or not.. But i happy with with younger server have lots player..  Easy win duel lol...Yes my country lose 1 city.. But we have lots win duel... And claim lots vouc too.. I hope meet your server again..
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-4-19 07:36
If there's a lot ign in one server with same IP address.
That's the point.
One PC control many ID Players.
Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-4-19 18:58
ukaman87 replied at 2015-4-19 00:31
Haha funny.. I dont care u guys use clone or not.. But i happy with with younger server have lots  ...

you said u dont care bout clone, but ur first post was blamming our with clones dude... anyway ur server are good ppl s16 Shu , we have a lot duel anyway... better duel with a real player than a Shadow User bro before u say S21 shu have a lots player,, why u didnt fight S21 wu player?? siege event have 120++ ppl cheers for ur tourneys bro  

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