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Title: Merger of S12/S19 on Apr.16 [Print this page]

Author: Athur    Time: 2015-4-14 16:31
Title: Merger of S12/S19 on Apr.16
To maintain a quality in-game environment and increase player interactions, we will carry out a server merger for COTK starting at 12:30 on Apr 16th, 2015 after maintenance. The merger will last approximately 2 hours and the servers involved are S12 and S19. These servers will be temporarily shut down during the merger. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding.
Players‘ current game progress will not be affected after the merger.Players can still log into the game like they used to.
I. Please be aware that the following will becompleted during the merger.
1. Characters fall into the following three categories at the same time will be deleted:
a. Lower than level 30
b. Not been logged in for 30 days
c. No Gold recharge records
2. For duplicated names, here are the solution
a. Duplicated character name will be added the old server number as a suffix, for example, Arthur.S5
3. All events will be reset/deleted after the merger.Remember to claim all unclaimed rewards before the merger.
4. If players play on several servers and their different characters happen to be on the same new merged server
a. He will have to choose a character before log ingame.
b. Recharge on Heyshell will need to choose a default character
5. Cities in the world map and city guards will choosethe data from target server (the old server).
6. Supplies will choose the data from target server (the old server).
7.Country level and EXP will choose the higher one of the servers.
8. All heroes will send back to the capital city.
9. All shadows will be cleared and return free shadow times.
10. Officials in Palace will be cleared.
11.Arena rank data will be cleared.
12.All the data in Rank (Kills, Duel Rank, Siege) will be kept and combined.
II. Free Merger Gift Pack
S19 launched later than S12, players higher than Lv 75 from S19 will get a gift pack.
Gift pack = Days difference * (10 Gold, 30K Lord EXP and 100K Food)
And Gift pack for S19 is 200 Gold, 600K Lord EXP and 2000K Food.(Max Day difference is set to be 20 days.)
III. Exciting Events
We have variety of fun and exciting events coming upafter the merger! Be prepared to be thrilled!
IV.Feedback Gathering
If you have any suggestion or expectations about theserver mergers, please mail us : cotk@corp.heyshell.com
Thank you for your support and enthusiasm!
COTK Team.

Author: stonemanlz    Time: 2015-4-14 18:21
U gotta be kidding me. Again? Before any merger we Wu s20 can top Shu but after first merger Wu and Wei have a hard time even get out of the Capitol. Now merge again?
Author: ardche    Time: 2015-4-14 18:33
oh my god, what are you doing arthur?

so when s.29? can u see in s.29 !!!!????

server 29 quite urgent merger !!!

Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2015-4-14 19:40
S3/4/5/6 merged.

S7/8/9/10 merged

S12/14/19/20 merged

So when is S11/13 going to merge? Wei is too weak now.
Tourney come sure cannot fight also...
Author: hardiyan    Time: 2015-4-14 23:30
HI GM..why different days sett 20 Days?s12 more old almost 6 month?how BIG different in 6 Month?its HUGE...u just wanna make me retired from this game..

Author: \o/    Time: 2015-4-15 02:12
wow max day difference gift is 20 days , you launch new servers in less than 20 days now , since there is no real brains in merging , let us merge all servers in 1 server , you guys don't care anymore , do you ? six months difference is like fighting sima with brand new zang ba , very bad decision , and very bad gift pack , you can't even afford more than 200 gold ? real shame , but i guess all good things come to an end , soon curtains will be down on COTK
Author: xena    Time: 2015-4-15 06:10
..you've got to be kidding..it's hard enough now playing on s19 against ztai and the likes...when you merged s19/20 you increased shu numbers, and practically have killed wu and wei....now you're helping wei increase their numbers...well done GM you almost again wiped Wu from s19....shame on you!!!!...I don't see any point in carrying after this merge....

Author: IwanSudjatmiko    Time: 2015-4-15 10:25
when S20 and s 19 mergers so many players who retired as sejanus, green cathy and others. where as merger just one level.
how to merge with s12 and S19 adrift 7 server level. S19 will be so inferior and weak.
200 bonus gold too little. please consider to give a much compensation.
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-4-15 12:28
maybe for s19 u can change gift gold to voucher mr arthur 20k vocher...coz diffrent level from s12 to s19 so
S12 have highest level player than s19 so hard to looking for killing chest.
Me suggest you if want it again choose who in one of server weak country than you can put(merger) who is stronger country from another server dont merger all of them coz never balance,
Thanks very much..
Author: xiaoxiannu    Time: 2015-4-15 17:25
Are u kidding me arthur ?
With the gap 7 to 8 months between s12 and s19,
You only give compesation 200g
For very bad luck person who got 5g per tryout, go and calculate them for 8 months
Thats just gold, we not mentioned resources such as s.iron, vouchers etc
Don't too fast make decision about merger for only a few people who write in here complaint about unbalalance server blah2x
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-4-15 19:39
the daily difference if u get only 5 gold will be huge , 5g*30d*6m=900g at least , not saying vouchers or iron or even xp which will make the huge gap between players of respective servers
Author: ry4i7    Time: 2015-4-15 19:57
nah ,in reality they will said that its not fair for s12 ppl ,because s12 ppl get nothing
but reality is they cannot afford to give more gold than 200 ,lolol

nice to meet s19 here in advance ^^

hope we can make this server more quiet and dont play again ,lol
Author: hardiyan    Time: 2015-4-15 22:47
Lucky for me.maybe i can kill 12M in front of my door.i prefer WeiXian or Puyang.so im only need play 3-4 hrs(different strenght,usually 1-2 hour) then off.doing something else.then login only for summon.
ps.yeah i miss sejanus.greencathy.n lot other had retired
Author: nan8ch    Time: 2015-4-16 05:19
Maximum days difference set to 20 days???? Where u get this formula???? Can u tell me how long the days difference from s12 to s19????  And u generate to 20 days? Can u make new 7 server in just 20 days??? Put ur calculator n recounting again. If u have brain to do that . LoL. N u always think that merger server its the only way to solve problems. Are u sure wei will rise up after merger n shu will not be dominant??? Well...im not sure of that LOL
Author: Sielghart    Time: 2015-4-16 12:44
Dear arthur
Would you like to give 4300 gold for merger gift

or at least 2500 gold and 500.000 iron and 10 k vc

Or give us 200 gold  and 200.000 iron and 15k vc

At least give us appropriate gold above 1500 gold , iron and voucher

Pls dont give ro and food and anything because understand this sir arthur.

This is about our differences power, s12 were made ealier than s19/20..

and the aegis will be stronger than s19.

There will be a lot of aegis cao cao, liu bei, ma cao, zhou yu, zhang fei and luxun. And it will disadvantages for our strength to get kill chest and feat chest or I will say more difficult..

huntingng the guard iron and barb also raise the difficulty. I am here to understand u that we will have tto face strongg opponent, please think about this and do wise for us.  We cannot catch up with others
Pls do that for us in wise, don't ignore this message
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-4-16 13:06
Hai mr arthur i hope u read my post can u MERGER ALL SERVER it so fantastic and more fun netter than u merher s with s and s with s so boringgggg...thanks
Author: Sielghart    Time: 2015-4-16 13:28
Hii reddd hehe
Author: tbone    Time: 2015-4-16 19:25
Merger make wu qnd wei strong,

I love thhis merger

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