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Title: Join in the fight! Server Contest of April is on! [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Nancy    Time: 2015-4-22 15:33
Title: Join in the fight! Server Contest of April is on!
Edited by COTK-Nancy at 2015-4-22 15:33

Dear players,
The Server Contest of April is coming now, are you excited! In the Server Contest of March, Suwandi from S1 has beaten Sima from S7, becoming the new winner! The contest is heated and fierce, no idea who will become the Top1 this time. So now let’s fight, new version, new Server Contest and new battle, which absolutely will bring you more fun!

>Details of Personal Server Contest<
[Event Time]
Registration Time: 20:00 Apr 23th---- 19:50 Apr 24th 2015
Contest Time:     20:00-21:30 Apr 25th
                             20:00-21:30 Apr 26th
                             20:00-21:30 Apr 27th
[Requirements for participants] Players above lv.88
[Scale] S1-S32
[Groups & Schedule]
l Based on the points rank, Participants will be automatically assigned their opponents by the system
l For the players who are the first time to join in the Personal Server Contest, they will be ranked from top to bottom according to their characters' level and automatically distributed specified opponents by the system.
l Schedule:Each and every player is allowed to participate in 5 matches for each day, totally 3 days and 15 matches in all.  
[How to join]
Players could enter the registration interface by clicking button on the main interface. Then click the Registration button to sign up for the Contest.
Attention: Players are allowed to sign up 48 hours earlier before the Contest started and there gist ration time will end at10 minutes earlier before the game started.  
l Players could check the points ranking by clicking the entrance of the contest after all five daily matches ended.
l After the end of beginning countdown of the contest, click the Contest button to start the Contest.
l Players could claim the vouchers rewards in the ranking interface after the Contest ended.
1)  Points ranking will be calculated on the basis of the results of single contest and bonus presentation will rely on both the results of the contest and voucher double.
2)  After the end of this contest, players could claim the rewards for voucher by interface of points ranking.  
3) After the Contest, players from each country of participated servers who ultimately rank top 3 in their nations will be awarded the title of No.1/No.2/No.3Warrior.
>Details of Personal Server Contest<

Author: TiSa    Time: 2015-4-22 15:36
Another personal server contest in about 2 weeks time? Are you guys really running out of ideas for creating events? Now it seems server (groups and personal) contests held every two weeks.........Super boring event though at least for me......
Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2015-4-22 17:06
GM is very cunning. They know alot of people are going for 3 lords so they make use of this to keep creating server & personal contest to allow people to recharge to make more money. You guys know who you are (from the older servers). I noticed the trend now that players are going for 3 lords (inspired by sima probably). Those high VIP players that love to give their money to greedy heyshell.

Too bad, wont be recharging until 100USD can exchange for 4600 gold at least. Meantime will recharge at chinese server for the 3 lords instead.
Author: Sihoki    Time: 2015-4-22 22:06
They want more income r haha

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