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Title: Liegeman skills help [Print this page]

Author: Rust    Time: 2015-4-27 18:48
Title: Liegeman skills help
Hi guys,

Appreciate a little help on some of the liegeman skills here.

1. Common Attack Absolute Damage - How is that different from the normal attack?
2. Skill Absolute Damage - How is that different from skill attack?

Some examples will be great, thanks all bros and pros!

Author: COTK-LA    Time: 2015-4-27 19:19
Common attack absolute damage: u attack the enemy regardless of their defense, thx
Author: Kucrut    Time: 2015-4-27 19:24
I'm no pro but i've read thread about this before so i just repeeat it to you.
Common attack absolut damage add normal attack damage, example your common attack absolut damage is 100, then if your normal attack damage an opponet 1000 with that attribute it will damage 1100. Same goes with skill attack absolute damage, its for your skill attack.
Hope that help.

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