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Title: S26 WU is Dead [Print this page]

Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-4-28 17:23
Title: S26 WU is Dead

Could you please fix it, before the remaining player abandon me.

Author: stonemanlz    Time: 2015-4-28 17:51
Join the club. Soon or later all servers will be dead because of GM poor calculation of merging.
Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-4-29 16:16

Please take note on this thread. Hope solution will come asap.

Further suggestion. If merging with other server, it is not necessary to merge wu with wu or wei with wei.

But it should be merge with the weak and strong country from diff server, because as in overall shu strong in most of the server.
Author: Arcteryx    Time: 2015-4-29 16:32
Seems like GM only care about the money. Not with dead server.
Author: Hyeri    Time: 2015-4-29 19:09
i feel u bro, wu26 need to ally with wei26 just to keep up with shu 26
Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-4-30 16:47
Is pointless. As most of Wei 26 don't dare/ reluctant to take the challenge.

They willing to sell their soul to the evil Shu , rather than to work with Wu

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-4-30 16:50
o.o merge all server into 1 server,then shut down the game
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-4-30 17:01
Frosty replied at 2015-4-29 16:16

Please take note on this thread. Hope solution will come asap.

Yes, we have recorde this thread and thank you for your advice.
Author: rainfall    Time: 2015-4-30 17:06
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-4-30 17:01
Yes, we have recorde this thread and thank you for your advice.

thank you too.

Rain (Shu S26).
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-4-30 17:13
rainfall replied at 2015-4-30 17:06
thank you too.

Rain (Shu S26).

Advice from players in S26 are very helpful for us.
Looking forward to it. Thanks.
Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-4-30 17:19
hope this incoming merge, wont be same country.

Hope it will be more balance by combination of strong and weak kd
Author: Hyeri    Time: 2015-5-1 13:25
Frosty replied at 2015-4-30 16:47
Is pointless. As most of Wei 26 don't dare/ reluctant to take the challenge.

They willing to sell  ...

we're NOT evil just blood thirsty LOL

Hyeri SHU 26
Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-5-1 16:00
Sun mind your word or else you will get ban from posting in this awsome group from COTK-Chen
Author: sunmeng    Time: 2015-5-1 16:12
I dont really care, mean every word of it ha ha.. Its ok to loose in a game but to betray the hand the hand that help you.. Beyond words..
Author: sunmeng    Time: 2015-5-1 16:37
Anyway to GM, if merger is going to be shu to shu wei to wei wu to wu. Very likely more players will quit and I for sure wont be spending more. Pointless to spend and have 10 players vs 1. As good as throwing money to let other non gold players gang bang on you.
Author: Hyeri    Time: 2015-5-1 17:22
sunmeng replied at 2015-5-1 15:59

LOL, but trully i respect wu player that did not quit after shu and wei 26 allied LOL, btw BRO i rarely see u now? wu 26 thread are only frosty now LOL
Author: sunmeng    Time: 2015-5-1 17:56
Edited by sunmeng at 2015-5-1 18:05

Still playing but dam bz with work, you are dam powerful now ha ha.. Tempted to spend and get GJ, but then again what good is GJ agaist shu horde and now plus a lap dog ha ha.  

Author: Hishigi    Time: 2015-5-1 21:21
Server 26 merger to server 23 pliss GM.in server 23 wu and wei ally forever.
Author: BigAss    Time: 2015-5-1 23:18
Frosty replied at 2015-4-29 16:16

Please take note on this thread. Hope solution will come asap.

Its a really good idea actually.. i support this idea
i do believe, and trust me more money will come to hryshell wallet sir Chen, if the challenge is more intense.. likr when the server first opened. Even if wu s21 owns the server, i would prefer a balanced 3 kingdom
Author: Dwyne    Time: 2015-5-2 02:40
This game suck anwy..lol. the dev.team cant merge shu with wei or wu, since they dont have the system to do it. May be after 50 years you will heard the great news from them.. good luck suckers.
Author: HuanWen    Time: 2015-5-2 09:31
I hope you are tracking the active players and not looking at total # of player level per country. That gets sku and maybe reason of bad merges as yo see many powerful players but those players are gone and thus still make an unbalance merge.
Author: Boothe    Time: 2015-5-2 09:38
Frosty why u not burn sunmeng palace and became king...LOL
Author: Hyeri    Time: 2015-5-2 12:27
sunmeng replied at 2015-5-1 17:56
Still playing but dam bz with work, you are dam powerful now ha ha.. Tempted to spend and get GJ, bu ...

that's because i still play daily, GJ pretty good ask frosty his GJ so dam good now LOL
Author: Hyeri    Time: 2015-5-2 12:34
this thread is hot topic now LOL
Author: DragonFX    Time: 2015-5-2 19:13
If WU is dead. How about WEI? WU still have 2-3times more players than WEI.
SHU 2-3 times more players than WU. Server merge please.
Author: Boothe    Time: 2015-5-3 09:07
Need alliance fitur in this game so ally can't attack each other until king break the alliance
Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-5-3 10:06
Boothe did you play Mythea before ?

Admin should allowed for alliance nap, send aid (lvl 85 and above) aid such as ro (sun got 5k ro)
Author: Boothe    Time: 2015-5-3 13:26
Nope just hear Mythea now...Sun a dead king to bz at work LOL
Author: Hyeri    Time: 2015-5-3 19:44
Frosty replied at 2015-5-3 10:06
Boothe did you play Mythea before ?

Admin should allowed for alliance nap, send aid (lvl 85 and ab ...

yes yes yes go for alliance aid, LOL o0oo needs RO too
Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-5-3 20:17
well, should put some restriction.


Or maybe judge by the value of aid for strong kd (100k), medium (300k) and so so kd (500k)

Silver, Food, Wood should be value as 1 = 1
Iron 1 = 100
RO 1 = 1000
Gem 1 = 10000

Copyright (COTK CHEN) check it out and handsomely reward me

Author: Hyeri    Time: 2015-5-3 21:21
Edited by Hyeri at 2015-5-3 21:23
Frosty replied at 2015-5-3 20:17
well, should put some restriction.


if "ONLY FOR WEAK COUNTRY" its not fair for shu ppl

we also have ppl we need to help

but gm i think this is a good idea, maybe u can put somekind of tax on the gift to ally like if someone sent 10k of food the receiver only be getting 8k of food ect

Author: DragonFX    Time: 2015-5-3 22:56
I don't understand why WU keep on attacking WEI when they should be attacking SHU.
Yet they cry on forum saying WEI don't want to ally?
I keep attacking SHU and when I look back at my Map. Look who are near my kingdom HQ?... WU.
Defend of WU. SHU's turn. Lol. It's part of the game.
So, why WU create a thread saying WU is dead and not WEI is more dead?
Or maybe we need to change the king and create better policies?
Author: sunmeng    Time: 2015-5-3 22:57
Come lets have a few good wu servers. Calling non gold players come join s26 wu. Have a good fight vs wei and shu. We need defenders.  
Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-5-3 23:27
Perhaps we should cease all this.

To S26 Wei, you know what happen to our previous ally (i don't want to repeat why and who, that lead to bad ending of our ally).

As and when i back from my two weeks holiday, i try to reform the ally between us, however Wei (certain player) ask me to stfu or in same meaning of f$$k $ff.

And referring to your statement S26 Wei Butterfly FX, we always try and did our best to def ourself from shu and when ever there is an opportunity to farm then we will.
Author: COTK-LA    Time: 2015-5-4 19:41
Frosty replied at 2015-5-3 23:27
Perhaps we should cease all this.

To S26 Wei, you know what happen to our previous ally (i don't w ...

Hi, bro, pls don't worry, we'll try our best to make it more balance, if u have any good idea, pls provide it to us
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-4 23:54
merge with wu s44
Author: DragonFX    Time: 2015-5-5 20:02
Merge servers instead of new servers
Author: Hyeri    Time: 2015-5-6 22:11
Frosty replied at 2015-5-3 23:27
Perhaps we should cease all this.

To S26 Wei, you know what happen to our previous ally (i don't w ...

nice to see now wu 26 got plenty of new blood
Author: DragonFX    Time: 2015-5-11 08:13
Seems like s26 is shu dominate. Wu dead. Wei about 5 active player left.
Recommend merge s28 or s29
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-12 12:52
DragonFX replied at 2015-5-11 08:13
Seems like s26 is shu dominate. Wu dead. Wei about 5 active player left.
Recommend merge s28 or s29 ...

Thx for your info and we will check it.
Author: sunmeng    Time: 2015-5-14 00:46
shu romancing themselves on s26. Too many shu too many shu cwj. Please help spending players in wei and wu to at least have a game ha ha Not gang **** session everyday
Author: Xaron    Time: 2015-5-14 00:58
Agreed, too many shu active players lol!
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-14 01:08
go green,save the world
Author: sunmeng    Time: 2015-5-14 02:03
Going green literally ha ha
Author: Emilia    Time: 2015-5-14 02:09
Well sir, i have to say that this is very good
You're saving the world by making green the world
Just trust us
Author: DragonFX    Time: 2015-5-14 20:04
This is slaughter, not a game
Author: Emilia    Time: 2015-5-14 20:38
Please merge S26 with S1
Thank you
Author: IbrahimAA    Time: 2015-5-15 02:54
Now it's second day straight, Wei and Wu lost the will to play.
Author: rainfall    Time: 2015-5-15 17:13
IbrahimAA replied at 2015-5-15 02:54
Now it's second day straight, Wei and Wu lost the will to play.

dont lose the WILL.... WU and WEI can allied....
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-15 17:40
merge with S7 so wei will be super dominating
Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-5-15 17:54
we need merging with diff country and not just merging server to server
Author: sunmeng    Time: 2015-5-16 13:57
It is a fun game, I dont understand why clash want to screw it up with bad merger mechanics. Perhpas you can even allow players to change country. Thne each server can even become self balancing
Author: Hishigi    Time: 2015-5-16 18:13
Recomended wu s26 merger in wu s28.wei 26 merger in wei s30.shu s26 merger to shu s30
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-16 19:15
Hishigi replied at 2015-5-16 18:13
Recomended wu s26 merger in wu s28.wei 26 merger in wei s30.shu s26 merger to shu s30

Thx for your attention,your advice has been noted and will inform the devs team
Author: IbrahimAA    Time: 2015-5-16 21:13
I like this idea it's best for all teams
Author: Emilia    Time: 2015-5-16 21:59
Hishigi replied at 2015-5-16 18:13
Recomended wu s26 merger in wu s28.wei 26 merger in wei s30.shu s26 merger to shu s30

Well sir,
I'm afraid for now, they don't have the technology for this kind of merger
Just trust us
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-18 04:02
urgently needed merge clash of three kingdom with clash of clans

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