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Title: [Strategy] LimKianGi s16 Try This for Luxun Map [Print this page]

Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-4-29 13:56
Title: [Strategy] LimKianGi s16 Try This for Luxun Map
Edited by JianYi at 2015-9-17 20:37

Yesterday night just got this guy!!!! not as happy as when i get "Dwei" and "Guojia", but still feel delighted!!

Hope this can help !!!
What is important in Luxun Map ?
  - At least 6immu, if no immu think u need very good stat like "att around average 5500 and def 2500 "
  - 2 Lantern , must save vocher for buy (im not a High Recharge player , so need slowly save voc )2 lantern take my 1month voc hehehehe
  - if u have 12 immu , i think u can very  easy get luxun "my friends try this and very easy to get"

Why Immu is Good? Xuchu wear 6immu + Lantern20 = xuchu can kill 1st gen and still left 4row , if block 2nd gen then u can kill 2nd gen and left 3rows ,if block again 3rd gen then u can kill 3rd gen and still left 1row
and if block again 4th gen, u can kill 2row of 4th gen.....now left 1andhalft row of enemy versus your other 4 gens.....* my xuchu only ever block till 3rd gen..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYeRDDiCW3c   this is xuchu when wearing 6immu

1. My Hero ( average att 4700 Def 2250 trop 90k)
          Xuchu ( 6 immu & 1 Lantern +20)
          Dwei ( 6 Attack & Jade" hehehehe )
          Zhou Yu ( 3trick 3 Att & Lantern +20)
          Guojia ( Mix equip " make him as strong as u can" & Jade" hehehee)
          Machao ( 3Harm 3immu & Sloted +17)
          when at city u need Ztai & lmeng ( Make Them as strogn as u can, Lmeng lvl 80 enough )

2. My Arma All Full (lvl 114)
3. my polish ( 24star , open tactic hocrux, no need rebound,so just for advice here if u not high recharge player , no up ur star better, try up ur strom better or others)
4. my Foster ( 95% full for Mc,Gj,Zy, 70% for dwei and Xuchu )
5. my Liegemen ( zzzzz very bad , i think u can arrange best for u )
6. My Hocrux ( Strom 26%, Mechanic 16%, Cavarly 14%,Tactic 14%,rest 14% also )
7. Gem : 2 lvl 12 , 1lvl 11 , 3 lvl 10
8 Position & And How it work :

    10 stage at Luxun Map
for me, i just ever stuck at Xusheng,Lmeng other 1 try 1 pass )
Lmeng is the hardest (zzzzz i stuck from start of 113 to half of114)

A 1.Pzhang 2. Ltong 3. Guyong 4 J.qin 5. Ztai 6.Dfeng 8.ZgJIn this 7 stage quite easy for me
   Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei   -  Guoja    - Zhou Yu ( strom ) - Machao  " city just change ztai and lmeng if u have problm

A5. Ztai stage (city) " since many player ask about this stage I try write here!!
  Line up: Xuchu - Guojia (wear immu ) - Machao - Ztai - Lmeng
      Xuchu for blocking 1st gen
      Guojia rebound 2nd 3rd and 4th gen
     Machao kill all 4th gen
     Ztai & Lmeng (both their skill can killl ztai ). " lu meng no need foster ..just train to lvl80
line up u can change as ur condition " just my fighting I need ztai and lu meng to kill5th gen

A6. Ding Feng (Plain) This Dingfeng very good in normal att
Line up : Xuchu ( immu ) - Dwei - Guojia - Zhouyu( storm ) - Machao
    Important : Try to Make your Zhouyu skill Attack to 4 row of Dingfeng and Block Ding Feng, then ur 4 row machao can settle Dfeng

B  Xusheng
  Line Up : Xuchu  -   Dwei   -  Guoja    - Zhou Yu ( strom ) - Machao
    Here I need Xuchu to Block 2nd Gen

C. Lmeng
  Line Up : Xuchu Dwei Zhouyu - Guojia - Machao
   Here need xuchu block 2nd and Zhouyu Block 4th gen and Guojia rebound 5th gen

D. Luxun Easy for me, 1 try pass
   Guojia wear 6 immu == it can kill till 3rd gen and left 1 row
   ztai + lmeng ==> only need manage to kill till gen 4 and left 1 or 2 ro lmeng to eat luxun skill . if no left also never mind
   Dwei ( Hocrux Storm ) ===> last row skill to hit 4 row luxun ( very pain here , coz luxun like no immu to skill att, so u can kill more then half of its troop)
  Machao===>  Easy 2 row to kill all rows of luxun


  Share is Wonderful

Special Thank to: Shu16 ( Transveo ) ---- Wu16( Feng/Atrenis ) ------ Shu16( Hades ) -----Shu7 (Wanz ) and of course my new Wu16 Friends heheehehehe "Let try our best to make our country Strong"

Luxun is nice.........



Author: vingoh    Time: 2015-4-29 18:47
Grats limbro for another guide n elite clearance.
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-4-29 21:12
Congrats bro lim.. Cma punya 1 lantern sama 4 immu.. Sad.. Pinjami aq immu sama lantern yaentar ya klo lv ku 113...hehe

Author: \o/    Time: 2015-4-29 22:34
am not gonna be the guy who criticize other ppl methods , relying on xu chu to block is waiting for miracles to happen too often , congrats on ur lu xun , but one thing for sure , lu xun is a beast whether considering his talent or that he can block zhou yu , you just need to better equip him and you will start feeling that zhou yu is weaker than him , congrats and good luck in future heroes
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-4-30 14:12
ukaman87 replied at 2015-4-29 21:12
Congrats bro lim.. Cma punya 1 lantern sama 4 immu.. Sad.. Pinjami aq immu sama lantern yaentar ya k ...

Hehehehe.......sabar cuci immu bro...
Author: Captain    Time: 2015-4-30 21:27
JianYi replied at 2015-4-30 14:12
Hehehehe.......sabar cuci immu bro...

Saya punya 15 immu bro , tapi gk bisa menang xusheng , apa salah na y ?
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-4-30 21:39
Captain replied at 2015-4-30 21:27
Saya punya 15 immu bro , tapi gk bisa menang xusheng , apa salah na y ?

Wah....pasti bisa bro......
1. Xuchu di depan pakai 6immu bisa kill sampai gen ke-3...butuh block gen 2
2. dwei kedua
3. guojia ketiga kasih 6immu juga...
4. zyou skillnya kenakan Xusheng dan block skillnya ...pakai hocrux strom bro
5. mc pakai 3immu+(att /harm )

bro coba ini dulu...kalao ada problm apa?coba kasih tahu!!!

Author: Captain    Time: 2015-4-30 21:47
JianYi replied at 2015-4-30 21:39
Wah....pasti bisa bro......
1. Xuchu di depan pakai 6immu bisa kill sampai gen ke-3...butuh block g ...

Bro selain line ada bbm atau whatsapp ?
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-5-1 13:31
Captain replied at 2015-4-30 21:47
Bro selain line ada bbm atau whatsapp ?

only Line aja bro..untuk game ini....whatsapp buat bisnis....heheheh sorry ya
Author: fathirbumi    Time: 2015-5-7 13:08
Bro jianyi di invite linenya kok jadi index komputer yah
Author: ZenithDk    Time: 2015-5-7 13:56
Gratz Lim Bro.. good for me to prepare early.. haha
Author: tikofcuk    Time: 2015-5-7 14:12
fathirbumi replied at 2015-5-7 13:08
Bro jianyi di invite linenya kok jadi index komputer yah

waduh sih herb udah mau nyoba Luxun nih yah.......
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-5-7 14:58
ZenithDk replied at 2015-5-7 13:56
Gratz Lim Bro.. good for me to prepare early.. haha

Tq bro Zen..You no need prepare as i know!!!u reach the level, u take it like normal instance!!!!all elite u take once u reach the level!!
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-5-7 15:08
fathirbumi replied at 2015-5-7 13:08
Bro jianyi di invite linenya kok jadi index komputer yah

ya..index komputer
Author: goodboy    Time: 2015-5-7 17:11
maybe u should teach wanz now ?
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-5-7 17:36
vingoh replied at 2015-4-29 18:47
Grats limbro for another guide n elite clearance.

u no need guide le....u that many immus!!!!close eye fight also pass
Author: fathirbumi    Time: 2015-5-8 17:37
tikofcuk replied at 2015-5-7 14:12
waduh sih herb udah mau nyoba Luxun nih yah.......

Latihan ajaaa wkwkw siapa tau dpt
Author: kakashi444    Time: 2015-5-19 23:07
Saya ada hero sunquan tp tetap susah?,,latern ada,immu tp cuma 5 bisa?
Author: kakashi444    Time: 2015-5-19 23:11
Bro tanya dong?saya ada hero sunquan,,tp immu cuma ada 5,latern banyak sih..tp kok stuck lumeng?
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-5-20 00:54
kakashi444 replied at 2015-5-19 23:11
Bro tanya dong?saya ada hero sunquan,,tp immu cuma ada 5,latern banyak sih..tp kok stuck lumeng?

Immu5 Ama immu6 beda bro...bro xuchu pakai 5immu+lantern bisa kill gen pertama masih sisa 4baris?
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-5-31 04:12
Edited by \o/ at 2015-5-31 04:23

just out of curiosity , xu chu kill first general with 1 row !!! and he blocks second and still left 3 row !!!! and ofc you block 3rd cause ur xu chu is Lu Bu in disguise
you probably won L meng with 3 heroes only
I didn't wanna judge earlier but after u edited ur post and i read it again , i just gotta ask ...
all ur strategy based on luck and strange info , my advice to players who read this post :
P.S: you will never win
P.S 2: my Lu Xun can kill all ur generals by himself and my storm is 20% only

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-31 08:17
\o/ replied at 2015-5-31 04:12
just out of curiosity , xu chu kill first general with 1 row !!! and he blocks second and still left ...

oh wow
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-5-31 11:19
\o/ replied at 2015-5-31 04:12
just out of curiosity , xu chu kill first general with 1 row !!! and he blocks second and still left ...

People can choice to have a try or not!!! Atleast I help few people take already!!!!

Author: SMJr    Time: 2015-5-31 16:08
Ya. Is just advice. Please try not to condemn. I personally find it useful. Thanks you.

Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-5-31 17:36
Edited by JianYi at 2015-5-31 17:45
\o/ replied at 2015-5-31 04:12
just out of curiosity , xu chu kill first general with 1 row !!! and he blocks second and still left ...


bro \o/ (Ass Hole) ....try see this video....this is my xuchu wearing 6immu...it can kill4row 1st gen of lmeng stage and still left 4row!!!!and without block 2nd gen , it still can manage to kill all 2nd gen...
can u image if it is block 2nd gen , then 3rd gen!!!!im not going to try by wasting my soul..

just want tell u , try respect people work, then people will respect ur work!!!

sorry ya call u "asshole", coz of u, i wasted my 20k soul... zzzzz heheheehe

Thank bro SMJr

Author: \o/    Time: 2015-5-31 17:58
JianYi replied at 2015-5-31 17:36

bro \o/ (Ass Hole) ....try see this video....this is m ...

thank you for proving my point , we didn't see xu chu block , and if u had a second hero after that xu chu that second skill would have taken 2 rows of ur d wei , , so basically ur xu chu killed second general and u lost 2 rows of ur second general , u r back to square one , 2 heroes lost fighting 2 npc ,ur d wei with 6 atk might be able to get 1 row of 3rd , zhou yu with all that atk and trick is just as bad , I am failing to see the advantage here , besides stop saying that xu chu blocks , it is a 1 in a million chance , this is not a strategy , this is just burn souls and pray that u will get lucky some day , if ppl wanna try that out , they are free , but this guide here is just plain false hope that you are selling .
and bro thank you for advising me to respect ppl , i hope i can always be respectful , but can you at least respect our intelligence by not feeding us weird strategies or selling us wrong guides .
again I thank you for that video and your reply
P.S: I always thought that \o/ was a cool name
P.S2: my id is L.B. , I reside at s21 shu , feel free to come by and say hi
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-5-31 21:08
Edited by JianYi at 2015-5-31 21:19
\o/ replied at 2015-5-31 17:58
thank you for proving my point , we didn't see xu chu block , and if u had a second hero after tha ...

Bro..... in my guide i said already, i need xuchu block to pass lmeng!!!!!( must fight a few time to get block "no need million fight bro" 5-20fight sure get blocks "here see ur luck")
if block u see.....after clear 2nd gen i still left 3 row, here i no need block 3rd gen...so my 3row xuchu will gone!!!!( block 3rd gen more difficult then block 2nd one)

you are right also....luck is what i need at my guide!!!!
1 thing u must remember , this game here about 99% need luck bro...
refine luck, summon luck,worship luck...

1% is who RC all the time..no need luck...gem high, liegemen high, level high..
and i guess those people sure no need see "GUIDE" or what else...u see my post mean u are those 99% people bro...am i right? heheheehe

but thank you too bro....when someday u find way with better chance to pass.. i think all our friensd here will very thank to you, if u willing to share!!!!

Author: sas    Time: 2015-6-1 14:19
Tq bro Jian yi ,ur guide vr usefull in my luxun map...I don't have 6 immu like ur xuchu ..I still wash 1 immu hope to be perfect like urs..after use ur guide now I smoothly pass till stage 9 L.meng..I read someone say xuchu need million chance to block ,it is vr funny guy..my xuchu alwys help me block no need million time la bro...hahaha...;Now at l.meng stage I noe it's hard,I will wait up my arma n other before try gain..wish me the best luck then ya....at the last Tq very much bro Jian Yi...
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-6-1 15:19
Edited by JianYi at 2015-6-1 15:20
sas replied at 2015-6-1 14:19
Tq bro Jian yi ,ur guide vr usefull in my luxun map...I don't have 6 immu like ur xuchu ..I still wa ...

Welcome Sas.....and TQ ...wish u soon get 1 more Immu & get luxun !!

Author: Red225    Time: 2015-6-1 22:07
Zz..bro jianyi armamu keren full 114 gile brtpa brpa lama tuh di arma he3.
Thanks loh postingnya membantu bnget...red225 shu s12
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-6-1 22:17
Edited by Red225 at 2015-6-1 22:19
\o/ replied at 2015-5-31 17:58
thank you for proving my point , we didn't see xu chu block , and if u had a second hero after tha ...

Hehe...bro L.B maybe u dont know,or know different vip and not vip for gm.Let me explain with i see,look and hear.
1.if u vip player gm always make difficult u know why hehe...need rc again more gold more money to spend and u get it.
2.if u not vip u only need in this name lucky why in elit hero like jian yi say u need luck it true not only high arma,equip,suit,liege if dont have luck dont be sad coz not your day only try again and hope you luck come.
So this important point maybe if with rc u can strong amd become no 1 but in elit hero u dont have luck this way only rc and rc Gm will be making harder.
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-6-2 00:28
Red225 replied at 2015-6-1 22:17
Hehe...bro L.B maybe u dont know,or know different vip and not vip for gm.Let me explain with i see ...

kamsia bro red....help to explain to \o/.....
ane salah juga ..voc tukar iron buat naik arma...skrg udah full...iron melimpah,..
jadi saran ane..mending voc tukar super iron atau lainnya...

Author: \o/    Time: 2015-6-2 05:28
it seems it is no use arguing about this anymore , I retract my comments
happy gaming
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-6-2 11:41
\o/ replied at 2015-6-2 05:28
it seems it is no use arguing about this anymore , I retract my comments
happy gaming

Hehe...just game bro why i talk like it coz in my server many vip plyer high but so hard get lu xun.
Example ryi7an from shu s12 if u know him very-very hard get luxun however he is vip player and we know with rc can do anything but so sad get elit hero.
This game aboit businees how way to get money from vip player so in elit hero making harder by cotk.
Sory mr chen i write it from i see.
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-6-2 11:42
JianYi replied at 2015-6-2 00:28
kamsia bro red....help to explain to \o/.....
ane salah juga ..voc tukar iron buat naik arma...skr ...

Wkwk..arma gw msih cupu bro jian yi z.yu aja blum dpt arma blm ckup umur untk tes genius zhou yu Jd vc msh sring tuker iron.
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-6-2 12:14
\o/ replied at 2015-6-2 05:28
it seems it is no use arguing about this anymore , I retract my comments
happy gaming

bro Lb...can we know how u clear Lmeng stage?
Author: shudakel    Time: 2015-6-2 22:14
JianYi replied at 2015-6-2 12:14
bro Lb...can we know how u clear Lmeng stage?

Better than someone who NATO (No Action Talk Only). If you think you have a better idea on clearing Lu Xun Stage then post on a new thread, dont criticize other people hard work.

Thanks Jianyi bro for your advice, working on my Luxun stage now, cleared my first stage using your method but with no 6 immu of course on Xuchu.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-3 04:33
shudakel replied at 2015-6-2 22:14
Better than someone who NATO (No Action Talk Only). If you think you have a better idea on clearin ...

please recharge more
Author: @4@    Time: 2015-6-8 13:33
im stuck at XSheng, can help? give me some detail of fighting
Author: greenharle    Time: 2015-6-8 19:16
bro jianyi mo tanya.. skill dingfeng klo di rebound gjia hbs bnyk kagak?..stuck di dingfeng nih zhouyu kagak bisa ngeblok
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-8 22:32
greenharle replied at 2015-6-8 19:16
bro jianyi mo tanya.. skill dingfeng klo di rebound gjia hbs bnyk kagak?..stuck di dingfeng nih zhou ...

there's no dongfang in any stage,
Author: greenharle    Time: 2015-6-8 23:00
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-6-8 22:32
there's no dongfang in any stage,

d.feng bro after z.tai stage..dfeng is the sixth stage
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-8 23:54
greenharle replied at 2015-6-8 23:00
d.feng bro after z.tai stage..dfeng is the sixth stage

yes ding feng,what's wrong with him?you got charmed by his good looking face?or he seduced you
Author: greenharle    Time: 2015-6-9 08:44
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-6-8 23:54
yes ding feng,what's wrong with him?you got charmed by his good looking face?or he seduced you  ...

he said he want to fockyerdodder
Author: sur    Time: 2015-6-9 10:05
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-6-8 23:54
yes ding feng,what's wrong with him?you got charmed by his good looking face?or he seduced you  ...

May i see your naked picture??
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-6-9 10:19
greenharle replied at 2015-6-8 19:16
bro jianyi mo tanya.. skill dingfeng klo di rebound gjia hbs bnyk kagak?..stuck di dingfeng nih zhou ...

rebound habisnya dikit aja....apalagi dfeng normal attnya kuat betul..jadi machao susah 1 on 1 dengannya..
jadi punya ane butuh syu kill kenakan minimal 3row ke dfeng dan block...
kalao zyu block dfeng , ratenya sekitar 30% gitu bro..
Author: 1+2=3    Time: 2015-6-9 12:23
Edited by 1+2=3 at 2015-6-9 12:25

luxun so hard i find many troubles

Author: TiSa    Time: 2015-6-9 14:15
greenharle replied at 2015-6-8 23:00
d.feng bro after z.tai stage..dfeng is the sixth stage

engak keblock krn mesti RC bro.....coba aja RC yg banyakan.....Pasti semua heroes loe block NPcs....
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-10 13:45
sur replied at 2015-6-9 10:05
May i see your naked picture??

does this nasty pictures satisfy you my dear

Author: Trubite    Time: 2015-6-16 13:00
JianYi replied at 2015-6-2 00:28
kamsia bro red....help to explain to \o/.....
ane salah juga ..voc tukar iron buat naik arma...skr ...

tukar ke gem aja bro lim ironnya..
daripada ga kepake...

Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-6-16 13:07
Trubite replied at 2015-6-16 13:00
tukar ke gem aja bro lim ironnya..
daripada ga kepake...

TQ bro Trub...Belum Vip7 jadi hnya bisa tukar 4 kali tiap jam..tapi kebanyakan swop buat food...
skrg udah mulai pakai ironnya bro....buat polish star..tapi tetap aja makin menumpuk..heehhe
Author: kiranaput    Time: 2015-7-14 11:38
Bro Lim, Kok gak ada gen yang pakai suit ya? Apakah suit gak banyak membantu?

I hate U but I miss U


Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-7-15 02:12
kiranaput replied at 2015-7-14 11:38
Bro Lim, Kok gak ada gen yang pakai suit ya? Apakah suit gak banyak membantu?

I hate U but I miss U ...

I miss u too ..muach

Author: inoran    Time: 2015-7-15 16:51
kiranaput replied at 2015-7-14 11:38
Bro Lim, Kok gak ada gen yang pakai suit ya? Apakah suit gak banyak membantu?

I hate U but I miss U ...

Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-7-16 09:02
kiranaput replied at 2015-7-14 11:38
Bro Lim, Kok gak ada gen yang pakai suit ya? Apakah suit gak banyak membantu?

I hate U but I miss U ...

suit bagus la, cuma gua vocher pakai Buat lain ..

Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-7-16 09:03
ukaman87 replied at 2015-7-15 02:12
I miss u too ..muach

Bro Squall...udah dpt luxun?
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-7-16 14:27
JianYi replied at 2015-7-16 09:03
Bro Squall...udah dpt luxun?

Mentok di Lmeng... Susah xc ku cma sisa 2 row vs gen 1.. Wkwk.. Ga pinya 6immu..sih
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-7-16 21:26
Bro lim.. Lmeng klo bisa di rebond.. Mudah g klo adu pukul ma mc... Mc ku klo di lx map skrnh cma pke 4harm 2 immu ma jade  doang...
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-7-17 00:07
ukaman87 replied at 2015-7-16 21:26
Bro lim.. Lmeng klo bisa di rebond.. Mudah g klo adu pukul ma mc... Mc ku klo di lx map skrnh cma pk ...

Bisa bro..lmemng kalao kena rebound, chaos tuh..jadi mudah mudahn lmeng pakai att, jadi machao Kita bisa pakai terrain assoult...
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-7-17 01:46
JianYi replied at 2015-7-17 00:07
Bisa bro..lmemng kalao kena rebound, chaos tuh..jadi mudah mudahn lmeng pakai att, jadi machao Kit ...

Ok tq klo gitu butuh 4 luck,xc block,zyu2x block,gjia reborn... Hehe
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-7-25 20:16
Edited by JianYi at 2015-7-25 20:19

see the front page..

Any brothers can help for SUN CE map....now stuck at Da Qiao( stage 9 ) only 6immu , it possible ? hear some source said need 12 immu?

Author: Arthur    Time: 2015-7-26 00:57
I read before  "LUXUN Is SUCKS died in seconds with one skill ? "
after wanz get Luxun at 122, LUXUN is Nice ?

My Guide for Sunce, get Gem lvl 16 and RC as much as possible..
I got that guide from CHEN. Surely easy pass it.

Sharing is WONDERFULL !
Author: atrenis    Time: 2015-7-26 13:18
Edited by atrenis at 2015-7-26 13:20
Arthur replied at 2015-7-26 00:57
I read before  "LUXUN Is SUCKS died in seconds with one skill ? "
after wanz get Luxun at 122, LUXUN ...
before i think luxun also not useful...but after use it, now feel nice...so...u can try use it..especially ur luxun can sklii and kill 3rows gone

Ur guide is helpful. TQ lol...
think i cant  reach ur required stat!!!

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-27 11:10
Arthur replied at 2015-7-26 00:57
I read before  "LUXUN Is SUCKS died in seconds with one skill ? "
after wanz get Luxun at 122, LUXUN ...

Dear players, I do not think I have told you that any time.
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-7-27 14:31
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-7-27 11:10
Dear players, I do not think I have told you that any time.

bro Chen..u missunderstanding Arthur...
he said he ever read me write "Luxun is No good" but now i say good.

NO mean You bro chen....hehehehe you too sensity

You try reply other post that more needed ur help ....here ,small thing only

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-27 16:43
JianYi replied at 2015-7-27 14:31
bro Chen..u missunderstanding Arthur...
he said he ever read me write "Luxun is No good" but now i ...

My fault... Thank you for your reminding.
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-7-27 19:14
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-7-27 16:43
My fault... Thank you for your reminding.

I never see u get mad of us ya!!!!no mather how we scold u,
u always make urselft be the wrongside one....try argue with us...more friendly.

but anywhere, Thank you alot too...since u become admin , i have more chat with u..
Even all my complains u never fullfill one of my requests hehheeh
Author: rudytho    Time: 2015-7-28 14:13
Me from s16 wu. Stuck at lumeng bro. Dame dame hard..
i refine equip to find immu from start lvl 113 till now lvl 114 but GM didnt wanna give me. Even i use gold to refine also didnt get immu.. GM give me immu please .. Stuck at CB lumeng.. i want IMMU.. IMMU.. IMMU.. IMMU..IMMU..IMMU!!!!
Thx bro lim...
Author: rudytho    Time: 2015-7-28 14:33
\○/ look like bitch asking for anal.. so sad to hear you talk like this in this luxun theads. Respect people bro. Then u be respect also.
Even i still cant get luxun yet.. but i got info from bro lim bout the lineup. So bro \°○/  if you want some anal play. Come join s16 server.. better than u asking anal f*** in thread. Lol
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-8-3 21:46
JianYi replied at 2015-7-27 19:14
I never see u get mad of us ya!!!!no mather how we scold u,
u always make urse ...

.. Akhirnya dpt lx jg... Makasih loh Faq nya..hehe
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-8-4 13:10
Me get lu xun in account my friend he3...in statistic x.chu only have 5 hidden immu +liege combo 3 amd only lantren +20.
Arma full 116 hocrux 28 star with stroom 22%,mecha 16%,rebound dmage 23%.
In x.sheng and l.meng need hoki 85% especially in lu meng Need x,chu block skill npc no 3 and z.yu block skill npc no 4.
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-4 15:16
ukaman87 replied at 2015-8-3 21:46
.. Akhirnya dpt lx jg... Makasih loh Faq nya..hehe

Congrat bro Squall....

Author: fathirbumi    Time: 2015-8-4 21:46
Bro ada cara supaya bisa dapat immune ?
Author: rainfall    Time: 2015-8-11 15:57
thx for the info bro... finally get LuXun.

equip buat LuXun apa yah yang bagus?
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-11 16:13
rainfall replied at 2015-8-11 15:57
thx for the info bro... finally get LuXun.

equip buat LuXun apa yah yang bagus?

Ane Saran sih, Trick dan att...liegeme juga kasih yg high skill att..
penting skill usahakan bisa habiskan 3baris musuh...ini yang paling bagus!!

Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-12 15:19
rudytho replied at 2015-7-28 14:33
\○/ look like bitch asking for anal.. so sad to hear you talk like this in this luxun theads. Respe ...

Thanks King rudy....
Author: Declan    Time: 2015-8-12 18:50
Nice post great help
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-8-12 22:25
So what are the requirements?
Author: liandyvu    Time: 2015-8-13 13:00
Unlimited credit card StealBarr
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-8-13 13:11
liandyvu replied at 2015-8-13 13:00
Unlimited credit card StealBarr

Anything else apart from that?
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-13 15:55
SteelBarr replied at 2015-8-13 13:11
Anything else apart from that?

For me bro:
1. Immu 6 on diferent equip
2. att round 4700 def 2250
3. Luck
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-8-14 06:22
JianYi replied at 2015-8-13 15:55
For me bro:
1. Immu 6 on diferent equip
2. att round 4700 def 2250

Thank you!
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-18 12:28
\o/ replied at 2015-5-31 04:12
just out of curiosity , xu chu kill first general with 1 row !!! and he blocks second and still left ...

Bro LB....sorry for reply this again:
u ever write ur luxun can kill all my gens.。。。and i almost trusted,but.....
Last tourney i meet u,my Zyu 1shot all ur luxun troops...hehehehe..
Author: Bonang    Time: 2015-8-18 13:28
This post is really help to give u a head start on how to prepare your hero for the instance. The result maybe not 100% suits for everyone, but atleast this save u time and souls just to find the effective line up and requirement to finish the instance. Thanks bro.
Author: kuasimisai    Time: 2015-8-19 10:54
thanks bro lim for the guide.
what equipment gears is best for luxun?
Author: hardiyan    Time: 2015-8-21 03:42
If dont have immu how many need for troop?
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-8-25 06:04
JianYi replied at 2015-8-18 12:28
Bro LB....sorry for reply this again:
u ever write ur luxun can kill all my gens.。。。and i almos ...

bro , am 2 weeks away from firing luxun , but again , just out of curiosity , what was your rank in last contest ? am not sure if you zyu skilled my luxun on water or any other terrain , and just so you don't go on saying am a heavy spender , I don't have any lords , so would you like to share your rank with us , I usually end up between rank 50-60 , so where did you end ?
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-25 14:43
Edited by JianYi at 2015-8-25 14:54
\o/ replied at 2015-8-25 06:04
bro , am 2 weeks away from firing luxun , but again , just out of curiosity , what was your rank i ...

1 think , im sure is u are stronger then me!!!!100% sure..
i just want tell u ma, u said u can use 1 luxun to kill all my gens!!!!
and it is wrong ma!!!!!hehehehehe
Last I only Rank 100+ , forget liao..

I just Lvl123 Yesterday, any idea for me to kill SUNCE? im at last stage now "Sunce"
waiting xuchu block + zyun block...it is hvnt happend!!! Hope Tonite can get it !!!

May i Know u are VIP how?
Im Now VIP 6, think Wont Go VIP7....Already Stop RC From begin of 2015

Author: Aris3479    Time: 2015-8-27 11:44
Thanks for sharing the guide. Do you remember which floor & stage of trial tower when you get lu xun?
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-27 12:52
Aris3479 replied at 2015-8-27 11:44
Thanks for sharing the guide. Do you remember which floor & stage of trial tower when you get lu xun ...

Ya bro..if not Wrong, Tower 8 Stage 7
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-8-27 16:55
Wow, I´m lvl 109 with stats about 200 lower you mentioned  in post and at the moment I´m at T8 stage 5...could you please remember if you just didn´t do Trial tower (like many people do Trial tower only at experience events) or lvl 7 was too much for your gens before you got Lu Xun? Thank you, I´m preparing for Lu Xun according your post so this really interests me.  
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-27 19:23
Corvinus replied at 2015-8-27 16:55
Wow, I´m lvl 109 with stats about 200 lower you mentioned  in post and at the moment I´m at T8 sta ...

Try few time no pass bro...but not using heart to try pass...
If serious play, think can pass...
Author: gero    Time: 2015-9-2 16:26
JianYi replied at 2015-6-2 00:28
kamsia bro red....help to explain to \o/.....
ane salah juga ..voc tukar iron buat naik arma...skr ...

stage x.sheng formasi gmn nih? syarat kudu apa aje?
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-9-4 14:46
easiest way to defeat sun ce is put d chan then z liao last , if you don't have d chan , put z yun last with storm , discard lu xun in this fight , d wei performs greatly in this fight , good luck
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-9-4 18:53
\o/ replied at 2015-9-4 14:46
easiest way to defeat sun ce is put d chan then z liao last , if you don't have d chan , put z yun l ...

Tq bro....too late for u to help me....I wasted a lot my soul already...hehehe tq
Author: PercyMarsh    Time: 2015-9-4 20:14
Edited by PercyMarsh at 2015-9-4 23:12

Bro JianYi any tips to pass Xsheng?

My atk/def 5k/2350
Only 4 immu on xuchu and 1 slantern +20
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-4 21:07
PercyMarsh replied at 2015-9-4 20:14
Bro JianYi any tips to pass Xsheng?

My atk/def 5k/2350

give more immu and super lantern
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-9-5 10:45
PercyMarsh replied at 2015-9-4 20:14
Bro JianYi any tips to pass Xsheng?

My atk/def 5k/2350

Bro..u try give xuchu 4immu
Plus 2 set 3star immu( immu immu att or else)
Give him lantern
Liege give him add lead and force , or +mitigation one..
Just hope xuchu can help u kill at least 7row enemy...
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-5 12:41
JianYi replied at 2015-9-5 10:45
Bro..u try give xuchu 4immu
Plus 2 set 3star immu( immu immu att or else)
Give him lantern

what mitigation do?
anyway i don't have lantern neither liege which can give lead and or force
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-9-8 14:01
JianYi replied at 2015-9-4 18:53
Tq bro....too late for u to help me....I wasted a lot my soul already...hehehe tq

hahah congrats again , the guy is very good with the right stuff , he can tango with lords if he survives their skill , enjoy him and keep on pushing levels bro

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