Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Recycle your Horcrux [Print this page]

Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-5-1 13:58
Title: Recycle your Horcrux
Admin, as per the above topic.

Could you please consider the option to recycle the unused Horcrux skills to super iron.

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-1 17:07
Your advice has been recorded, thank you.
Author: Hyeri    Time: 2015-5-1 17:23
why u did not sent this advice on the advisor event frosty? u could have won it LOL
Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-5-1 17:33
i am honorable dude.

Hyeri (you should remind me !!!!!)

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