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Title: Please help merger on server 31 [Print this page]

Author: Ghandiwi    Time: 2015-5-12 17:57
Title: Please help merger on server 31
Dear GM,
As player in server 31 i would like to ask for merger. There are reasons why as Wei player i asked for merger.

1. Wei in S31 we have few player active and not many people play as Wei.
2. The Shu 31 is over populated and the game starting to become unbalance.
3. Vip players in shu also alot. As wei we never have enough vip player as many play with less vip some player go back to old server and abandon server 31. In fact wei31 is fun place and players are bondes with friendship. May be with merger we can attract player to come back. As this will also benefit.

Many will think this is stupid and desperate move but really if gm care about vip in  wei server31 please do merge us to become balance again.

If any disagree with my words i appologize and this is the request from active player in wei 31
Author: Henry234    Time: 2015-5-12 18:08
s31 wei will be better to merge with s30 wei, maybe it will make the server balance
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-12 18:24
Your message has been read. Thank you for your support.
More opinions and ideas are welcome.Thx.
Author: Trisula    Time: 2015-5-12 18:30
Hmmm,. How about s21 ???
Shu s21 very very over populated
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-12 18:33
Trisula replied at 2015-5-12 18:30
Hmmm,. How about s21 ???
Shu s21 very very over populated

Really appreciate your info and advice now. Thx.
Author: Ghandiwi    Time: 2015-5-12 18:36
Dear GM what about s30 we have communicate with wei s30
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-12 18:39
Ghandiwi replied at 2015-5-12 18:36
Dear GM what about s30 we have communicate with wei s30

Have received info about clones and bots problem in s30, but wei is the stronger one, right?
Author: junieeeeee    Time: 2015-5-12 18:49
merge wei s30 & wei s31
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-12 18:51
junieeeeee replied at 2015-5-12 18:49
merge wei s30 & wei s31

Thx for your advice.
Author: Ghandiwi    Time: 2015-5-12 18:52
We asked for merge with 30 because there wei  is stronger than shu and in s31 shu is stronger and wu is moderate. Based on this please help merger. We event try to Join with wu for event but in 31 never able to defeat shu. In wealth this morning i believed you can check shu was 30miillion wei and wu combine not even half
Author: Ghandiwi    Time: 2015-5-12 18:52
We asked for merge with 30 because there wei  is stronger than shu and in s31 shu is stronger and wu is moderate. Based on this please help merger. We event try to Join with wu for event but in 31 never able to defeat shu. In wealth this morning i believed you can check shu was 30miillion wei and wu combine not even half
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-12 18:59
Ghandiwi replied at 2015-5-12 18:52
We asked for merge with 30 because there wei  is stronger than shu and in s31 shu is stronger and wu ...

THx for your info and it has been recorded.
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-5-12 19:59
Best merger with s1 bros.. Bcoz wei is stronger country in s1.. Lots Shu s31 not problem for wei s1..  
Author: Emilia    Time: 2015-5-12 20:18
S31 wei don't be greedy
S29 wei need merge s30 wei too
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-12 21:42
merge with server 130
Author: Tomanil    Time: 2015-5-12 23:33
Wei everywhere wants to join s30. Not many strong Wei servers.
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-5-13 02:25
Tomanil replied at 2015-5-12 23:33
Wei everywhere wants to join s30. Not many strong Wei servers.

WOW, thanks!

Feel honored to hear that
Author: Ghandiwi    Time: 2015-5-13 10:00
Ok 29 merge with 30 we merge with any server as long as good community is fine
Author: Rico19816    Time: 2015-5-13 16:04
we as S29 - shu, need merge as soon as posible..cause getting bored, no one wu or wei even they have wenji or dcan can fight us..
we think u need to solve this problem with merge lol

for merge with S1 is just like dream can win , cause S1 really master of this game
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-13 17:09
Thx for the advice from all of you. I am reading.
Author: Ghandiwi    Time: 2015-5-13 20:04
Hi GM please act soon wei is getting less people now
Author: Goruk    Time: 2015-5-13 20:29
The only way to attract new player to play on recommended country is to increase the reward from 200 gold to 800 - 1k goldor maybe more. Since 200gold for  starter is nothing.. since dev team dont have the system to merger shu with wei or wu from other country. They can only merger server with same country.. this will be going on till we all quit.. the imbalance server will never be solve.
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-5-13 22:02
Ghandiwi replied at 2015-5-12 18:52
We asked for merge with 30 because there wei  is stronger than shu and in s31 shu is stronger and wu ...

Gm please merger with s12 if they want need balance...the great battle always in s12 wkwkwk.
Author: SMJr    Time: 2015-5-13 22:57
Ghandiwi replied at 2015-5-12 18:52
We asked for merge with 30 because there wei  is stronger than shu and in s31 shu is stronger and wu ...

One of the reasons why Shu is having many players is because Shu is righteous in history whereas Wei is the villain and Wu is just Mediocre. Players who knows about three kingdoms history tends to choose Shu over other countries.
I propose that free gold should be given only to those new players chosing Wei or Wu. This way it might help balance out things.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-13 23:22
SMJr replied at 2015-5-13 22:57
One of the reasons why Shu is having many players is because Shu is righteous in history whereas W ...

with that kind many people or maybe all new player join wei and or wu for golds and finally the game will be called Clash of Two Kingdom
Author: SMJr    Time: 2015-5-14 00:19
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-5-13 23:22
with that kind many people or maybe all new player join wei and or wu for golds and finally the ...

Are you certian on that? There are die hard shu fans out there.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-14 01:11
SMJr replied at 2015-5-14 00:19
Are you certian on that? There are die hard shu fans out there.

if talking about fans probably correct but for me,hell i care about fanatism i prefer free gold
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-5-14 01:44
SMJr replied at 2015-5-14 00:19
Are you certian on that? There are die hard shu fans out there.

I think it is already clash of two Kingdoms with Shu and one other country
Author: Emilia    Time: 2015-5-14 02:16
Wei S26 also need to merge with Wei S30

Author: Chantt    Time: 2016-12-3 00:23
Hows the merger life?

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