Heyshell Games Forum

Title: New merger S156 [Print this page]

Author: TectonicKnight    Time: 2024-9-1 12:49
Title: New merger S156
S157 was merged into 156s who had players double the power of the top players in s157. S157 was pretty equal in player numbers in Wu, Wei and Shu, Shu played dead to get merger now being merged into s156 there are no wu or wei players that can match shu. it makes the game unplayable for Wu and Wei as they always get blocked inside their capitals gates missing out on rewards. Missing out on country rewards just makes shu even stronger than Wu and Wei, this server needs to be merged into an older server to equal out the playing field. I would suggest mergering with S110 being that shu isnt as active anymore in that server but they do have stronger players.
S157 didn't need a merger and now Wu and Wei are paying for the merger because it wasn't looked into properly.

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