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Title: which server will s27 merge [Print this page]

Author: Into    Time: 2015-5-21 12:59
Title: which server will s27 merge
Hi Gm, pls share and advise which will s27 merge? Thanks
Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-5-21 16:12
Maybe s21 much better..
Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2015-5-21 17:35
Please GM check shu on S27...there's a lot of clone,right into?
Author: Hishigi    Time: 2015-5-21 22:25
Plisss s27 merger with s23.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-21 22:39
Author: Trisula    Time: 2015-5-21 23:27
Dear mr chen,.. please merger s27 n s21,. Thx
Author: whowhoami    Time: 2015-5-21 23:51
please consider merging s12 and s27. that will be fun.

Author: shivabnp    Time: 2015-5-22 10:06
Merger with s28... help Wu S28.... b4 our guys quit all
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-22 11:50
Thx for your feedback. Since many are suggesting mergering s21 to s27, would you mind the time gap between these two servers?
Thx for your reply in advance.
Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-5-22 13:09
How much time required to this time gap mr chen?
Author: kruf    Time: 2015-5-22 13:10
Edited by kruf at 2015-5-22 13:12

We agree... Cos server 27 very insane server...
Wu very strong... They raped shu n wei all the time they want...
Already got luxun, liu bei, cao2, squan.
Player level 116....
All wu player in top 20 arena... T-T

Author: Taolie    Time: 2015-5-22 13:13
I think as soon as possible u merge this two server much better..did u already see the balancing between this two server?becoz the decision is in your hand..thanks
Author: papamoza    Time: 2015-5-22 13:22
dear Mr.chen i guess you already did research on those 2 server. as we know both server player level are not too far. it can said is close to each. however s27 is not suitable to merger with other time gap close server. it just will make more people suffer after merge. as you said merge s21 with s27 the only problem is the time gap.So i sugeest it can solve with summon orders.
thx and hope u can make a wise decision.
Author: Trisula    Time: 2015-5-22 13:26
Nice fighting if mr.chen mergering s21 n s27,.
Go go go,. Merger
Author: matcha33    Time: 2015-5-22 13:33
If you ever worried about time gap between these two servers.
then, have you ever thought about the time gap in tourney?
for example, when s15 fight with s31 during touney, time gap becomes nothing to s31.
At this point, I'm confused when you said you are concerned about the time gap between s21 and s27.
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-5-22 13:51
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-22 11:50
Thx for your feedback. Since many are suggesting mergering s21 to s27, would you mind the time gap b ...

Lol...s19 and s20 merger with s12 you now how long diffrent gap lvel sir.
And now you say like this...ridicoluos for me
Author: yunus_milan    Time: 2015-5-22 13:57
Yeaah i agree s21 mrger s27 for balance
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-22 14:16
Red225 replied at 2015-5-22 13:51
Lol...s19 and s20 merger with s12 you now how long diffrent gap lvel sir.
And now you say like thi ...

That is one of the influential factors and not the only one.
Thx for your understanding.
Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-5-22 14:29
COTK-Chen. make sure you wont miss out S26 this time
Author: h3rm4n    Time: 2015-5-22 14:53
Edited by h3rm4n at 2015-5-22 14:54

There is not anything that is perfect in this world, but we always make it to become more balanced. Why the problem of time gap is always questionable though beyond that issue there are more and more advantages than disadvantages ... Focusing see both sides, you will not be able to make wise decisions if only see from the side of disadvantages, even though you know there is more advantages side which can make both this server to be balanced.
Vegeance ~ S22 Bushwhacking.
Author: Into    Time: 2015-5-22 16:26
COTK-Chen, i believe you will make a wise decision.

You can see from your server data, we need a balance server.

S27 Shu
Author: LieYatDong    Time: 2015-5-22 16:28
Come to s21
Shu s21 will cover shu s27
Wei s21 will help each other with wei s27
N wu s21 will got help from wu s27,....
So what's the problems merger s27 n s21, times gap? See elite wu in s27 lvl higher than wu s21-22..
Author: URHero    Time: 2015-5-22 16:35
Time gap will interfere with some leveling and summons.

Even assuming people summon once a day instead of the usual 3-6 for semi active to active players, a 2 month gap means 60 summons lost for s27 players. While I do support a S21- S27 Merger, I hope GM carefully considers Hero levels and Summons. Because s21 most likely has had at least 2 if not more epic hero summons in those 2 months.

I believe S27 should be compensated fairly with at least a few summon orders for such a big time gap.
I'd rather have the summon orders to catch up with s21 than gold.

Please take this into consideration thank you.
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-22 17:42
Thx for your active feedbacks in this thread. I have noted them down and take them as reference.
Author: whowhoami    Time: 2015-5-22 17:43
Hi GM, hope you could do thorough assessment even before considering merging s21 and s27.

during daily events in s21, you can see there's more than 100 gens at Wu. Even s21 shu doesnt have that large amount of players playing.

For s27, you can refer to earlier posts, they are already overpower and overpover popularpopulation.

Conclusion, please do not merge these two servers as it will become an unbalanced server. Trust me, many people will quit the game if you do merge s21 and s27.

Hope you can make the right decision. Thanks
Author: whowhoami    Time: 2015-5-22 17:43
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-22 14:16
That is one of the influential factors and not the only one.
Thx for your understanding.

Hi GM, hope you could do thorough assessment even before considering merging s21 and s27.

during daily events in s21, you can see there's more than 100 gens at Wu. Even s21 shu doesnt have that large amount of players playing.

For s27, you can refer to earlier posts, they are already overpower and overpover popularpopulation.

Conclusion, please do not merge these two servers as it will become an unbalanced server. Trust me, many people will quit the game if you do merge s21 and s27.

Hope you can make the right decision. Thanks
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-22 17:50
whowhoami replied at 2015-5-22 17:43
Hi GM, hope you could do thorough assessment even before considering merging s21 and s27.

during ...

Thx for your feedback and support. Data is something that will never be forgoten.
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-5-22 17:54
well not that I care about merger or not , but if we wanna consider facts , s21 wu is overpopulated with clones , and unless top s21 shu are online , events are hardly won if not lost , but the main concern is wei I guess , s21 wei already suffering from little numbers even after first merge with s22 and many of them already quit , the real good merger should be with a server where wei is best in that server , shu and wu in s21 are fine , they farm all day at 50% , so give us more wei so we can balance our server , adding more wu will not help balance the server , it will help removing wei of the map permanently , that is what should be taken into consideration , by checking numbers at events this will be clear , when shu use an od , at highest activity time , you will see 50-70 heroes , when wu od you will see 70-120 heroes , but when wei od you will see at max 40-50 heroes , hence i think we need more wei , our wu are doing fine with their clones so help wei by adding some really good players and balance will be restored
p.s: don't ban wu clones , it is not fun fighting them without them (personal preference)
Author: arifin    Time: 2015-5-22 19:22
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-22 11:50
Thx for your feedback. Since many are suggesting mergering s21 to s27, would you mind the time gap b ...

dear GM... this just for your suggest before make merger between s21s22 n other server
shu has lot ppl yes thats true but we r almost not active ppl now, but in wu has less ppl but more active clones... not easy for shu siege to wu coz they clones always using auto off pilot

at wei they are almost less ppl, thats only the way shu n wu get farm exp n iron...

so my suggest.. u should find better wei at any server before merge our server again.... the balance power between shu wu n wei will make us strong n balance exp... n can make this game more competitive than now... but the impact for GM is u will get lot of ppl will recharging id to more powerfull than others, thanks
Author: arifin    Time: 2015-5-22 19:31
kruf replied at 2015-5-22 13:10
We agree... Cos server 27 very insane server...
Wu very strong... They raped shu n wei all the time  ...

please dont be selfish.... if this merge happen... yes wu will get more stronger but how with wei??? u not thinking their mind... sooner u will get boring coz u dont have match enemy from wei....

merge will make incresing ppl between us... n wei still like ghost town... the answer is where u will find siege city? coz u had competition by your wu's friend to siege

didnt u feel that? i know that feel.. coz before s21 n s22 got merger its hard to get siege city... coz wu n wei sometimes like ghost town, if we siege city no others from wei n wu can siege that city back except % city, thats siege auto by guard
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-22 19:50
arifin replied at 2015-5-22 19:22
dear GM... this just for your suggest before make merger between s21s22 n other server
shu has lot ...

Thx for your feedback. We will think about it.
Author: kakashi444    Time: 2015-5-22 20:07
Dear GM please ask first to Wu 27 want merge or not to S21..and check first will be balance or not..cause All high vip in Wu 27 will leave this game if you not check first..and You will lose Good player n high vip..thanks im from Wu 27
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-22 20:13
kakashi444 replied at 2015-5-22 20:07
Dear GM please ask first to Wu 27 want merge or not to S21..and check first will be balance or not.. ...

Thx for your advice.
Author: siauchie    Time: 2015-5-22 20:44
Yes please merge 21 with 27. Tq

Author: Frosty    Time: 2015-5-22 21:12
siauchie, dont worry just merge with S26 Wu.

We are pretty strong there
Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-5-22 21:19
Funny,,, for balance server but didnt think for Wei s21 ... just only think Wu S27 S27 S27 LOL so selfish ..
For COTK-Chen , please check our server 1st before merging   

From Shu S21 cheers
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-5-22 21:30
S21-S22 just need stronger Country Wei to merger, because Shu n Wu often winning the event.

No bother to increase Shu or Wu country, just Wei have to.
Author: LieYatDong    Time: 2015-5-22 21:45
yeah we have a lot clone who always block LB to party in our land example LieYatDong, Kongxien ,RoyalArse,MiePangsit, GreenSophi,Siauchi,Taolie, Vegeance,Trisula, Ys-Milan, and etc so wu and wei if you dont be call clone dont block LB if  he want party xp n iron i u land............
For wei just visit wei in s27 they are strong and the importants thing is we must ask s27 opinion
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-5-22 21:50
Edited by Seowseow at 2015-5-22 22:15

Brother Chen,

Let me give you a fair assessment of this proposal for your consideration. Firstly if S21, S22 and S27 merge. Wei is dead. That is for sure. The only people that benefit most from this is S27 shu. I don't know if S27 shu is a big customer or big gold spender.

Secondly, S27 is gold player server. Meaning, the player like this game and they are willing to spend money and time to be strong. So if you are thinking of a merger please consider the feeling of the customers that supported this game all these time. An example will be players from S27 Wu. They spent so much time and money to be stronger than both shu and wei. All these for a merger? How will you feel if you are in S27 Wu, when u spent so but GM decide to benefit only S27 shu who 1) play with lot of clones and 2) they don't put in time or money? I believe our society should be reward for effort society. That is what makes sense if we need to recharge to win. This propose merger don't benefit those that support you most. For your information, in a lot of event, S27 Wu spent a lot on shadows but what did S27 Shu spent on? I don't know. Only you as GM will know. What I know is that S27 Shu spend a lot of effort making clones.

Or are we in some situations to help S27 shu 1) who cheat with clones and 2) don't invest in the game? If so, I don't see the logic or any good reason for the recharge feature. Since we can just play free and if lose come to forum to complain and ask for merger.

I am highlighting S27 shu because this thread is started by Shu S27. And a few supporters of this proposed merger are shu S27 like Into (who don't recharge much) and matchi. The time to discuss or suggest merger for S27 is not now. Why? Please read on.

If S27 shu or wei is dead and that it affect the quality of game. Then a merger makes sense. But in S27 shu and wei is very much alive. They form alliance against Wu. We still siege city whether u r shu or wei or Wu.

Therefore, S27 is still a healthy server. Why fix something when it is working. Especially when u r still getting revenue from s27.

I hope u understand my points.

Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-5-22 21:53
S21 n S22 need strong Wei country to merger...
If merger with server have Shu or Wu strong country, that's a ridiculous.
Our server only need Wei strong country.
So the game always be Clash of Three Kingdom, not Clash of Two Kingdom
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-5-22 22:15
LieYatDong replied at 2015-5-22 21:45
yeah we have a lot clone who always block LB to party in our land example LieYatDong, Kongxien ,Roya ...

am flattered that you are thinking about me , I know that the mentioned players are not clones , and the fact remains that since before our first merger I was and still a supporter of a competitive server not one sided , I always helped with advice and even switched my farming to the other country when asked by fellow wu ( just ask around your mates ) , fact is I just want a healthy server where we fight real players , not clones with auto off , actualy I always come wu when real players are online , we both benefit from that fight , when wu players are off and clones are on , I just go wei , if you understood what I meant , you will know I respect players , and you can ask BM how I helped him walk-through s instances , and I still give advice to anyone who pm me in game or here , anyway let us just stay on topic here , all we want is a healthy merger , not a chance to ruin our server , I respect real players and even some clones , and am sure you know who i don't like , I hope my message is clear to all , happy gaming
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-5-22 22:16
pandora replied at 2015-5-21 23:04
Shu in Server 27 is dead

When was this screenshot taken? I believe it was during the time you all from shu called George a dog.
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-5-22 22:20
kruf replied at 2015-5-22 13:10
We agree... Cos server 27 very insane server...
Wu very strong... They raped shu n wei all the time  ...

That arena screenshot only show a balance healthy server. 10 of Wu in top 20 and 10 of wei and shu in top 20. Since Wei and shu in alliance this is still a healthy server and is not easy for Wu to really kickass like you said. We need to spend a lot on shadows to win event.
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-5-22 22:21
papamoza replied at 2015-5-22 13:22
dear Mr.chen i guess you already did research on those 2 server. as we know both server player level ...

If guys from S27 really want to merge why not S19?
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-5-22 22:22
matcha33 replied at 2015-5-22 13:33
If you ever worried about time gap between these two servers.
then, have you ever thought about the ...

I will be concern cause S27 Wu spend a lot of money and time this game to be where we are. If suddenly our investment become useless because of merger a timeline is important.
Author: SaistSean    Time: 2015-5-22 22:35
\o/ replied at 2015-5-22 22:15
am flattered that you are thinking about me , I know that the mentioned players are not clones , a ...

Agree with you Master LB aka \o/
Author: LieYatDong    Time: 2015-5-22 22:40
Title: d
Edited by LieYatDong at 2015-5-22 22:43
\o/ replied at 2015-5-22 22:15
am flattered that you are thinking about me , I know that the mentioned players are not clones , a ...

yups healty server ..... from the first time when gm decided merger 21-22 its a big mistakes... so can you say now our server balanced n healthy???.......
First Gm never ask us s22 about merger gm dcided its self without thinking number player of wu shu n wei... let me tell u something 80% wu palyers its retired and all they char its giving to other to play n help in event...... because what?? because unbalanced merger n idiot gm merger without check n ask our opinion ... thats why we asking merger with s27...
i respect all wei wu n shu player but i dont respect player who auto off to wait gen to come and elite who play manual when facing guojia in world map
Author: kongxien    Time: 2015-5-22 23:02
HEy you lb n shu friend.. you guy just affraid your self..out from big 10 arena. Lb affraid down from rank 1...btw wu always need od to party wei. Because shu always block our path to wei. Not like shu can freely party to wu wei with walk. Dont affraid with wei, because i have alot friend at wei. Last noted... keep stay tune on this thread  always reply .because more benefit for wu... shu just keep like graveyard when this thread still alive. Peace lb  dont be mad..its just fact
Author: siauchie    Time: 2015-5-22 23:28
Frosty replied at 2015-5-22 21:12
siauchie, dont worry just merge with S26 Wu.

We are pretty strong there

I need balance server. Need wei strong n wu strong. So balance all country. Thx sir..

Author: Salamander    Time: 2015-5-22 23:51

Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 00:02
pandora replied at 2015-5-21 23:04
Shu in Server 27 is dead

This is unfair... Shu is not dead... I have pictures of Shu trapping Wu every night Into... The main concern is the health of the server... not revenge against wu27 for being strong.

Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-5-23 00:13
Screenshot like this only prove one thing. Shu clones and spy.
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 00:30
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-22 11:50
Thx for your feedback. Since many are suggesting mergering s21 to s27, would you mind the time gap b ...

Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 00:31
ZoeZoe replied at 2015-5-23 00:30

S27 is very advanced for being so young but we get murdered by s21 in tourney. . U might as well ask us to restart new accounts and abandon our tkme, effort and money
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 00:34
ZoeZoe replied at 2015-5-23 00:31
S27 is very advanced for being so young but we get murdered by s21 in tourney. . U might as well a ...

Here is the truth. . And I beg that you watch our server before you consider any such requests. .. Wu is strong that is true but Shu and Wei trap us daily. .. this server is healthy. .. look at the amount of Recharge that is occurring. .. why would you want to disrupt such a competitive server?
Author: Audemars    Time: 2015-5-23 00:35
In my honest opinion, we have to admit that Wu in S27 is the strongest in game. They have tons of VIP players, it's their luck and it is their right to be the strongest. At the moment Shu is pretty much inactive and very quiet from time to time, mostly players with multiple login account, not necessarily a clone but maybe a quiting player's account. S27 is getting boring and there's no competition anymore.

Dear ADMIN, to restore balance and the fun in this game I would suggest to merge S27 with a server that have an inactive Wu. Deep inside WU Player's heart I know they feel bored with the no fight back situation. It's just pure grinding and leveling only. So let's bring back the excitement in this game again. Cheers!!
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 00:36
ZoeZoe replied at 2015-5-23 00:34
Here is the truth. . And I beg that you watch our server before you consider any such requests. .. ...

Everyone would like to see more balance. .. But Shu and Wei have an alliance that does not promote fair play... in fact,  it has made Wu stronger by doubling our EXP daily. .. if they want balance,  end the Alliance and go level up 50% on each other, right?
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 00:37
ZoeZoe replied at 2015-5-23 00:36
Everyone would like to see more balance. .. But Shu and Wei have an alliance that does not promote ...

Wu cares about the health of the server. .. but should never be penalized for working harder than ShuWei. . Or for spending more time or money
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 00:40
ZoeZoe replied at 2015-5-23 00:37
Wu cares about the health of the server. .. but should never be penalized for working harder than  ...

When Shu is active,  Wu cannot pass thru the gates... When Wei is active Wu cannot pass thru the gates. .. instead of penalizing your biggest fans and supporters,  please come watch for yourself. .. s21/s22 is not our concern. .. and that gap is entirely too big to merge with s27... it would crush a very active and healthy server
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 00:43
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-22 11:50
Thx for your feedback. Since many are suggesting mergering s21 to s27, would you mind the time gap b ...

If Shu needs more players,  give a startup incentive to new players. . Or consider a merger with a very active Shu newer than s27... this idea is unwarranted and unfair... Why not penalize every top country for being the stronger one? What sense does that make .Mr GM?
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 00:51
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-22 11:50
Thx for your feedback. Since many are suggesting mergering s21 to s27, would you mind the time gap b ...

ShuWei created a situation where Wu bonded together to defend themselves against 2 opponents. .. Players who cannot afford RC spend whatever little money they can... because Wu fights for one another like a family or minority who has been ostracized and ganged up upom... the fact that we persevered should not be penalized or punished. .. ShuWei created an alliance to bury Wu... but Wu responded with hard work and dedication. .. nothing else. .. Wu doesn't use clones or Auto off tactics except for strategic defense. .. Wu is not opposed to seeing ShuWei get more players. .. in fact we've adapted to their alliance and don't even care if they disband it... But under no circumstance should we ever be penalized with such a GAP... no way Mr GM... I beg you flr all those in Wu who cannot articulate in English.
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-5-23 00:53
Edited by \o/ at 2015-5-23 00:54
kongxien replied at 2015-5-22 23:02
HEy you lb n shu friend.. you guy just affraid your self..out from big 10 arena. Lb affraid down fro ...

again thank you for the vote of confidence , am not afraid for my rank because I can keep it , and when BM took that rank before i didn't get angry or cut ties with him , I just kept playing the way I play , you guys are voicing your opinions and i accept that , at least you can do me the courtesy of voicing my opinion without turning it into a personal bickering , you guys want a merger with s27 , it is your right to ask , but since I have been around as long as you do , I get to say my opinion too , but again , did you take the opinion of s27 ? I know shu want to merge and I asked for that merge 2 months ago , but now s27 has developed into something else , they have the right to voice their opinions too , the way i see it is that both our servers have the exact same problem , s21-22 have a serious lack in wei players , s27 have a serious lack in shu players , but combining us both would result in a serious lack of players in wei , we all saw top wei players from s21 and 22 quit , I just want to have more wei players .
and again bro , let us keep this on topic , voice opinions and share info , I got nothing personal against any wu or wei , as for merge , I gladly welcome the challenge , I might be rank 1 or 2 or 3 , but all of you will be far beneath rank 20 , maybe you should think of that before asking me if I care about a 100 vc daily or not , I hope you all get the answers you seek and happy gaming to all of you
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-5-23 01:03
Well said LB. merger only benefit the lazy and weak.
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 01:19
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-22 11:50
Thx for your feedback. Since many are suggesting mergering s21 to s27, would you mind the time gap b ...

Please understand that Wu27 is not opposed to balance. . I think SuYang is an honest good man (King of Shu).. and i know that he only wishes for the health and balance of a competitive server as well... Does Into even play in s27 anymore?  Or is he just trying to get revenge for the past?  I honestly don't know why anyone would want a merger with s21 here in s27... I like the good people I've met in Shu and Wei. .. illidio and China Wei are honest and fierce competitors and I doubt they would support this idea. .. there may be a solution to get more balance but this is not the path MrGM... please allow for an open discussion of the most reasonable solution
Author: Into    Time: 2015-5-23 01:20
Edited by Into at 2015-5-23 03:02

Guys relax please.

I believe Cotk-Chen is having a big headache with so many comment.

Please read my topic before comment anything.

"which server will s27 merge"
Im reading and confusing, hahah.
so many funny comment.
Also I didn't comment on anything....

Please do not comment on other server when thing is not finalize with Cotk-Chen.

Author: VicStar    Time: 2015-5-23 01:45
pandora replied at 2015-5-21 23:04
Shu in Server 27 is dead

Lol that's coz no one was online at the time if you check later shu and wei were pushing into Wu. And sometimes wu and shu push into wei . It is the way when 2vs1.
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 01:57
pandora replied at 2015-5-21 23:04
Shu in Server 27 is dead

2 days ago... ShuWei trapping Wu... After ShuWei won both seige events

Author: VicStar    Time: 2015-5-23 01:59
I think if there is going to be a merge it should have a strong wei. S27 has strong people but they don't have many players. Shu has a lot of clones and strong players and yes wu has the most strength.  However it is still hard to pass through shu or wei sometimes it all depends who is online at what time
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 02:00
pandora replied at 2015-5-21 23:04
Shu in Server 27 is dead

2 days ago
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 02:02
ZoeZoe replied at 2015-5-23 02:00
2 days ago

Doesn't look like ShuWei is dead after winning both Seige events a few days ago... Maybe you should come play more often and help your Country Into? No offense intended but your post is a major exaggeration mate.
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 02:04
ZoeZoe replied at 2015-5-23 02:00
2 days ago

and then ShuWei taunts us in World Chat... Cautioning not to brag too much... because GM may see the true state of our HEALTHY server?
Author: ZoeZoe    Time: 2015-5-23 02:08
ZoeZoe replied at 2015-5-23 02:04
and then ShuWei taunts us in World Chat... Cautioning not to brag too much... because GM may see t ...

Please don't be deceived Mr GM... I am not advocating to harm ShuWei... but please do not harm Wu either... if you want to help them fine... but merge with newer server, not older one... s29 only started 3 weeks after s27... When i started, Server 30 was open and i am now top 60... after starting 6 weeks late...so its only a matter of activity and dedication... Be active and support your server mates.
Author: Miyevets    Time: 2015-5-23 02:17
Try s29 and s27

Author: Ilidio777    Time: 2015-5-23 07:21
For me look ridiculous what's happening here.
1- wu have the highest vip in the game wei and Shu be come a farm for Wu
2-shu don't have players to stop any attack from Wu or Wei
3- wei most of the players are new but don't have the chance to lvl up and most of this players give up before becoming lvl90
4- wu become a blocker don't left any oder countrys players lvl up

Pls guys stop be selfish what matters here is not your country or a few selfish players who don't want to loose the montane of Gold the expend buying kings for show off...
Dear Gm I know you will make the correct choice about mager of S27
Thank you for you corporation

Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2015-5-23 12:58
Ilidio777 replied at 2015-5-23 07:21
For me look ridiculous what's happening here.
1- wu have the highest vip in the game wei and Shu be ...

1. Is it wrong?
2. So you blame us with that condition? You always speak never surrender so say it to your alliance loudly,with merger only prove you all has been surrender
3. When your player give up you blame other? Remember "never surrender" speak it loud...lol
4. every country will do the  same thing,only stupid country let they opponent party to their country

Now you looks ridiculous mind

WU s27
Author: Rawn    Time: 2015-5-23 14:16

Author: Ilidio777    Time: 2015-5-23 14:29
I don't understand you some players who take that game so personal like you.
Yes I all way say that and I m all ways there to fight against any invasion against wei
But like I told for your king and must of your players in private chat is...
" I don't care who is the winner if we can put S27 in the map.in the tournament "
I all way chat within Shu and wu to try get the best options for all players and get S27 strong...  
Don't take everything so personal
I hope you understand
Thank you

Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-5-23 16:17
Funny how people says they don't care don't take game too seriously etc. but why comment?
Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2015-5-23 16:38
Ilidio777 replied at 2015-5-23 14:29
I don't understand you some players who take that game so personal like you.
Yes I all way say that  ...

You want someone from s27 in super turney map but when player buy king hero you said show off?
Do you think we can join high lvl on turnament map with xchu or xdun or tschi?

I only countered your ridiculous statement.

And if you still "nevet surrender" tell GM to not merge our server with other. Tell your alliance to support "never surrender".
Can you?
Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2015-5-23 16:38
Edited by 9a8b7c6e at 2015-5-23 16:40
Ilidio777 replied at 2015-5-23 14:29
I don't understand you some players who take that game so personal like you.
Yes I all way say that  ...

You want someone from s27 in super turney map but when player buy king hero you said show off?
Do you think we can join high lvl on turnament map with xchu or xdun or tschi?

I only countered your ridiculous statement.

And if you still "never surrender" tell GM to not merge our server with other. Tell your alliance to support "never surrender".
Can you?
Author: Royal21    Time: 2015-5-23 17:22
Come now.. dont fight.. just kiss each other hahahaha

Former RoyalArse of Wu s21
Author: Rioricat    Time: 2015-5-23 17:26
Dont worry.. GM will do the worst thing and none of u will expected that. See last merge for your reference..
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-5-23 17:29
That is why we are giving the best information we can to help GM. With out information how to do a good merge?
Author: Audemars    Time: 2015-5-23 19:15
Where are you GM? Please share your thoughts.
Author: Azusa    Time: 2015-5-23 20:01
Go merger with S7 then
Author: Ilidio777    Time: 2015-5-23 21:47
I can see what lvl of education you have I think is a point less make any argument with you.. My apologies for the different lvl of culture and education between us...

Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-5-23 21:51
Wow this guy is a prick. Can't take differences in opinion and resort to insulting people not culture and educated.
Author: Miller    Time: 2015-5-24 03:50
Rioricat replied at 2015-5-23 17:26
Dont worry.. GM will do the worst thing and none of u will expected that. See last merge for your re ...

You sir are very smart. Wise and true words here
Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2015-5-24 08:59
Ilidio777 replied at 2015-5-23 21:47
I can see what lvl of education you have I think is a point less make any argument with you.. My apo ...

Author: Red225    Time: 2015-5-25 11:58
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-22 14:16
That is one of the influential factors and not the only one.
Thx for your understanding.

First feel when merger very2 frustasion coz s12 have stronger player.
But in long time not very hard hehehe
Author: Audemars    Time: 2015-5-26 17:56
GM? Where are you? Any thoughts?
Author: SMJr    Time: 2015-5-26 18:54
pandora replied at 2015-5-24 01:28

Wow. your character at level 83 but still got chest left unopened at Shu Mianzhu, Mianyang area.
Max wood and max food as well.

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-26 19:24
Audemars replied at 2015-5-26 17:56
GM? Where are you? Any thoughts?

Merger decision on s27 has not been made.
We will refer to both data and feedbacks from players.
Thx for your support.
Author: 9a8b7c6e    Time: 2015-5-27 17:49
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-26 19:24
Merger decision on s27 has not been made.
We will refer to both data and feedbacks from players.
T ...

The server still health sir,on event siege today shu and wei win,you can see a lot of player had online  from wei and shu
Thx for your consideration
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-5-27 18:05
9a8b7c6e replied at 2015-5-27 17:49
The server still health sir,on event siege today shu and wei win,you can see a lot of player had o ...

Thx for your reply. We will check it.
Author: Salamander    Time: 2015-5-27 21:27
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-5-27 18:05
Thx for your reply. We will check it.

Most likely alliance and clones
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-5-28 00:34
Merger with s27 with s16...  Bcoz wei s27 is stonger and wei s16 is weakness(less ppl)..

Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-5-28 00:43
SaistSean replied at 2015-5-22 21:30
S21-S22 just need stronger Country Wei to merger, because Shu n Wu often winning the event.

No both ...

If u want stronger wei and wu.. Just merger s21 with s1.. Wei is stronger country in there wu 2nd.... .. And see shu 21 will survive or quit...wkwkwk
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-5-28 02:09
ukaman87 replied at 2015-5-28 00:43
If u want stronger wei and wu.. Just merger s21 with s1.. Wei is stronger country in there wu 2nd. ...

agreed will face Suwandi and Ejick
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-5-28 02:51
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-5-28 02:09
agreed will face Suwandi and Ejick

Ya haha...

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