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Title: Upgrade Kill Chest [Print this page]

Author: IwanSudjatmiko    Time: 2015-6-10 13:36
Title: Upgrade Kill Chest
Please reconsider to upgrade kill chest more than 12m kill, or maybe can be more option to get bonus after kill more than 12m.
Maybe COTK can gift 200000 or 400000 food (because for kill 1m enemy need +/- 300-400k food) for kill 1m soldier enemy after we get full 12m kill chest.
MillAdela s20
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-10 13:42
Dear IwanSudjatmiko

        This advices has been noted and soon will inform the devs team whether can be realized or not. i hope you still alive and live to the fullest with many kinds of patience..
based on our mathematical calculation,astronomy prediction,also my own imagination i prefer first target kill chest is around 900billions kill to get 1 chest
and the rewards inside has been changed into
high probability will get "thank you card for being sadistic"
medium probability will get "don't be too cruel words"
low probability will get "white equipment"

Best Regards
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-6-10 14:05
Thanks for your feedback.
Author: IwanSudjatmiko    Time: 2015-6-10 14:07
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-6-10 13:42
Dear IwanSudjatmiko

        This advices has been noted and soon will inform the devs team whether can be  ...

Astronomy prediction????

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-11 12:59
IwanSudjatmiko replied at 2015-6-10 14:07
Astronomy prediction????

yes sir iwan

mathematic calculation affect the probability by % chances
while astronomy preditcion will gives good luck if the constellation are correct..
Author: saangAnwar    Time: 2015-6-11 13:56
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-6-10 13:42
Dear IwanSudjatmiko

        This advices has been noted and soon will inform the devs team whether can be  ...

U R so creative bro hahahaha
No limit imagination, as crazy as always

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-11 14:20
saangAnwar replied at 2015-6-11 13:56
U R so creative bro hahahaha
No limit imagination, as crazy as always

yes please support with some bucks of dollars,sorry i can't accept "thank you words" since can't buy nothing with no money
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-13 12:44
downgrade kill chest please,my liao hua combo with zhangba can't kill person with gaylord

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