Heyshell Games Forum

Title: So clones are allowed? [Print this page]

Author: Kiffy    Time: 2015-6-16 21:42
Title: So clones are allowed?
Hi GM,

Can I check with you, are clones allowed in your game?

So this is an acceptable standard from Heyshell?

Tonight's tourney against s7 Wei, you know how many clones are in the game? If you don't, please check your system.

Such old server as compare to us s31 you see the numbers of red gens with high lvls coming to battle with auto off.
For real? So many people from older server coming online for tourney as compare to us newer server?
Or do these accounts only log in during tourneys and war events?
No IP track? Or you guys have no solution to resolve this issue?

I saw a post regarding clones law and you guys still don't want to remove clones account?
Are you sending signals to those VIPs that spending money on this game will be useless? As compare to create lots of clones?

Hope you can provide good solution to this problem which I believed I am not the one mentioning about it.

if you prefer to side those clones than your VIPs, eventually no one will play your game.

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-6-16 21:47
Thx for your feedback. I totally understand your feeling and agree with you on some points.
Although we check clones regularly, they can still be created by the master. So the point now is how to decrease them effectively. I agree IP track is one but it does not work all the time. Any other suggestion is appreciated. Thx.
Author: w13w13    Time: 2015-6-16 22:03
it seems making the game exclusively on Android or IOS only would be best to stop these clones.
Author: Kiffy    Time: 2015-6-17 01:44
If I have any solution I will be more than willing to provide assistance. But if this don't resolve quickly, more people will learn and do the same thing and this will be extremely u healthy for this game.
Author: Kiffy    Time: 2015-6-17 01:48
Maybe if u can remove clones on weekly basis VS effort of these people lvling up clone accounts, such hassle for them will discourage them to waste time continue making new ones
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-6-17 05:44
Yes, my friend, clones are allowed in this game and GMs will not do anything about that.
Mr Chen says they check them in a circle, but what that means is that it takes them 2-4weeks per server making it just forever for all servers. Thats thier best measure they say. Also they wont ban high lvl alt accounts and vip accounts left by players who left the game.

And yes having a lot of clone accs is better than vip12

But thise people who use clones are just losers in life
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-17 07:19
SteelBarr replied at 2015-6-17 05:44
Yes, my friend, clones are allowed in this game and GMs will not do anything about that.
Mr Chen say ...

don't ban the clones ,just erase the main id
Author: Quasar    Time: 2015-6-17 10:04
Pls create more clone Kifty, if ur country wanna survive in this faking Clone of Three Kingdoms... GM only can promise since 1 years ago till now.. no solution. i repeat again : only CLONE can counter CLONE. hint to create clone, dont use the same name like "GMSuck1" "GMFak2" "GMLazy3".. they will know it.. They only ban u based on name.. such as so stupid way to detect clone since they can detect IP address..

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-17 16:55
Quasar replied at 2015-6-17 10:04
Pls create more clone Kifty, if ur country wanna survive in this faking Clone of Three Kingdoms... G ...

evil genius ,this brilliant solution will be noted by me then inform my teams
Author: Nyanted01    Time: 2015-6-17 18:31
Nah clone is part of the game now
Author: COTK-LA    Time: 2015-6-17 19:55
Quasar replied at 2015-6-17 10:04
Pls create more clone Kifty, if ur country wanna survive in this faking Clone of Three Kingdoms... G ...

Hi, bro, we should play the game in a fair way which will make the game more interesting for all players, thx
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-17 21:16
i play game for fun,no need to be serious with it
more id we have means more hours we needed to spend online
clones haunting on every server. new server,newer server and newest server without any exception
ban the main id

Author: Red225    Time: 2015-6-17 23:45
....maybe next tourney more clone again especially country join to elite tourney hahhhhhh...
hey gm please banned player reach level 1-90 in old server
Author: DMX    Time: 2015-6-18 00:38
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-6-16 21:47
Thx for your feedback. I totally understand your feeling and agree with you on some points.
Although ...

which point you dont agree Chen? please tell us
before that, what is the definition of clones? retired players then left the ids to be used by active players is considered a clone or not? how many ids are allowed to be played by an active players?
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-18 08:42
don't forget i am still waiting how you decide an id as a clone and worth to get ban?since i still saw many "amazing" id and it's annoyed me alot especially when i have to be a slave more than 60s..
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-6-18 10:44
DMX replied at 2015-6-18 00:38
which point you dont agree Chen? please tell us
before that, what is the definition of clones? ret ...

I do not think that cases can be treated as clones. But those low-level acc which are only used in country events will be.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-18 13:05
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-6-18 10:44
I do not think that cases can be treated as clones. But those low-level acc which are only used in ...

why is that?i think i saw s2 wei named dalay.. and got banned by now is he not a main id?even the real player already retired?
Author: Otiata    Time: 2015-6-18 14:02
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-6-18 10:44
I do not think that cases can be treated as clones. But those low-level acc which are only used in ...

hello Chen, I believe this is 1 of the reason why you failed us and fail to get rid of the clones. 1 player suppose to be owning and controlling 1 id which belong to the person. Your answer for DMX question means heyshell allow players to be playing multiple ids that at the end lead to using them as clones either during event or simply defending or siege cities.
If 1 player can control 10 ids, then the country has 5 players to do so, it means 10 ids x 5 gens x 5 players = 250 gens already. That is the case of 5 players. What about 10 players??
this clones words refers to multiple ids for the first time it is used. By time, the name changed into clones or zombies or whatever it is called.
Please seriously consult with the rest of the staffs there to make 1 final decision to get rid of this clones which already been yearly unsolved matter and consider us the active players that we want a fun gaming while playing this game. Probably you can run a survey on top players or the rest of the active players how much they want this game to be fairly play. They even said how addictive this game is on the beginning. Now, ask them again after they played it for months. Are they still as happy as the beginning of the time or this game has become so bored to them for the problems heyshell should have fixed since long time ago.

hope you take this feedback as serious consideration. Good luck

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-18 14:11
clones really ruining the gameplay
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-6-18 14:25
Otiata replied at 2015-6-18 14:02
hello Chen, I believe this is 1 of the reason why you failed us and fail to get rid of the clones. ...

Thx a lot for your sincere feedback. I also believe that clones are making game not fun as before, so as bot. In some cases, they have reasons to control more than 1 id for a typical player. But that is not common in game, so that assumption is not allowed on a large scale. Thank you for your advice on poll, even players who create clones may not want to do so at first.
Author: Kiffy    Time: 2015-6-18 16:12
I just hope you can really do something about it and come out with solution. This will breed more people to create clones and it will be a bigger problem in time to come if you can't stop it or do something.
Author: PercyMarsh    Time: 2015-6-18 18:43
Can't you do lock down base on IP?

2 or more ID login about the same time using same IP lock down for 1 hour.
3 consecutive lock down ID will be banned.

I believe this will stop them from using clone. Instead of doing the manual screening of clones which already took ages for you to clear.

Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-6-18 19:01
DMX replied at 2015-6-18 00:38
which point you dont agree Chen? please tell us
before that, what is the definition of clones? ret ...

I agree with you!

Each player has to have only ONE account no matter of the level.

If the player who originally created an account retierer and gave it to the other player it is multiple account/ alt/ clone. Ban all those accounts disregarding their level.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-18 19:04
SteelBarr replied at 2015-6-18 19:01
I agree with you!

Each player has to have only ONE account no matter of the level.

ban steelbarr
Author: DMX    Time: 2015-6-18 20:28
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-6-18 14:25
Thx a lot for your sincere feedback. I also believe that clones are making game not fun as before, ...

So you do allow players across all servers to play multiple ids/clones as long as they have reason to do so? come on, say it out loud you lousy bastard !!

No wonder how many times players complains you do not response well to what we all asked. The definition of clones you also cannot describe well. Try play this game yourself and see how you rot with the clones and auto off function. Better, put your salary to play it and then after that you tell us how happy you are playing this game. KANINIA !!

Author: Miller    Time: 2015-6-18 22:54
HAHAHAHA you deleted my post from earlier why???? Because you guys are the worst gaming company ever and completely unprofessional? Yes, We all know that is it and yes I will say it again COTK-LA you sound like a hipster fag "bro"
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-19 07:50
i am still waiting the answer

1. what is a definition of clones
2. what requirement that "clones" should get banned

refers from above answer,an account which real player not play anymore is not a clone,but i saw dalay from s2 wei got banned,yes i know he is retired already
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-6-19 09:37
DMX replied at 2015-6-18 20:28
So you do allow players across all servers to play multiple ids/clones as long as they have reason ...

That is different situation, dear player.
If some one creates more than one accounts in one server and uses those low-level ones in country events to draggle, they will be taken as clones. But those accounts played by real players will not.  
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-6-19 09:38
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-6-19 07:50
i am still waiting the answer

1. what is a definition of clones

Please believe we have reason to do so.
Author: XuHeX    Time: 2015-6-19 13:59
Personally i do not care if they were a clonses, guards, aegis or real players. I still fine with them whatever i am fighting. And sure i can consider it as a very overpopulated server.

But please do not auto off.

No one in s7 willing to go over to wei side because there is a 50-80generals with auto off, each general has 4 row and they are so weak. Imagine 1 of mine can kill 10generals / 40 rows. Thats over half an hour for one of my generals stuck in their bot traps. And twice  longer for my second general in line.

Personally i think what they do is not about defending territories. But to pissed people off. You maybe luckier than most people since you may spend couple of hours a day everyday to control all bots, but not everyone can play that much.

To gm or dev team. S7 is just as bored as hell. I do not care about bots or clonses. I just dont like the clones traps. Please reduce the timer from 10seconds to 3 seconds.. Why would you need 10 seconds to pick a skill?? Normally a women only need 3 seconds to answer a marriage proposal...

Just my 2 cent
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-19 19:29
XuHeX replied at 2015-6-19 13:59
Personally i do not care if they were a clonses, guards, aegis or real players. I still fine with th ...

each hero 4 row all auto off
i don't have forever just to wait 1 battle finished
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-19 19:30
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-6-19 09:37
That is different situation, dear player.
If some one creates more than one accounts in one server ...

ah just in country events then un allowed
Author: wan88    Time: 2015-6-20 07:13
Very easy tracking that chen,my suggest u just need see auto off and low lvl id especially Non vip new id in old server ( not in event) plus some tracking ip system...hope may help u...not all u can erase but i think more u can erase
Author: voo    Time: 2015-6-21 09:59
S7 wei has alot of clones really? Wei is the most underpopulated on that server. Try fighting shu s7 when they bring out their 500.
Author: voo    Time: 2015-6-21 10:04
As for xuhuex comment about auto off I totally agree but first u should check your side daily and ask yourself why there are 100 shu in tongguan auto off and than check jimengguan and say why this 80 there auto off...and last check wooxian yes u right another 40 auto off.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-6-22 20:05
voo replied at 2015-6-21 10:04
As for xuhuex comment about auto off I totally agree but first u should check your side daily and as ...

tongguan count as neutral place,
you will get shocked when seeing huge number trapping inside territories 10%.30%,and surrounding 50%
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-6-22 20:25
wan88 replied at 2015-6-20 07:13
Very easy tracking that chen,my suggest u just need see auto off and low lvl id especially Non vip n ...

Thank you for your suggestion. We will try it when needed.
Author: millertime    Time: 2015-6-26 01:50
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-6-22 20:25
Thank you for your suggestion. We will try it when needed.

What he really means is we may try to fix it when you guys get mad and stop recharging but until then thanks for the money suckers
Author: Xguan    Time: 2015-6-27 16:13
Chen,answer me how about clone stucking at capital and make anyone cant leave capital becoz city behind capital surround by 200 clone?what will u do?u still let them go?
Author: Marcellino    Time: 2015-8-12 16:59
COTK-Chen replied at 2015-6-16 21:47
Thx for your feedback. I totally understand your feeling and agree with you on some points.
Although ...

Make the game balance......
No country can CREATE NEW ID, unless the total ID for each country is the same...
For example, WEI 500, SHU 300 and WU 400. It means both WEI and WU can't CREATE NEW ID unless SHU population reached 500 or WU also reached 500
Author: Marcellino    Time: 2015-8-12 17:15
I also getting bored playing this game..........
Imagine that all city surrounding your capital is stacked by enemies' clone (each city at least 200 gens). And all these gens are yellow and red generals and AUTO OFF.
There's no point anymore to play...... you can't go anywhere unless fighting these yellow and red generals. Even if you spent 1 hours to play, you only get a very minimum exp....

To the country who keep producing new bots and clones:
I can understand if in term of event (i.e. city siege), you want to win by stacking as many as generals you have..... But, in no event time?? What for?? To prove that you are the strongest country? Well, personally speaking, I'm not proud to be the strongest country by using clones and bots.

You are creating a time bomb for yourself. If you keep doing this, there will be no players anymore who want to play. And you will play a ghost server... Congratz...... especially for those VVIP player in your country.. you have spent so much money only to play in a soon ghost server..

Why the game called three kingdoms? Because there're three balance country that keep attacking each other, which at the end create a good atmosphere to play.

Well anyway... BYE BYE
I will not recharge anymore and I will only play if I have time...

Author: weiliang78    Time: 2015-9-6 00:32
And who start the clones?
U guys talking about other server or other country making clones.
Why dont u check on your own country, do u had it in your country or not.
When we talking about clones, someone keep produce it n using it.
U track, u banned, then what?
U keep complsaining when u still on top of your server.
When u win in your own server, u still dont satisfied, n find other server to blame.
U dont see below u, only see upper side of u.
If this only a game, u will play it and start to compete.
Someone rc higher, u try more higher.
Someone making clons, u create more.
So what the point?
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-6 07:45
the point of playing the game to feel relaxed not more depressed
Author: COTK-Fy    Time: 2015-9-6 10:38
Bot is one of our most concern problem. But now we deal with this by identifying them and clearing them, and we also try to come out with more effective way to solve it.
Author: zfirez    Time: 2015-9-6 11:33
Dear cotk admins.

Coming in from programming background, there is definitely ways you can detect clones or stop clone creation. It depends in whether the business side of it wants to implement it or spend the effort to clear it.
Nothing is impossible. If the issues raised by players here not taken care of, very soon you see the end of this fun game. No amount of new servers , in game purchases will bring back the revenues lost via ppl leaving this game.

Hope heyshell see this as a serious feedback and do something about it before the game gets ended.
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2015-9-6 12:32
Yeahhh..clones are allowed here...
coz this game change name bcome Clones of Three Kingdom's,,,,
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2015-9-6 12:54
Just see what happen at s7...and play there,, u can feels waht have we feels...bfore clones grown up at s7,, we live in peace,, each country can reach at capital enemy's.... Even wu,, shu or wei..each country have a player can through and pass till capital city...and how bout now?...only 1 country which very country,, the others only play when have a time...and what happenned now very disgusting,, each person blame the others..shu bots,, wei bots,, wu bots...fuck la...I just want play a game for fun and make a friend,, nothing less,, but now I cant feel thats anymore,,, pliss make my server back normally like it was bfore..
AntonSetya S7

sorry for a bad english (ah,, like  a band name's)
Author: COTK-Fy    Time: 2015-9-6 14:20
Antonsetya replied at 2015-9-6 12:54
Just see what happen at s7...and play there,, u can feels waht have we feels...bfore clones grown up ...

thanks for your info. we care about our player's feeling. So we also want to solve this problem ASAP.
Author: dian    Time: 2015-9-6 16:42
U mean u want solve problems when shu cries? Wei been complaining about shu clones for 1 yr and u didn't do a damn thing. Even till now the shu clones we complain about still not ban. So is this now clash of the shu kingdom?
Author: COTK-Fy    Time: 2015-9-6 17:39
dian replied at 2015-9-6 16:42
U mean u want solve problems when shu cries? Wei been complaining about shu clones for 1 yr and u di ...

sorry, I can not understand what you means. Actually, we do not check your country when you post the complainant in the forum one by one. we take all of our players equally.
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2015-9-6 21:18
dian replied at 2015-9-6 16:42
U mean u want solve problems when shu cries? Wei been complaining about shu clones for 1 yr and u di ...

Eh Dian or Whoever U are,,,Sorry...im Not Crying or etc...i only want my server Back like It Was..Bfore U and Ur Friend Came....
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-6 21:35
Antonsetya replied at 2015-9-6 21:18
Eh Dian or Whoever U are,,,Sorry...im Not Crying or etc...i only want my server Back like It Was.. ...

ask his adress then send C4 to his house
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2015-9-7 09:05
Ill send ladyboy from pattaya for him...:
Author: werwe    Time: 2015-9-7 09:17
This Antonsetya is just a long retire id used by shu players to cry with. S7 shu was a clones fest, s8 shu also clone fest only s10 shu not have much clones so which server did u want it to be back to?
Author: cauphan    Time: 2015-9-7 10:10
Shu people loves to use retired id to spread lies n false accusations everywhere. See his selfishness? he doesnt want anyone playing in "his" server. why you dont suits yourself in server 69 by yourself huh? funny when the GM is always doing their dirty work!
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-7 10:33
werwe replied at 2015-9-7 09:17
This Antonsetya is just a long retire id used by shu players to cry with. S7 shu was a clones fest,  ...

does that mean antonsetya already passed away?
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-7 10:33
cauphan replied at 2015-9-7 10:10
Shu people loves to use retired id to spread lies n false accusations everywhere. See his selfishnes ...

now is wei era of domination then,shu ages already over
Author: cauphan    Time: 2015-9-7 10:41
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-9-7 10:33
now is wei era of domination then,shu ages already over

Shu is playing dead so GM will merger us with s15. Shu has atleast 100clones id, which they kept under secret.
and by the way, swifting era and domination is natural cycle, nothing special.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-7 11:10
cauphan replied at 2015-9-7 10:41
Shu is playing dead so GM will merger us with s15. Shu has atleast 100clones id, which they kept u ...

why with s15?i thought the most possible is with s3
Author: diandrow    Time: 2015-9-7 11:29
Horre...clones will be banned....
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2015-9-9 09:14
Edited by Antonsetya at 2015-9-9 09:23
werwe replied at 2015-9-7 09:17
This Antonsetya is just a long retire id used by shu players to cry with. S7 shu was a clones fest,  ...

Ahhh,, u know me well...do I know???...
and what u mean with s7 shu have clones fest??
We fom shu s7 tnrough many different fought there, fight againts 1k shadow at every city,, we still survive...we better fight againts 1k shadows than fight ur fucking auto off clones...
Author: NwLBirinG    Time: 2015-9-9 17:57
F u c k  y u anton 1k shadow bullshit....shu s7 starting making clone
Author: NwLBirinG    Time: 2015-9-9 18:03
1 more thing to remember tu yu anton just quickpatri can make 5k shadow in shu s7
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2015-9-9 21:01
Yups,,, u r right,, and I played when patri use his shadows...so I can told u how i feels...x
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-9-9 22:01
is there any country in any server can siege barbarian capital?
Author: KingOfClone    Time: 2015-9-9 22:19
NwLBirinG replied at 2015-9-9 17:57
F u c k  y u anton 1k shadow bullshit....shu s7 starting making clone

who are you? you didnot know server 7 united front, you are cloned by simaa or kenarok?
Author: bibon    Time: 2015-9-9 22:57
COTK-LA replied at 2015-6-17 19:55
Hi, bro, we should play the game in a fair way which will make the game more interesting for all p ...

Heyshell has to start to be fair. So player will do same. Why do you do only for shu? Whatever they said, you react so fast. If the way you satisfy for shu only, do you want me to say that is fair? You should act on behalf of heyshell not on behalf of shu or we or wu only.
Author: jaguharol    Time: 2015-9-9 23:12
KingOfClone replied at 2015-9-9 22:19
who are you? you didnot know server 7 united front, you are cloned by simaa or kenarok?

Wat u mean im cloned???? im old better than u iim played since s1 .if u dont know anything dont talk to much about s7 okeyy just shut de puck upp
Author: jaguharol    Time: 2015-9-9 23:16
Just shut upp u kingclone...
Author: KingOfClone    Time: 2015-9-10 06:52
jaguharol replied at 2015-9-9 23:12
Wat u mean im cloned???? im old better than u iim played since s1 .if u dont know anything dont ta ...

yeah youe are a clone master and i will banned you

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