Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Fix SHU Last 4 Cities [Print this page]

Author: iwin    Time: 2014-4-5 05:28
Title: Fix SHU Last 4 Cities
Please fixed the last 4 SHU city Mianyin, Jiangyuan, Wooyang, Mianzhu. Please fix them so that all 4 last cities before the capital on SHU are not so easily assault from each other just like Wei and Wu.
While it doesnt matter much it is just easier for Wei and Wu to occupy all 4 cities of SHU.
Every cities on Wu can't be directly assaulted. Jiangle on Wu can't even be assaulted.
Wei Handan and the other 3 totally takes different route.

This is for balancing out and look better, thank you.

Author: yuichristian    Time: 2014-4-13 03:00
i dont know how to attack Jiangle in Wu S8

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