Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Update Market & Swop [Print this page]

Author: iwin    Time: 2014-4-5 05:52
Title: Update Market & Swop
Edited by iwin at 2014-4-5 05:54

After the new patch, although Food Rewards are greatly increase Foods consumes for each Troops are also greatly increase.
The amount of Silver, Food, Wood from Market are way too small. 600 resources to maximum 3200 resources if double are considered too small as bonus. It need to be greatly increase also.
The same goes to SWOP, 16000(17600) Food/wood for each SWOP are too small now, Please increase the amount also.
Iron for XiangYang or Country Supplies also need to get increased just a little bit. 100 is too small.

Please consider this, thank you.

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