Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Dont open more new server too fast [Print this page]

Author: Leront    Time: 2014-4-5 17:25
Title: Dont open more new server too fast
You see, Gm..im actually glad you open a new server to open a chance for new players, but the problem is you have to see other server seems abandoned.. players leave and go to new server. The server im playing in becomes more lonely. I pay quite handsome already and leaving means I have to pay from zero again. If i recharge , what it uses if the server has only few players.

Author: R.Adrian    Time: 2014-4-6 14:56
new server = done!! i retire. no player =offline game. LOL
Author: TayenJunior    Time: 2014-4-6 18:20
R.Adrian replied at 2014-4-6 14:56
new server = done!! i retire. no player =offline game. LOL

N e e d
n e w
s e r v e r
p l e a s e
l a u n c h
i t
s o o n !!!

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