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Title: S38 need balancing [Print this page]

Author: Disciple    Time: 2015-7-12 07:23
Title: S38 need balancing
Hi Chen, S38 Wei players are leaving the server.  If this continue, Wei will die and game will perish. This will be unfair to Wei VIP players there. Please look into it.
Author: G.khan    Time: 2015-7-12 13:43
Edited by G.khan at 2015-7-12 13:44

what do u say about balance? i think this game only  need idea n skill. go buy vip 6-7 then u will be stronger. lol
Author: Disciple    Time: 2015-7-12 13:51
G.khan replied at 2015-7-12 13:43
what do u say about balance? i think this game only  need idea n skill. go buy vip 6-7 then u will b ...

I am not refering to equipment. The large portion of big spender players are concentrated on 1 side.
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-13 17:30
Thank you for your feedback.
Author: Fox    Time: 2015-7-16 22:29
Because s38 shu have lot of fake account ,u 1 account can fight with they 5 fake account ?
1 main account and have 5 fake account ,not only wei ..Wu also cant fight with them.do u know cotk can't solve this problem
Author: Quasar    Time: 2015-7-18 12:31
My suggestion is create more clones like s1 n s7 wei did. and dont forget to auto off, to piss off ur enemy.. stronger hero will stuck forever there.. by the time, one by one ur enemy will give up this game.. so you will conquer ur server.. if u dont know how to do it.. create acc on s7 wei, ask them to teach you.. believe me its work.. since GM only concern about clone but do nothing..
FYI, iam from wei s15, dead country too.. unlucky we dont have ppl to load clones.
Author: faquarl    Time: 2015-7-18 13:21
hell yes.. wei s1 and wei s7 are the champions of clones and bot..
wei s1 has 3k clones and wei s7 has 2k clones.. not just they had a huge amount of clones
they also use program to load clones automatically.. i dunno if its called cheating or not
but since game developer not doing anything, so its free i think..
Author: ZHAUYUN    Time: 2015-7-18 16:48
°-° i think s7 already began the clone wars and yet all servers will began the clone wars bcz at s26shu tere are many clones

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