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Title: COTK Server Merger S21 & S23 on July 16th [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-14 16:18
Title: COTK Server Merger S21 & S23 on July 16th
To build good quality game environment and to promote interactions among players, we will carry out a server merger for COTK from 12:30 July 16th 2015 after maintenance. The merger will last about 2 hours and the servers involved are S21 and S23. These two servers will be temporarily shut down during the merger. Your patience and understanding are highly appreciated.
S23 will be merged into S21. Players’ current game data will not be affected after the merger. Players can still log into the game like they used to.
I. Please be aware that the following will be completed during the merger.
1. Characters falling into the following three categories at the same time will be deleted:
a. Lower than Lv. 30
b. Offline for more than 30 days
c. No Gold recharge records
2. For duplicated names, here is the solution:
Duplicated character name will be added with the old server number as a suffix. For example, Arthur.S5
3. All events will be reset/deleted after the merger. Remember to claim all rewards available before the merger.
4. If players play in several servers and their different characters happen to be in those servers to be merged:
a. He/She will have to choose a character before logging in to game.
b. Need to choose a default character when recharging on Heyshell platform.
5. The data of cities and city guards on world map will be collected/copied from the targeted server (the old server).
6. The data of supplies will be collected/copied from the targeted server (the old server).
7.The data of country level and EXP will be collected/copied from the higher one of these two servers.
8. All heroes will be sent back to capital city.
9. All shadows on world map will be cleared and free shadow times will be returned to players.
10. Officials in Palace will be cleared.
11. Arena rank data will be cleared.
12. All the data in Rank (Kills, Duel Rank, Siege) will be kept and combined.
II. Free Merger Gift Pack
S23 launched later than S21, so players higher than Lv. 75 from S23 will get a gift pack.
Gift pack = Days difference * (Gold*10, Lord EXP*30K and Food*100K)
And Gift pack for S23 is Gold*200, Lord EXP*600K and Food*2000K. (Max Day difference is set to be 20 days.)
III. Exciting Events
We have lots of fun and exciting events after the merger! Prepare to enjoy!
If you have any suggestion or expectations about the server merger, please E-mail us : cotk@corp.heyshell.com
Thank you for your support and enthusiasm!

COTK Team.

Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-7-14 16:34
Bye bye Wu and Wei.
Author: LieYatDong    Time: 2015-7-14 17:07
Another dead server created by gm n admin wkwkkwkw

Author: Trisula    Time: 2015-7-14 17:11
I dont care,....
Win lose i dont care
Author: h3rm4n    Time: 2015-7-14 17:18
why like this...???
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-7-14 17:26
GMs want to bring all strong Shu servers together
Great idea so balanced!
And I wonder why they call this game Clash of Shu Kingdom :p
Author: suhuvent    Time: 2015-7-14 18:22
Author: Hishigi    Time: 2015-7-14 19:15
Fools merger.in s23 shu.wu.and wei is balance now.we dont want to merger.gm stupid
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-7-14 19:33
You asked for merger. GM noted your comments and feedback to team. Here is the great merger you. All been waiting for.
Author: Rianitta    Time: 2015-7-14 20:07
Fools merger.in s23 shu.wu.and wei is balance now.we dont want to merger.gm stupid

Lol just cry baby allways complain.
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-7-14 20:13
Rianitta replied at 2015-7-14 20:07
Lol just cry baby allways complain.

You will cry too if you are VIP 12 in Wei or Wu.
Author: Rianitta    Time: 2015-7-14 22:15
Seowseow replied at 2015-7-14 20:13
You will cry too if you are VIP 12 in Wei or Wu.

for me its ok la. its just game. why must complain ???
Author: mazpaijo    Time: 2015-7-14 22:55
Why dont give gold to oldserver lol

Author: suhuvent    Time: 2015-7-14 23:14
mazpaijo replied at 2015-7-14 22:55
Why dont give gold to oldserver lol

Agree give Alll player in S21 100k gold will be great ,
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-7-15 06:16
200 gold to old server and 1k gold to new server , we will love you for that gm .
and welcome s23 , hope to have an enjoyable time together
s21 shu , L.B.
Author: LieYatDong    Time: 2015-7-15 14:12
Hahaha funny now no one say poor to wei if merger, n no one say healthy server,  so I guess healthy server meaning is shu dominant n fuck u gm u never ask s22 opinion if merger our server its like dejavu when u merger s21-22
Author: artons    Time: 2015-7-15 17:21
Gm if u wan merger server tray to mix radom plyr country again n make balance in this game

Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-7-15 19:15
They can't mix players to make server balance. This is the design of the game programming. If the design of the game programming allows for mixing players than there is no need for server merge because players can also transfer to other server. In conclusion it is a dead end solution for both the GM and players.
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-7-16 04:18
let us attend to LieYatDong comment , first off we don't have a healthy server now anyway , our wei is almost gone , we have a huge clone infestation ( some clones already got chao ) , but hey since when any merger that has happened in this game benefited any server , so yes I will miss wei , I hope the additional numbers give some boost to moral of our current players , and I hope all will enjoy the new fights , happy gaming all and welcome again
Author: bibon    Time: 2015-7-16 10:48
Congrats for the merge. Uh ah uh ah ha
Author: Dom    Time: 2015-7-16 10:49
Seowseow n Riannitta obvious is from shu.. Coz they keep complaining n act like loser in S23/24 man!! Why cannot act like winner..?? When they lose event, all the negative words will come out.. Cant be good teamwork n we (shu) will plan n work harder to get.. That is the energy n positive vibe for everybody n especially for urself man!! U act like a pussy (u know who u r).. When we merged, so many shu!! wu n wei s23/24 just work towards winning it.. Now we win some event n they just know how to complain n negative.. I'm have met enough shu loser now.. Merging again really good..  A lot of good words n praises to S21 SHU LB.. Really looking forward to see you soon!!  I can learn the tactics n teamworks from each other sir LB.. Cheers!!!!
Author: .007.    Time: 2015-7-16 12:29
Edited by .007. at 2015-7-16 12:33

Seriously dom. Is there a way to make you looks and sounds dumber than u re right now? Wei will always be a sore loser and with a king like you that only depends on gold, clones and auto off. Why the fck do u even need tactic and team work when all you have done is giving up fight with your so called corwardy allies. Many of us quit and took a break from the game because it was fcking boring. You wanna learn tactic from L.B ? Oh boys .. you are too amateur and not even worthy to even mention his name. Get rid all ur clones and auto off and fight us head on, and u will slowly gain our respects.
Author: Seowseow    Time: 2015-7-16 12:48
.007. replied at 2015-7-16 12:29
Seriously dom. Is there a way to make you looks and sounds dumber than u re right now? Wei will alwa ...

Thanks for the reply. Didn't really want to reply to that dummy.
Author: charlie    Time: 2015-7-16 12:52
Merger is good to wipe out the clones,,thanks gm
Author: Dom    Time: 2015-7-16 16:24
Edited by Dom at 2015-7-16 16:37

Lol.. Im nobody la brother.. Im a newcomer n just enjoy the game.. Accidentally climb all the way to rank 1 arena in S23.. Dont know why when merged, a few of them looking for me.. I think s23 shu loser mentioned me a lot.. Im asking gm to define clone.. Will have good understanding what is clone n what is not..  Yeah dont know why ppl mentioned about me.. Im nobody n low level and dumb..  Im impressed with s21 shu, wu n wei.. Im not sure those ppl commented above is from s21 or s23... So far i talk to a few shu s21 is winner n great to respect players.. Hope those ppl above dont fall in the category s23 loser!!  .007 of course need!! I always learn from good ppl n players.. definitely not u la. U will only teach me rubbish.. But is good to learn from u too so im not like u.. Thanks above all for the comments.. Auto off is great tactic invented by cotk..  I just make full use what i have.. Will take n learn from my mistake.. Im not a good king by the way.. I just enjoy the game.. I mentioned LB coz i respect him.. U envy coz nobody mentioned ur name.. Dont like that bro!! U know u r stronger than that.. Keep up the good work!! Lets enjoy the  game... Cheers!!
Author: Dom    Time: 2015-7-16 16:29
Edited by Dom at 2015-7-16 16:43

Oh take a break too.. Loser walk away.. By the way, i dont know who u r also.. U used nick name to reply my comment!! U can c who is the loser man.. Lol.. Keep it up to overtake me man.. Name urself so at least i know who u r.. Anyway i cant do anything also right.. Dont be scared.. Cotk is teamwork.. 1 person cannot win.. I got a great team in S23... We dont disrespect other players.. Learn brother... Learn..

Author: \o/    Time: 2015-7-17 03:47
alright , we are all grown ups here , merger is done now , let us enjoy gaming together , welcome all new players , happy gaming to all
Author: suhuvent    Time: 2015-7-17 17:21
i'm still child with 10 years old but good enough for play cotk.. cheers
Author: Johnson88888    Time: 2015-7-21 13:56
Cheers! S23-24 or even S21-22... Shu, Wei or Wu... Whatever it is... we have all come so far and merger has already done. We enjoy the game together. Nevertheless... Please respect each other. And refrain of using words to harm each other. Problems and quarrel arise when 1 give up on "giving in"... So guys... we learn respect and gain fun playing. Hehe... Anyway, Wei King - Domdom, if possible try to use auto on instead of auto off so regularly. It's not seize "Defending" city event. But still... I understand your food supply is low and no wrong using auto-off.  I am Johnson888 ^_^  

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