Heyshell Games Forum

Title: Ec package compensation [Print this page]

Author: Karen    Time: 2015-7-16 23:27
Title: Ec package compensation
nobody seems to want to answer me so I am posting here...empire craft was shut down, out of our control, heyshell took our money right up to the end, probably knowing fully they were shutting down the game.  We get a compensation package to come over to cotk.  Some of us accepted this thinking heyshell would be fair (laughable).  Most of us spent 500 dollars plus on that game, the compensation package you are giving us is worth about 20 bucks if that.  How is that even remotely fair to any of us.....
Author: SteelBarr    Time: 2015-7-16 23:48
I think we can sue them
Winning the case will give much more than invested also the more people file the complain to the court, the more fines they will face
Author: Karen    Time: 2015-7-17 00:41
SteelBarr replied at 2015-7-16 23:48
I think we can sue them
Winning the case will give much more than invested also the more people file ...

Maybe they will listen then
Author: DrCeleste    Time: 2015-7-17 01:40
Where are our Rewards?
Author: Rannie    Time: 2015-7-17 17:04
I did not receive any rewards? I filled out in forum!!!
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-20 14:48
The pack has been sent last week. And the list is posted in the forum of Empire Craft.
Author: zhoA    Time: 2015-7-21 17:11
i am pretty sure u will also get screwed here in cotk. lets face it this game also on its last leg with not much new players coming in and bad management from gm that only favor shu, once the old money is gone this too will shutdown.
Author: DrCeleste    Time: 2015-7-21 17:52
HeyShell is greedy. They don't care what players think. They are lining there pockets with our cash and laughing at us all the way to the bank.

If anyone here thought they would give us something other than what we received, your naive.

HeyShell has always been this way to its players. Just look at the forums where players are begging for help.

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