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Title: Server Competition for Elite Team [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-19 20:04
Title: Server Competition for Elite Team
Edited by COTK-Chen at 2015-7-19 20:04

Dear players,
The Server Competition for Elite Team is coming!
Congratulations to these countries, they have managed to join the Elite Team! They are Wei/S1, Shu/S3, Wu/S3, Shu/S7, Wei/S12, Shu/S12. We sincerely wish you success in the following competition. At the same time, those who did not make it to enter the Elite Team need not to be disappointed, you will become the winners in the near future!
>> Server: S1 - S38
>> Schedule:
July 20th - July 22nd (GMT+8)
July 20th
1st competition: 20:00 - 20:45
2nd competition: 21:00 - 21:45
July 21st
3rd competition: 20:00 - 20:45
4th competition: 21:00 - 21:45
July 22nd
5th competition: 20:00 - 20:45
>> Bonus:
According to the the number of cities your country siege and enemies you kill during the competition, you will be rewarded with a lot of vouchers.
The bonus is absolutely FREE.
You can also spend Gold to claim more vouchers.
>> Notes:
1. Lv. 76 is required to join Server Competition.
2. Every country will take part in 5 matches with the other teams within the same group.
3. In the server competition you will enter new map and fight with other countries.
4. The number of vouchers you receive depend on the number of cities your country siege and enemies you kill.
5. You can use Gold to claim more vouchers.
6. Rewards for Elite Team will be richer than that for Normal Team.
>> Participating countries:
Elite Team:
Normal Team:

Author: ChrisLim    Time: 2015-7-19 20:23
What the heck?
Come so soon & on weekdays again?!
Author: whowhoami    Time: 2015-7-19 21:26
Seriously, on weekdays again... can't you just schedule it on weekend?
Author: DragonX    Time: 2015-7-19 21:35
Turney ? No ro and food lol
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-7-20 00:13
sheesh Chen , this thread is so confusing , it says elite tourney then you stated that the participants are all servers , care to clarify more . and seriously we were supposd to get 5 admins replacing Athur , yet you are the only one left , rest are just not on but rarely , this is not a burden that one person can keep track at all times , best of luck though
Author: hardiyan    Time: 2015-7-20 04:44
After exp event u launch boost exp then u lauch melon event then u launch tourney elite..so wonderfull
how we can  participate fully if some of us had trouble with food include me..im only low vip almost non vip...hahaha so cant swoop silver into food without CD..but thank u for chance getting voucher..gila.s20(s12)
Author: Hemanleo    Time: 2015-7-20 04:53
This should definably be on the weekend seriously
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-20 11:44
Thank you for your advice.
Author: boost    Time: 2015-7-20 12:34
Switch to weekend please.
Author: testas    Time: 2015-7-20 13:44
wei s7 should have been there.. we control half of country all the time.. soon we will overcome the entire s7.. we were not lucky on last turney.. did not send bots fast enaugh to capture cities..
Author: Reyscue    Time: 2015-7-21 01:52
ya agree, wei s7 must at elite too, we already use many bots , and see at world map , we dominate all country too

Author: Franky    Time: 2015-7-21 09:26
Mr GM. Low vip also got a problem on food. High vip also same. No silver n food. How can we keep join event??? At least give us more food so we can join event.
Author: millertime    Time: 2015-7-21 15:16
Not only is the tourney not on the weekend, but like always it is at the same time. The free vouchers are extremely important, the chance to buy more vouchers is important and of course I miss out again because I live in the USA. Seriously do you even realize what time the tourney takes place if you live on the west coast? ? ? Why can the times not alternate so people who have to work hard and many hours for a living have a better chance to join tourney. If this is really a different game then the chinese version then make it happen Heyshell.
Author: enderalain    Time: 2015-7-22 09:04
Tourney for nothing , we are from s38 are not match with another old server !!!
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-22 10:53
enderalain replied at 2015-7-22 09:04
Tourney for nothing , we are from s38 are not match with another old server !!!

Do not worry. Next time, new servers will be stronger.
Author: millertime    Time: 2015-7-22 14:21
Why you ignore my comment Chen? Do you not care?
Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-22 14:24
millertime replied at 2015-7-22 14:21
Why you ignore my comment Chen? Do you not care?

Yes, we have received similar advice from players in other time zones. We will take it into consideration but not sure the advice will be adopted..
Author: Aqua.S15    Time: 2015-7-22 16:10

Want to ask and know how can a Normal Team country get into Elite Team?

Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-7-22 18:14
Aqua.S15 replied at 2015-7-22 16:10

Want to ask and know how can a Normal Team country get into Elite Team?

Top 6 servers with most occupied cities under the "Top States" tab, get into Elite Team.
Author: Azurozeta    Time: 2015-7-23 08:33
make new clones, and use bots , make this game rating down, i hope new update, can help to make this game rating back to first. I really like this game, i get many friends from this game. I agree some idea, after erase clones, closed to make new id at old server, new people, play at young server...... . Then if server quit, can merger....Thanks GM

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