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Title: Ban Clones S1 & S3 & S7 [Print this page]

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-21 16:25
Title: Ban Clones S1 & S3 & S7
Let's go on Banning Clones! To meet players' demand and make better game environment, we decide to check clones again on S1&S3&S7 CLONES ! Hope all player can comply with our rules and help us to monitor this situation. We will ban the clones on July 22nd. If you have any problem, please contact us timely.

Author: zhoA    Time: 2015-7-21 16:45
this time u need to list the clones so we can curse u for just banning wei and wu clones
Author: sima    Time: 2015-7-21 17:24
This time if you fail to ban clones, better shut down the server.
Author: MaChao    Time: 2015-7-21 17:45
This time please not just show fake Banned Shu ID.

You show in the list but not getting banned.
I know shu pay you more $$$ but please be fair.
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-7-21 19:01
Dont forget check s21 too.. S21 hv lots clone..
Author: faquarl    Time: 2015-7-21 21:46
GM please consider to ban wei s7 clone master also... if not, its useless cause they will make more clones...
and also if you ban the master, no one would dare making or moving clone again... so the problem solved...

i give you the name of wei s7 clone master :


those 2 id, xzel and simaa, known as wei s7 clone master... they are talking about their "new troop"... this is solid prove..!!! ban them..
Author: MaChao    Time: 2015-7-22 00:00
LOL. Why you crop yours  Image ?
You afraid to show your MANY TABS ?

Every new player = clone ? What a shame.
Why not said you guys just want always WIN ?

Author: MaChao    Time: 2015-7-22 00:13

Whoever you are that just use clones ID to posting.. You must be a kid who love to provoke people.


You think we cant play stupid thing like this ?

Why sima use the word "bring" ? anyone know the answer ?

Author: zhoA    Time: 2015-7-22 01:09
Wtf they play 20 and 30 ids and they cry?
Author: Rioricat    Time: 2015-7-22 02:44
Wow.. 20-30 id? Do you guys at shu have real life outside cotk?
Author: ude    Time: 2015-7-22 04:19
Can we ban this donkan,sima, and zliang they admit to being clonemasters. Maybe Gm chen plays on s7 shu??? How come so fast to react when s7 shu complain?
Author: sima    Time: 2015-7-22 09:01
I vote Ude and MaChao to be our next GM, cause they know how to  eliminate clones and bots. Anyway, i dont know who are they. If you dont mind pls tell me your IGN.

Author: ude    Time: 2015-7-22 10:20
Thx for having interest in us sima. Can u also tell us which GM u are?
Author: sima    Time: 2015-7-22 10:43
ude replied at 2015-7-22 10:20
Thx for having interest in us sima. Can u also tell us which GM u are?

You just said im a clones master, and now im a GM. Maybe later you would tell others im your father? I suggest you, Spend more time to think about yourself rather than others.
Author: ude    Time: 2015-7-22 10:59
I am just too good looking to be your son , sorry sima
Author: McDohl    Time: 2015-7-22 13:13

If you want to investigate and ban clones, do it in silent and post after your findings.
Its like Police announcing to Public... " I am going to clear all vice activities from tomorrow onwards"...

Think you can do a good clean up after that statement?
Of course if you want to make it easier for yourself to check less IDs, then go ahead.

Author: COTK-Chen    Time: 2015-7-22 14:22
McDohl replied at 2015-7-22 13:13

If you want to investigate and ban clones, do it in silent and post after your findings.

Yes, we checked before we ban them. The list is settled although it is not published here.
Author: Arthur    Time: 2015-7-22 16:50
Kasian kali gua liat Wu.
Mau aja di jajah trus ama shu. Kasih exp 50% lagi. Kalian dijajah 12 jam, tapi kalian dikasi exp cm 3 jam.

Tapi namanya ego demi kepuasan batin jadi ya sutra lah
Kalian lebih senang menjajah wei juga.
Author: bibon    Time: 2015-7-24 00:01
sima replied at 2015-7-22 10:43
You just said im a clones master, and now im a GM. Maybe later you would tell others im your fathe ...

Agree with you sima. Why do people think about others. Talk about others. Complain about others. Better think about our own.
Author: bibon    Time: 2015-7-24 00:06
Seem this thread for "thieves shout thief to others" hahahahaha
GM you have the right to ban any body, even to shutdown the game forever. If you want to., just make sure u have the big revenue. Hehehehehe
I hope to see GM best wise way in the list in your bucket.
Look forward for your banned list
Author: Azurozeta    Time: 2015-7-24 08:56
agree with GM, your rating game now down again, cause boring clones and bots, now C3K, rise. we must do something, cause we love this game. No clones, more shadow will come, you can get more money, i see you fast do server war, then contest, and many event with gold, come fast ( gm need fast money ). Clones, bots, bore, down rating, cause gm money drop?
Author: Antonsetya    Time: 2015-7-24 11:50
This time...Banned Clones..Bots...and develop ur game anymore gm... ..
ur feature already in at C3k..and now u just add it..

Author: KickWeiAss    Time: 2015-7-24 12:35
Now SHU S7 have automarch we can kick wei ass
Lets Create our clones guys

Author: Haruka    Time: 2015-7-28 18:01
Getting boring on this game. Bot too many
Author: kenarok    Time: 2015-7-28 18:12
i'm clone coz i share my id to my son and my other family....banned me please soo i can stop spent money to this game. share the in term and condition is rules No, 1 right...so banned and shut down Kenarok.S8 please
Author: MaChao    Time: 2015-7-28 18:20
Edited by MaChao at 2015-7-28 18:30




Author: memed123456789    Time: 2015-7-28 22:12
same old never ending story...

Author: The_spicy    Time: 2015-7-28 23:41
Lol we are going to get banned for sharing IDs like everyone else on s7? I don't care if you ban me or call for me to be banned but don't act like you wei clone and bot masters don't do worse... Don may move 20-30 IDs but he does it on his iPhone usually as opposed to computer players? Yeah and Gm already knows wei 7 has a bit program you can't hide that fact they also know everyone's clones they aren't stupid they have only chosen not to act until now from increased player pressure... But hey I'll pretend I didn't see 400 blue generals in Mianzhu and Jiamengguan before your gold, green, and red generals were banned guys... You want to talk about clones and bots don't pretend yours don't exist and in greater number than what we could ever hope to do... And don't brag about being superior to Shu you are using a bot program big whoop you want it fair? Sell Shu and Wu bot programs too and see what happens lol 1k generals at every gate fighting then from all sides maybe haha wouldn't that be amusing? Or is wei afraid to share their secret that isn't really a secret? You cloners and botters in Wei make the good wei look bad... Players like PanumKenne, Kenarok, souperb, and Rudra that just play and don't have to go out and buy software so they can use computers to beat a more numerous and stronger country. -Spicy/Sid
Author: kasaubin    Time: 2015-7-31 06:05
How come this donkan multis 20 to 30 ids and not banned?
Author: zhugezai    Time: 2015-8-1 22:15
spicy u just big mouth n amikshit. u r bullshit n nothing. u cant play your main id too good but just can waste gold high other vip. better shut up n just play your id for fun than make chaos in this game:
Author: Wumin    Time: 2015-8-1 23:38
sigh.. i wonder how GM banned clones.. if all the clones abv vip2-3 will they be banned.. n those without vip n lvl abv 90 will they be banned.. here is mine point .. GM what is ur criteria for banning all this clones???
and how u define clones? pls enlighten me..
CLONES= gold for u to setup more server
CLONES= benefit to the stronger country
CLONESE= ppl complain in forum u just folo ??

and please GM PLS CHECK  all your ENGLISH LANAGUAGE for super tourney not super turney or turnament .. dotzzzz
thx u
Author: weipussy    Time: 2015-8-2 00:26
Don't complaint. There is nothing admin can do on clones or bots.
Who got plenty of time and device, please create clones and bots. Use hack or cheat appl. on clones only for unlimited resource and go for auto fight or defence. Thats the only way to change the game to clash of 3 clones.....

Author: edgr    Time: 2015-8-2 09:10
Nice name donkan, that's pretty original name lol weipussy? S8 Shu just need to stop crying u losing only because sima not Recharge to help u win everything now haha.
Author: testas    Time: 2015-8-2 17:59
they really think that they can stop us from sending out clones. you can keep dreaming that banning clones can stop us.even banning our main ID would not stop us. we can keep creating more and more clones. do you really thing GM 30 minutes auto attack and defend can stop our 24/7 clones mass attack.  and somehow you manage to trade 30% and 50% with wu.. no no.. we wei will stop you from doing that anymore. wei will creating more clones on wu and surrounded you with clones. to make sure shu vip players wont be able to play at all. it is funny when wei clones can break through Tongguan and Wooxian. funny to see how ping feng attack your home cities.. and its funny how to see shu vips play to fight with our clones when we are asleep. wei will make sure all rich shu vips leaves the game. wei will sorrounded you from both sides, and makes your play even worse then fighting aegis or guards.
Author: MaChao    Time: 2015-8-2 19:37
Edited by MaChao at 2015-8-2 23:32

LOL, testas please write more carefully,

From your sentences, ITS ALREADY KNOW THAT YOU'RE FROM SHU S7 OR WU S7 Who want to scapegoat this Shu S7.

Are you even have a dick, SHU/WU S7 ?
Talk as WEI with CLONES  ?

Do you think we dont know our Members ?

Dont cry like this testas, this will make you more girlish, accuse people with talk like someone from Wei.

Author: Franky    Time: 2015-8-2 19:42
Wah.. Clash of three clones.. == not fun anymore..
Author: Haruka    Time: 2015-8-4 17:13
I think all acc under vip6 all ban then gm will earn more
Author: TayenJunior    Time: 2015-8-6 14:02
what is c3k here which by some people mentioned?another game looks like this from heyshell?international server?
Author: faquarl    Time: 2015-8-6 15:09
testas replied at 2015-8-2 17:59
they really think that they can stop us from sending out clones. you can keep dreaming that banning  ...

now wei s7 admit they use clones, make new id on purpose, and use 3rd party program..
what a confession..

GM please investigate it and punish wei s7, since they use 3rd party program to disadvantage others.. it violating the terms of service...!!!!!

poor wei s7.. they behave like coward chickens who cant win with fair play.. they simply cheat and cheat again   and they proud of it.. what a shame
Author: Aqua    Time: 2015-8-6 16:15
Dont worry we SHU S7 also use bot and create clones everyday, WE WILL NOT LOSE TO YOU WEI !!!!
We have DonKan, Beatstick, DevilEye, we will never lose to you WEI !! We have our clones Master...


We even can block WU NOW !!

SOON we will conquer all of this S7 and make all Green.
Thanks Chen for keep banning Clones in WEI and WU.

We will keep recharging as a thank you.
BRB creating more clones...


Author: LeeSoonKyu    Time: 2015-8-6 16:24
lock the thread GM chen this just stupid these s7 shu making post pretending to be wei, also u should tell them little cry babies shu still has the most clones.
Author: beatstick    Time: 2015-8-6 16:48
Its funny how i am labeled as a clone. Btw defination of clone is one who is not original and is a replica of another. My account t is original coming to vip 10. I control only 1 account and i dun have such time to control many account of even to engage a bot.

I do know that all here are to play a game to enjoy and have fun. Everyone played to past time. Why kill the game with bots and clones. Honestly when s7 and s9 played, all three countries exchanged words and it was peaceful. There were days Yunfei and real Patri work together to seal off Shu. But we just played and maintain the fun and good relations.

Bots are not part of the game. If one can handle 5 account in wei without using bot, i handsdown and say you are good.

Destroying the game because you are not willing to RC is not a manly action. We all played the game because it is simple and interesting to make strong your account. I believe before the clone bot thing started, when simaa, yunfei amd rudra was online wei can easily come into shu.

The start of this shit was when all the auto off started. It made the game unfair, and wei retaliated with clones then the bot programme, the game went down spirally.

Question is why did we play the game from the start?
If there are personal issues, please deal with it personally to each other and do not destroy a peaceful war game.

GM, i hope your next course of action is to allow the game to continue flowing in the right way.

P.s please use actual account ign to speak.
Author: zhoA    Time: 2015-8-6 17:18
Edited by zhoA at 2015-8-6 17:42

Nice write up beatstick but u forgot to mention your friends wanz,donkan and warz filled our luoyang with over 100 for months...was that a bot? But u know u seem like a nice guy u just bad luck merge with the s8 shu babies.
Author: darry    Time: 2015-8-6 18:02
Gm pls come and clean s39 full of shit here... I'm paying so much money to build my heroes and to fight bots and clones? Pls look into shu..
Author: Aqua    Time: 2015-8-6 19:08
Yeah beat... no need give them speech, we will create our clones... GM already support us.
Author: MaChao    Time: 2015-8-6 19:30
Edited by MaChao at 2015-8-6 22:14

Nice speech beat. But you think you wrong about something.

- Do you think we can pass easily to SHU in S8 ?
- Don't you know they have clones 200++ and wei have only less than 100 ?
- Do you know every night before merge to S7 we even cant pass Luoyang with 150++, Xuchang 100+ with sima + others vip 9+++ ? ( We call that a bot ? a clones ? )
- Do you know, you guys complaint about clones, but your numbers more than us, and always said we have have more clones ?
- Do you know GM always supportive to your country a.k.a SHU S7 and listen to yours only ?

sima already proposed better game for us to share 50% each others, BUT YOU KNOW WHO REJECT THAT PROPOSITION ?
You should already know that ANSWER, and if I'm not mistake, you also one them.

Because you're thinkking :
Why would we do that if we can attack them anytime we want, we're the strongest country, WHY WOULD WE CARE ABOUT OTHERS PEOPLE FEELING THAT PLAY IN WEAK COUNTRY ?

ALL of SHU AGAINS sima offer. Even we already know that will NEVER HAPPEN even most of you SHU Agree.
"SOME PEOPLE" will be not agree to that, since he can log ALL HIGH VIP 10++ and become arrogant to attack weak country only.


Who use clones ID to speak like WEI ?

IF you in WEI / WU ( or we can said weak country who got less people on ? ) what would you do ?

I Know S7 and S9 have good people on it in real life. You guys sharing, meet each others, sharing.
But You also already know people who "LOOKS LIKE" kind, but in the end want to crush others.


This my last speech about CLONES OR WHATEVER YOU SAID.


Author: beatstick    Time: 2015-8-6 19:33
I am sad for you unknown identity aqua. You are wei but speak like a shu. People like you are the ones who destroys the game too. I wish u all the best in real life.
Author: MaChao    Time: 2015-8-6 19:38
Maybe you can speak that for your own people beat.
Who started that first.

and from what I saw, its not the first time.

Author: beatstick    Time: 2015-8-8 12:33
Well Machao,

What makes you think I rejected the sharing of 50% offer? I can share with you what happen in s7/9 where YunFei and real patri came to attack us for months and we propose to them to hit each other but no avail. Still we just played our normal happy game and enjoy the fight. They came without clones and without auto off.

What's your in game id by the way? You seem to base some on assumptions too. I think. Clone number wise now your wei reached a scary number of 500 at a point. To be frank when u guys have around 200 it was still fine and not alarming but it hit a certain benchmark plus auto programme that keeps walking down is pretty alarming.

The high VIPs in wei can come down easily and wrote in to GM too. Why not? Nothing is not possible to work and make a game better.

Your grudge for some of the people in the game is too strong. There is no winning to this game. If you can control many Ids and come at us, like I mentioned, I handsdown and welcome. But if someone in wei engage a programme and run it then it's a shame and ruining the game for everybody. Including some wei's. .

Machao, you are right too. I feel sorry for all those who spoils the game in the forum and the game itself. identify yourself and im willing to take it offline with you and talk more with u.

GM, you really need to fix certain things in the game.
Author: zhoA    Time: 2015-8-8 14:35
How come complain than? If u use to getting hit by both wei and wu..
Author: beatstick    Time: 2015-8-8 16:40

There is a difference getting hit because players fought hard and fair as of compared to being hit because there is a programme.

Like I have mentioned. If u can handle any account by hand and fight i hands down and nothing to say. The way I look at it, Wei is not weak at all with all the top 10 and top 20 online.

Really if Shu and Wu also have a bot programme, what to play? How to play? Are we still playing a game that we all have invested time on? Maybe I'm a single gamer, I have no other games to play that I enjoy compared to this money sucking game.

Once again zhoA, pls identify yourself too with ign.
Author: iron    Time: 2015-8-8 21:20
Banning 1 clone or even 1000 clone will never fix anything. And the worse is u launch auto march and then banned id again.
If u want to fix this thing, it's simple.
U are the only one ruling this game.
I think u can do anything,include to erase (creating new id) in the old sever.
But i think u just too lazy to fix this thing,just like ur fake promise to making the balance server, the fact is u just choose random server to merged or u just accepted when some player(ur favourite player) asking u to merging his server with another server.
And u just happy andlaughing when we insulting each other.

Author: GaranS7    Time: 2015-8-9 00:40
Yoz u know wat , u earn mine respect to write n speak out using ur REAL IGN ! Thxs for commenting n hope to battle n enjoy ur gaming ! Lastly also will like to rc in d game tat worth us to do so !
Author: testas    Time: 2016-9-11 23:04
yes please ban all shu and wu clones please... the are slowing down our clones reaching 30 and 50% cities

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