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Title: Detailed instruction how to get Zhou Yu [Print this page]

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-7-21 21:08
Title: Detailed instruction how to get Zhou Yu
Detailed instructions how to get Zhou Yu
This is very tricky instance, not that difficult but tricky. The main problem lies in the fact you have to be able to regulate troop numbers of third general so that Guo Jia can reflect fourth and fifth NPC. No need for Ma Chao although it must be easier with him.
General useful tips before start this instance :
1)      Test your power in Trial Tower. As for me, I got Zhou Yu when I was able to get through stage 22 & 23 & 24 of 6th floor; immediately after these stages I continued effortlessly until stage 5 of 7th floor so I set these three as benchmark as they seemed to me more difficult than 7th floor stages; some other experienced players told me they got Zhou Yu while staying in stage 3 of 7th floor.If you wanna save souls, do not rush, wait until you are ready.
2)      Terrain – be very careful of which NPC has terrain advantage. The most problematic from this point of view are instances with fourth NPC having terrain advantage (X.Sheng, H.Gai, Lu Meng) and first and third having terrain advantage (Tai Shi Ci). It is almost impossible to reflect both fourth and fifth NPC, if you dont have at least 88.000 troops on Guo Jia with attack higher than 4200 and defense around 2000. Otherwise you have to rely on blockers with terrain tactics (Gan Ning & Tai Shi Ci) to block fourth NPC skill and kill at least one row of his army. It´s not necessary to remind you that while on water, use Gan Ning and while on plains, use Tai Shi Ci, is it?
3)      Regulate - Regulate numbers of your third gen. troops – there are two ways of approaching this tactic. Either you are so strong your third general will survive third NPC with three rows standing so he creates some meat barricade for Guo Jia or you get him killed by last row of third NPC. Latter is - of course - difficult one, so stick better with first one if you can.. If you want to do it more complicated way – just because you can J or have no other choice – it is easier to regulate third gen troops by ... not giving him horcrux sometimes. One more thing – the former is better to use when third NPC does not have terrain advantage, the latter when he has, as it is easier to let third gen die using terrain advantage of NPC against him.
4)      Proper horcrux - Use proper horcrux according to which NPC you plan to hit with the general you put the horcrux  on. If you don´t have rebound damage horcrux, you will have hard time but you can make it as many others did. It is better to have resist horcruxes on 14% level, I needed at least resist archers hrcrx on this level in Tai Shi Ci stage.
5)      Smart guy has big company. Give as many troops as you can to Guo Jia. He is the smartest general of the bunch after all... Saving vouchers and buy lvls 2-4 Guild helps a lot bcs of fast gem advancing.
6)      Forge & Polish. Remember, it is possible to get Zhou You with lower stats, hrcrx and trinkets than mine, but it will cost you a lot of precious soul. Therefore forge, polish and forge again. And then forge again and again. Then try first stage and in between stages simply forge and forge. And forge again. One more thing. Forge !
1st stage D. Feng
Arma : 100 61 100 63 49 62
Gem :  12 11 10 10 10 9
Formation in order of appearance on battlefield :
1 Xu Chu lvl 96 att 4091 def 1686 units 6673 res. Infantry hrcrx 12% slotted +17 +17
2 Dian Wei lvl 94 att 4054 def 1785 units 6668 res. Cavalry hrcrx 12% s. jade
3 Tai Shi Ci  lvl 96 att 4143 def 1650 units 6352 res. Archers hrcrx 12% s. slotted +18 +18
4. Guo Jia lvl 88 att 4071 def 1807 units 6924 Storm hrcrx 18% s. jade
5. Xia Ho Dun lvl 98 att 4268 def 1827 units 6795 Rebound damage hrcrx + 19, s. jade
Start with golden classics-Xu Chu´s Chaos effect so that first NPC won´t shoot his skill. In this stage i was fortunate because my Xu Chu blocked skill of second NPC.  Now there are two main formation possibilities – except of mine written above you can switch Dian Wei with Tai Shi Ci as recommended by some more experienced players. I found it easier to regulate dying of weaker Tai Shi Ci and power of his skill rather than Dian Wei´s with his raising capacity connected to diminishing of his troops. Dian Wei is also very poor blocker so it is more probable – considering some of troops left in front of fourth NPC – to block fourth NPC if necessary. Whatever formation you have chosen,  your goal should be reflect fourth and fifth NPC skill with Guo Jia. As I already mentioned i prefer to have better blocker in front of fourth NPC so that if some of his units stand between Guo Jia and fourth NPC, there is higher chance to block him.
As long as you reflect D. Feng skill, he is easy to kill with terrain advantages of Xia Ho Dun.
After this I tried X. Sheng stage and fail two times because of having less troops on Guo Jia and worse defended than necessary. However, good news was X.Sheng´s skill was very weak so I knew if I improve defense and troops numbers, I will be succesfull. So i did what ? Yes, I forged.
2nd Stage X. Sheng
Arma : 101 69 100 63 61 62
Gem :  12 11 11 10 10 9
Formation in order of appearance on battlefield :
1 Xu Chu lvl 97 att 4094 def 1737 units 7100 res. Infantry hrcrx 14% slotted +17 +17
2 Dian Wei lvl 95 att 4057 def 1836 units 6710 res. Cavalry hrcrx 12% s. jade
3 Gan Ning  lvl 93 att 4117 def 1730 units 6512 res. Archers hrcrx 12% s. slotted +18 +18
4. Guo Jia lvl 91 att 4149 def 1931 units 7091 Storm hrcrx 20% s. jade
5. Xia Ho Dun lvl 98 att 4268 def 1897 units 6829 Rebound damage hrcrx + 19, s. jade
Well this was pain in the ass bcs although having quite good attack and defense on Guo Jia I wasn´t able to kill fourth NPC and reflect fifth. Also first NPC having terrain advantage really annoyed me bcs having less attack on Xu Chu made me lose first two rows of Dian Wei in this instance. Therefore I highly recommend suggested order, because of Gan Ning can block quite nicely fourth NPC. Start with Golden classic move, then kill first NPC as fast as possible. Dian Wei shoots his „Fight“ in the last possible moment, Gan Ning shoots his „Whirlwind“ immediately. I was lucky to have three rows of Gan Ning in front of fourth NPC and he blocked his skill, so finally I was able to rebound X. Sheng skill and kill him with terrain advantage and rebound hrcrx of X.H.Dun. And then to celebrate, I forged again.
3rd Stage H.Gai
Arma : 102 87 100 63 61 62
Gem :  12 11 11 11 10 9
1 Xu Chu lvl 97 att 4190 def 1817 units 6763 res. Infantry hrcrx 14 % slotted +17 +17
2 Dian Wei lvl 95 att 4148 def 1910 units 6733 res. Archers hrcrx 12 % s. jade
3 Gan Ning  lvl 94 att 4246 def 1823 units 6502 res. Cavalry hrcrx 14 % s. slotted +18 +18
4. Guo Jia lvl 92 att 4233 def 2002 units 7483 Storm hrcrx 20% s. jade
5. Xia Ho Dun lvl 98 att 4349 def 1967 units 6829 Rebound damage hrcrx + 19%, s. jade
Whatever you have read about this instance, be careful. This is not an easy one. That´s bcs three of NPCs has terrain advantage, second, fourth and fifth. Yes, H.Gai has only two row hitting skill, but the skill is really strong so it usually killed two full rows of my X.H. Dun as long as I wasn´t able to get Guo Jia through fourth NPC.  In this stage I had similar problem as in previous. Guo Jia was not able to get through fourth NPC due to his terrain tactics. Start with golden classics, then pray either your Xu Chu block second gen or kill first gen with at least two rows standing. Dian Wei fires in last possible moment, Gan Ning shoots from first row. The goal is to block either third or fourth NPC with Gan Ning and kill at least one row of fourth NPC. If you manage that, Guo Jia will have enough troops to reflect H.Gai. His skill is strong so it reduce his two first rows to half and that is chance for X.H Dun to chop him into pieces with terrain advantage. Have you forged already ?
4th Stage C. Pu
Arma : 102 87 100 63 61 62
Gem :  12 11 11 11 10 9
1 Xu Chu lvl 97 att 4190 def 1817 units 6763 res. Infantry hrcrx 14 % slotted +17 +17
2 Dian Wei lvl 95 att 4148 def 1910 units 6733 res. Cavalry hrcrx 14 % s. jade
3 Gan Ning  lvl 94 att 4246 def 1823 units 6502 res. Archers hrcrx 12 % s. slotted +18 +18
4. Guo Jia lvl 92 att 4233 def 2002 units 7483 Storm hrcrx 20% s. jade
5. Xia Ho Dun lvl 98 att 4349 def 1967 units 6829 Rebound damage hrcrx + 19%, s. jade
Easier than previous one. Only third NPC has terrain advantage so sticking with previous formation and switching only Dian Wei´s and Gan Ning´s horcrux will result in success. Start with golden classics, then usual Dian Wei last moment shot. If you manage block third NPC, wait for the last moment with Gan Ning firing „Whirlwind“ so that it affects fourth NPC rows; if not, fire immediately. Three rows of Guo Jia are enough for fourth NPC and C.Pu devastates himself nicely by reflecting his skill from Guo Jia. X.H. Dun rewards him with mercifull death right after. You should reward yourself with forging!
  5th Stage L.Tong
Arma : 102 89 100 63 61 62
Gem :  12 11 11 11 10 9
1 Xu Chu lvl 97 att 4190 def 1825 units 6763 res. Archers hrcrx +12% slotted +17 +17
2 Gan Ning  lvl 94 att 4246 def 1831 units 6502 res. Cavalry hrcrx 14 % s. slotted +18 +18
3 Dian Wei lvl 95 att 4148 def 1918 units 6733 Rebound damage hrcrx + 19% s. jade
4. Guo Jia lvl 92 att 4233 def 2010 units 7483 Storm hrcrx 20% s. jade
5. Xia Ho Dun lvl 98 att 4349 def 1975 units 6829, res. Infantry hrcrx 14 % s. jade
Now this should be the easy one, but i spent here eternity because of first NPC´s percentage of block Xu Chu´s Golden classics was around 80% (which i can´t explain bcs. Xu Chu had slotted). I tried formation as in previous stage first, but then I decided to switch Gan Ning and Dian Wei, because Xu Chu was not able to resist first NPC. So I had to hope Gan Ning will block the second NPC. Once Xu Chu wasn´t blocked and Gan Ning blocked second NPC (and luckily the third also but it is not necessary – I just let Dian Wei die without shooting, otherwise I would shoot; its no problem in this stage bcs third NPC has terrain advantage) it´s easy. Fourth NPC doesn´t have terrain advantage so three rows of Guo Jia are enough and L. Tong is weak oponent bcs of not being terrain skilled too.

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-7-21 21:08
Edited by Corvinus at 2015-7-21 21:12

6th Stage Lu Meng
Arma : 102 89 100 63 61 62
Gem :  12 11 11 11 10 9
1 Xu Chu lvl 97 att 4190 def 1825 units 6763 res. Archers hrcrx +12% slotted +17 +17
2 Gan Ning  lvl 94 att 4246 def 1831 units 6502 res. Cavalry hrcrx 14 % s. slotted +18 +18
3 Dian Wei lvl 95 att 4148 def 1918 units 6733 Rebound damage hrcrx + 19% s. jade
4. Guo Jia lvl 92 att 4233 def 2010 units 7483 Storm hrcrx 20% s. jade
5. Xia Ho Dun lvl 98 att 4349 def 1975 units 6829, res. Infantry hrcrx 14 % s. jade
Now this is one of the more difficult. In times of despair remember it was this asshole who´s order killed our beautiful beard Guan Yu, that helps a lot. Start with golden classics, then after killing first NPC shoot Gan Ning´s „Whirlwind“ immediately. Killing weakened second NPC with terrain advantage of Gan Ning wil let him probably with two rows left. Then you either block third NPC (which i didn´t) or you will have reduced rows of Gan Ning and killed first row of Dian Wei. Proceed without shooting „Fight“ up to two rows of  third NPC are left, then shoot to third row of third NPC. It will not damage him so badly that he would not be able to kill rows that left Dian Wei if you let him and shooting to third row of third NPC means also first two rows of fourth NPC is hit, so the damage taken from „Fight“ and from Guo Jia reflect his skill will be enough to damage him so, that Guo Jia is able to reflect also Lu Meng. Lu Meng has horses in this stage so do not think about use Resist Mechanization. Use Rebound or – if you don´t have it – some kind of magic J or give him resist cavalry instead of Xu Chu.
7th Stage Gan Ning
Arma : 102 89 100 63 61 62
Gem :  12 11 11 11 10 9
1 Xu Chu lvl 97 att 4190 def 1825 units 6763 res. Archers hrcrx +12% slotted +17 +17
2 Dian Wei lvl 95 att 4148 def 1918 units 6733 res. Cavalry hrcrx + 14% s. slotted +18 +18
3 Zhou Tai  lvl 89 att 4134 def 1898 units 6594 res. Mechanization hrcrx 10 % s. jade
4. Guo Jia lvl 92 att 4233 def 2010 units 7483 Storm hrcrx 20% s. jade
5. Xia Ho Dun lvl 98 att 4349 def 1975 units 6829, res. Rebound damage hrcrx 19 % s. jade
Very easy once you employ Zhou Tai. In fact, the only difficulty here is to avoid Zhou Tai shooting at the third NPC bcs he has siege towers that looks just as Guo Jia´s, but I´m not sure whether it reflects skills; you know I had no intention to test it. This formation is scarcely the best of all possibilities, I think it would be possible to set formation that could win this stage on auto mode. Needed only four generals to win this.
8th Stage Tai Shi Ci  a. k. a. hell on earth
Arma : 105 98 100 63 61 62
Gem :  12 11 11 11 11 9
1 Xu Chu lvl 97 att 4418 def 1916 units 6998 Storm  hrcrx +20% S.slotted +17 +17
2 Tai Shi Ci  lvl 96 att 4215 def 1864 units 6557 Res. infantry hrcrx  + 14% S. slotted +18 +18
3 Dian Wei lvl 96 att 4170 def 1994 units 6749 Res. Cavalry + 14 % S.jade
4. Guo Jia lvl 92 att 4271 def 2113 units 7615 Res. Archers 14 % S. jade
5. Xia Ho Dun lvl 99 att 4365 def 2054 units 6838, res. Rebound damage hrcrx 19 % S. jade
This is hell on earth. For the first five or six tries I wasn´t able to block neither second nor third NPC ( with Tai Shi Ci + s.sloted 18+ !!!) so that I was left in front of final monster with two rows and killed. Then I managed to block third NPC but was one row short to reflect final boss. So I made Super Slotted for Xu Chu to get one more row of Guo Jia. After this the first NPC blocked me five times in row so the result was the same. This is really annoying stage that made me grow  much stronger then necessary for previous stages. Surprisingly I found more difficult to get Guo Jia reflect Tai Shi Ci than slay the final boss. The answer for me was streghten Xu Chu so that he survived with two rows standing.
Start with golden classics and honestly if your Xu Chu is dead meat here before killing first NPC, it´s gonna be hard for you.
If you can´t slay first NPC with Xu Chu, its better to use D.Wei, Tai Shi Ci order instead of suggested above. There is a chance for Dian Wei to block second NPC, but i did it only once in some 15 attempts.  So after Xu Chu leaves this world, let Dian Wei shoot „Fight“ in last moment possible. The more of third NPC you will reach with it, the better. The same goes for Tai Shi Ci. As the second NPC is non terrain, try to shoot „Armor Break“ to the first row of third NPC or at least so that you hit the same rows as you hit with Dian Wei. The goal is to make third NPC as weak as you can so that when your Tai Shi Ci dies, it´s easier to finish him with Guo Jia. One more thing, Tai Shi Ci must block third NPC. Now, Guo Jia needs „only“ three and half rows for fourth NPC bcs this one is non terrain. Nevertheless, the more rows you´ll have facing fourth NPC the more you will have against the monster. So I suggest to strengthen Guo Jia even more in this case.
If you are able to slay Xu Chu´s oponent go for formation suggested above. After Second NPC shot his skill, shoot „Armor Break“ then swiftly kill second NPC. Tai Shi Ci must block third NPC here otherwise you are probably lost. Then shoot „Fight“ into last possible row of third NPC so that you weaken fourth NPC´s rows. Because of strength and terrain advantage of third NPC you can regulate easily number of Dian Wei troops and get him killed before fourth NPC´s turn. Then it´s the same as always, simply reflect fourth and fifth NPC.
As for fighting final boss, I have no advice but pray for luck. Tai Shi Ci has really strong skill so he is halved if you reflect him. I didn´t notice usually mentioned connection of MISS ability and tactic chosen by GM for oponent or to put it better i can´t see any connection here. I did not notice it bcs I killed Tai Shi Ci as soon as I was able to reflect his skill. A lot of work here did rebound horcrux for me so I left battlefield with one almost full row of X.H.Dun.
9th Stage Sun Ce
Arma : 105 98 100 63 61 62
Gem :  12 11 11 11 11 9
1 Xu Chu lvl 97 att 4418 def 1916 units 6998  Res. mechanization hrcrx +10 % S.slotted +17 +17
2 Xia Ho Dun  lvl 99 att 4365 def 2054 units 6838 Res. Cavalry hrcrx  + 14% S. slotted +18 +18
3 Dian Wei lvl 96 att 4170 def 1994 units 6749 Res. Archers hrcrx + 14 % S.jade
4. Guo Jia lvl 92 att 4271 def 2113 units 7615 Storm hrcrx 20 % S. jade
5. Zhou Tai lvl 89 att 4210 def 1931 units 6594, res. Rebound damage hrcrx 19 % S. jade
This is easy once you have Zhou Tai in formation. Start with golden classics, then kill second NPC with remnants of Xia Ho Dun, shoot „Fight“ very carefully so that Dian Wei dies with one row of third NPC left. Guo Jia kills fourth NPC with two rows so despite Sun Ce´s skill is weak and reflecting will let him practically unhurt and despite his split damage ability you will kill him probably with two full rows of Zhou Tai standing.
10th Stage Zhou Yu
Arma : 105 98 100 63 61 62
Gem :  12 11 11 11 11 9
1 Xu Chu lvl 97 att 4418 def 1916 units 6998  Res. infantry hrcrx +14 % S.slotted +17 +17
2 Dian Wei lvl 96 att 4170 def 1994 units 6749 Res. Cavalry hrcrx  + 14% S.jade
3.Gan Ning lvl. 94 att 4269 def 1909 units 6502  Res. Archers hrcrx + 14 % S. slotted +18 +18
4. Guo Jia lvl 92 att 4271 def 2113 units 7615 Storm hrcrx 20 % S. jade
5. Xia Ho Dun  lvl 99 att 4365 def 2054 units 6838 Rebound damage hrcrx 19 % S. jade
Final one, easy one. Start with golden classics, you should be able to kill first NPC with Xu Chu bcs its non terrain NPC. Dian Wei shoots „Fight“ in the last moment possible. It ´s good to regulate him so, that Gan Ning can block third NPC. It´s not necessary though, as long as third NPC although terrain one, is not that strong. Focus on deliver „Whirlwind“ as much as  you can onto fourth NPC. Then let Gan Ning get killed due to terrain advantage of third NPC. If your Guo Jia reflects both fourth NPC and Zhou You, it´s happy ending for you. Zhou Yu devastates himself on some two thirds so it´s easy meat for X.H.Dun.
Hope this will help someone.
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-7-22 19:07
that was a very long tutorial but you forgot the most important thing that most players need to know , what equip to be used for each hero , I suggest you add that , as for the rest of the info , it is helpful . best of luck for all going after zhou yu
Author: artons    Time: 2015-7-22 22:22
I vip 0 get zyou in lv 109

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-7-22 23:40
Well, I forgot to write my strategy at the moment was focused on "get the highest attack and defense as you can". So most of my equip during the instance were 5555 Attack, Defense and Troops, some Harm on Xu Chu and X.H.Dun, some Trick and Tactic on D.Wei and Gan Ning/Tai Shi Ci. I have to confess I found out about "Sweep" in Trial tower only during the instance so my generals were not fostered the proper way - yes, ridiculous. I balanced that by equip.  
Author: bibon    Time: 2015-7-22 23:50
Nice threads, much better than just complain to GM about other country.
Other player can try this, or find some other way to pass any instant.
Good luck, play and get some fun
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-7-23 14:05
artons replied at 2015-7-22 22:22
I vip 0 get zyou in lv 109

me get z.yu in lvl 105 non vip lol wkwk
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-7-23 16:10
Hi Red!

As I wrote above it can be done sooner and with less  but i bet  you spent more soul than me, my esteem of soul used is about 450-500 k. Tai Shi Ci inst cost me maybe 150 k until i understood that I can win by strenghtened Xu Chu. If i should do it now I would wait for Ma Chao bcs. its better to have 25% terrain advantage than 15.
Author: Red225    Time: 2015-7-23 20:02
Edited by Red225 at 2015-7-23 20:06
Corvinus replied at 2015-7-23 16:10
Hi Red!

As I wrote above it can be done sooner and with less  but i bet  you spent more soul than  ...

Haha...u true my brother only tsc making me frustation i spend until 450k same 30x try another it only 6 or 4 time.
But u dont forget my brother
1.me only 18 star u 28 star so i dont have hocrux rebound as i know rebound very2 usefull for g.jia so we can put another hocrux to we hero.
I bet if u dont have hocrux rebound u can get z.yu now.
2.my arma and my gem...if not wrong only 95,95,85,66,65,65 and 11,11,10,11,11,9

But congrat for u bro...z,yu good hero and can make shu in our server be strong
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-7-23 20:30
I´m not forgetting Red. How you did it was really awesome of course, there´s absolutely no dispute about it, although your way of beat T.S.Ci was impassable for me. I was really surprised when you got Zhou Yu before me. As for tactics I found rebound really useful "only" for T.S.Ci stage bcs it reduce T.S Ci whether i hit him or missed and that´s crucial in this stage. I found out about what "Sweep" in Trial tower is only when i got to Zhou Yu, so my generals are fostered only for some 1/8 of full foster - bcs all my soul came from first pass of stages and i saved it for instance. Now I´m fostering strongly so be prepared if we meet in tourney bro
Author: Hendy_wizard    Time: 2015-7-24 17:21
anyone vip 0 get lu xun already??
Author: RobbySurya    Time: 2015-8-23 00:44
Thank you at last I got Zhou yu

Author: TayenJunior    Time: 2015-8-23 15:48
artons replied at 2015-7-22 22:22
I vip 0 get zyou in lv 109

same here i vip 0 level 109 not yet get Dianwei
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-8-24 18:39
RobbySurya replied at 2015-8-23 00:44
Thank you at last I got Zhou yu

Congrats Robby
Author: COTK-Fy    Time: 2015-8-25 09:41
Nice, thanks for sharing.
Author: jeffbnp    Time: 2015-10-24 02:29
just got z.yu in lv 106 with arma 71 63 65 61 51 51 with all gems lv11
use std gens. gjia xchu g.ning tsc xhd z.t...
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-11-9 04:25
after i read these,i am sleepy but i realized that i can't get him by now compares to my super duper low armament and polish
Author: Daveltl76    Time: 2015-11-9 13:00
According to trial tower stage, my friend can get zhouyu now. He is at floor 7 stage 7. Still need a little bit more time cuz his "talent zhouyu" map haven't opened yet (still lv102) :3
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-11-9 14:36
Possible. When i started Lu Xun inst i was in TT stage that some  others had been while getting lu xun.
Author: Daveltl76    Time: 2015-11-9 18:39
Corvinus replied at 2015-11-9 14:36
Possible. When i started Lu Xun inst i was in TT stage that some  others had been while getting lu x ...

At which stage bro. I play at s39, got zhouyu but luxun is far away :3
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-11-9 19:29
The lowest level I ever heard of to get Lu Xun was 7th stage of 8th floor. On the other hand, others had problem to get Lu Xun although being about ten stages higher.  I started the instance being in 8th stage of 8th floor. @mmnt I am in stage  16 of 8th floor and in Lu Meng stage of Lu Xun instance.
Author: Daveltl76    Time: 2015-11-9 22:09
Corvinus replied at 2015-11-9 19:29
The lowest level I ever heard of to get Lu Xun was 7th stage of 8th floor. On the other hand, others ...

Tks for ur information:3
Author: Daveltl76    Time: 2015-11-9 22:28
Red225 replied at 2015-7-23 14:05
me get z.yu in lvl 105 non vip lol wkwk

Does it matter u get hero at which lv, if want low lv then don't war
Get arena reward everyday, then about 1 year later u could easily get zhouyu at lv103 none vip ), which is more impressive!! While u guys get zhouyu, ur friend in same server may get zhugeliang already lmao )
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-11-9 22:41
Daveltl76 replied at 2015-11-9 22:28
Does it matter u get hero at which lv, if want low lv then don't war
Get arena reward everyday, th ...

It doesn´t matter, Red´s achievement in Zhou Yu is superb because of fact he did it as very weak considering usual stats when you should easily get Zhou Yu.

As for tactic of leveling. Usually I do not level up very fast, for lu xun instance I did only usual 12mil kills everyday (usually lowcost killing near our capital) so that I wont lvl up too fast to get proper stats on arma & hrcrx. So, I´m lvl 114 but beating guys 5-8 lvl higher, even those with lu xun.  A lot of people is leveling everyday by getting exp bonus in cities near enemy capitals.
Author: engsiong    Time: 2015-12-14 21:26
Edited by engsiong at 2015-12-16 18:42
Corvinus replied at 2015-7-21 21:08
6th Stage Lu Meng
Arma : 102 89 100 63 61 62
Gem :  12 11 11 11 10 9

hey! thank you corvinus,  your instructions  and strategy are superb.. guest what i  was able to conquered  T S Ci  in just one try ... thanks once again  and more power ..
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-12-15 16:23
You´re welcome. Glad to hear about your success.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-12-15 21:26
Daveltl76 replied at 2015-11-9 22:28
Does it matter u get hero at which lv, if want low lv then don't war
Get arena reward everyday, th ...

probably already got awakened chen,darwin,arthur
Author: brendan    Time: 2015-12-20 07:59
i can even pass DFeng stage with my stat as below
Arma : 107 103 66 64 55 55
Gem :  11 10 11 10 10 10
Formation in order of appearance on battlefield :
1 Xu Chu lvl 97 att 3831 def 1821 units 6729 res. Infantry hrcrx 12% s. jade +15+15
2 Dian Wei lvl 97 att 3749 def 1842 units 6484 res. Cavalry hrcrx 12% s. jade +15+15
3 Tai Shi Ci  lvl 97 att 3789 def 1814 units 6452 res. Archers hrcrx 12% jade +15 +15
4. Guo Jia lvl 89 att 3789 def 1754 units 6640 Storm hrcrx 16% slotted +18+18
5. Xia Hou Dun lvl 95 att 3721 def 1791 units 6310 Defend 12%, s. jade +15+15

which part i miss out? my stat looked weak.....
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-12-20 08:05
brendan replied at 2015-12-20 07:59
i can even pass DFeng stage with my stat as below
Arma : 107 103 66 64 55 55
Gem :  11 10 11 10 10 1 ...

your armaments comparing to mine is a lot higher
but your gems and hero level lower than mine
i must guess you're in dominant country
can or can't pass Ding Feng? the part you are missing is you lack of luck
maybe you need better trinket
keep trying for info for Guo Jia stage passing Cao Cao i only spent 1 mill souls and around 30mill foods because i am so unlucky with these call "block"
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-12-20 08:07
brendan replied at 2015-12-20 07:59
i can even pass DFeng stage with my stat as below
Arma : 107 103 66 64 55 55
Gem :  11 10 11 10 10 1 ...

maybe need to polish more also your horcrux
defend horcrux is useless
Author: brendan    Time: 2015-12-20 10:11
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-12-20 08:07
maybe need to polish more also your horcrux
defend horcrux is useless

What horcrux should I put in xhdun? Can't pass first stage... Going to get 20/20 lantern for strengthen my trinket...
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-12-20 13:08
brendan replied at 2015-12-20 10:11
What horcrux should I put in xhdun? Can't pass first stage... Going to get 20/20 lantern for stren ...

up your polish if still hard use machao as replacement for xiahou dun
but for sure defend horcrux is suck for elite stage
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-12-20 17:11
brendan replied at 2015-12-20 10:11
What horcrux should I put in xhdun? Can't pass first stage... Going to get 20/20 lantern for stren ...

The best choice is rebound damage hrcrx. Otherwise you should choose resist hrcrx suitable against oponent. If can not pass first stage, you are probably weak so forge some more.
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-12-20 17:19
brendan replied at 2015-12-20 10:11
What horcrux should I put in xhdun? Can't pass first stage... Going to get 20/20 lantern for stren ...

One more thing. Are you able to reflect ding feng?

Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-12-20 18:02
maximizing flame chariot
Author: brendan    Time: 2015-12-22 10:01
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-12-20 13:08
up your polish if still hard use machao as replacement for xiahou dun
but for sure defend horcrux  ...

up trinket polish?
Author: brendan    Time: 2015-12-22 10:02
Corvinus replied at 2015-12-20 17:11
The best choice is rebound damage hrcrx. Otherwise you should choose resist hrcrx suitable against ...

rebound horcruz need 28 stars... i only have 18....
Author: brendan    Time: 2015-12-22 10:03
FockYerDodder replied at 2015-12-20 18:02
maximizing flame chariot

iron chariot can direct change to flame chariot? chariot without full forge
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-12-22 16:27
brendan replied at 2015-12-22 10:02
rebound horcruz need 28 stars... i only have 18....

So use resist cavalry horcrux instead. But without rebound damage hrcrx you are gonna have hard time at Tai Shi Ci stage.
Author: FockYerDodder    Time: 2015-12-22 21:39
up the star polish
increase your storm
level up your gems
get better trinket
Author: brendan    Time: 2016-1-15 09:50
Corvinus replied at 2015-7-21 21:08
6th Stage Lu Meng
Arma : 102 89 100 63 61 62
Gem :  12 11 11 11 10 9

bro, i think ur lumeng stage formation slightly mistake is it?
after use dwei's "fight" at 3rd row of 3rd NPC, it cant damage them badly but 4th NPC skill damage gjia badly... gjia dead at 4th NPC 2nd row before meet lumeng...
my stat as below:

Arma : 109 109 109 67 55 60
Gem :  11 11 11 11 9 11
1 Xu Chu lvl 98 att 4014 def 1864 units 7240 res. Archers hrcrx +14% slotted +18 +18
2 Gan Ning  lvl 91 att 3809 def 1849 units 6963 res. Cavalry hrcrx 12 % lantern +20 +20
3 Dian Wei lvl 98 att 4014 def 1855 units 7222 defend hrcrx + 12% s. jade
4. Guo Jia lvl 92 att 4114 def 1786 units 7385 Storm hrcrx 18% s. jade
5. Ma Chao lvl 87 att 3682 def 1871 units 6909, res. Infantry hrcrx 14 % s. jade

i'd stucked at this stage almost 2 weeks......
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-15 16:21
Edited by Corvinus at 2016-1-15 16:29
brendan replied at 2016-1-15 09:50
bro, i think ur lumeng stage formation slightly mistake is it?
after use dwei's "fight" at 3rd row  ...

Hi brendan, no it´s not mistake :

"Then you either block third NPC (which i didn´t) or you will have reduced rows of Gan Ning and killed first row of Dian Wei. Proceed without shooting „Fight“ up to two rows of  third NPC are left, then shoot to third row of third NPC. It will not damage him so badly that he would not be able to kill rows that left Dian Wei if you let him and shooting to third row of third NPC means also first two rows of fourth NPC is hit, so the damage taken from „Fight“ and from Guo Jia reflect his skill will be enough to damage him so, that Guo Jia is able to reflect also Lu Meng."

This means you have to let Dian Wei die before fourth NPC shoots his skill. As long as third NPC is terrain you have to use this against him - for remnants of Dian Wei army choose tactic that will LOSE with tactic taken by oponent. That means if oponent chose "attack" your choice would be "defense" instead of usual "assault". This way third NPC is able to finish Dian Wei and Guo Jia can reflect fourth NPC, which is already damaged from Dian Wei, so he is unable to kill Guo Jia who can reflect Lu Meng. But you have to shoot "Fight" into third row of third NPC; if you are so strong, that Dian Wei would shoot from first or second row, use this tactic also before you shoot, but shooting must go to third or fourth row of third NPC AND your Dian Wei has to die before fourth NPC´s skill is shot. Thats what I call "regulate troops numbers".  

Try again and good luck.

Author: brendan    Time: 2016-1-15 21:27
Corvinus replied at 2016-1-15 16:21
Hi brendan, no it´s not mistake :

"Then you either block third NPC (which i didn´t) or you will ...

i tried before... my gjia cant defeat the 4th NPC
Author: brendan    Time: 2016-1-16 00:25
thanks for ur note bro... get zyu at lvl 109...
useful note
Author: Romeo    Time: 2016-2-3 14:45
Edited by Romeo at 2016-2-3 14:46

I am lvl 103
I have these gens
Xhuchu wenji dwei gjia gning qiao dun tsci
My arma is 70 all
Polish 18 stars
Storm 18% rest all 10%
Gems 11-10-11-11-10-10

Can u please tell me which gens i should work on to get zhou yu
As well as if i need more arma or polish


Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-2-3 18:03
Romeo replied at 2016-2-3 14:45
I am lvl 103
I have these gens

Hi Romeo,

first of all you have bunch of very good generals for this instance as it is mostly on water terrain. However, you´ll need to improve your armament - concentrate on attack armament, get it as high as possible. The other four armament is OK for this instance.

As for horcruxes, I would advise get Storm on 20% and the rest at least on 14%; as long as I can remember in Ta Shi Ci stage I was really happy to have Resist Archers on 14%.

No need to polish more although this gives you great disadvantage in Tai Shi Ci stage; having rebound damage horcrux means you will deal damage whether you hit or miss him and that is crucial in the stage. So I would advise you to polish those 6 stars which except of RD hrcrx gives you  +100 attack, +60 defense and +160 troops, and these stats will make you stronger.

Compare your gems to mine in this strategy, then decide if you wanna get them higher.

Formation should depend on terrain but I can imagine Xu Chu, Gan Ning, Xiao Qiao, Guo Jia and Wenji. For other terrain you can stick with my formations.

Author: Romeo    Time: 2016-2-3 18:09
Corvinus replied at 2016-2-3 18:03
Hi Romeo,

first of all you have bunch of very good generals for this instance as it is mostly on  ...

Thank you
Much appreciated
I'll do as you mentioned

Author: ares    Time: 2016-10-19 13:20
Edited by ares at 2016-10-19 13:23

Sorry i use bahasa.
Ada yang bisa bantu map zhouyu bros ? Ane dr s58..
Kondisi udh trial floor 7 stage 4. Tapi masih stuck di xusheng. Chariot lv 3. 2 arm merah. 4 star attack. Gem lv 11-11-10-11-10-10. Arma 70-63-60-55-29-24. Masih aja gagal di xusheng. Mohon bantuannya.
Gen xuchu. Dianwei. Ganning. Guojia. Awaken huangzhong/xiaohaodun.
Attack rate 3900-4000
Deff 1800
Troop 6300-6500
Horc ; storm 20%. Deff 14%. Archer, infant, cavalry 12%

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