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Title: auto fight bug [Print this page]

Author: paijo93    Time: 2015-8-2 00:43
Title: auto fight bug
when you turn off troops recruit, auto fight wont work. pls check it gm.

ign paijo - s38

Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-8-2 16:45
Seriously, why would you turned off troop recruit while using auto fight ? Hardly a bug, problem with sense of logic.
Author: paijo93    Time: 2015-8-2 19:33
when u lack of food u will automaticly turn off troops recruit.. then when u have enough food to recruit, the troops recruit still turned off. and auto fight wont work.
Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-8-2 21:57
Well, in your case, i believed auto system isn't made to automatically turn on your troop recruit once you shut it down. Hence, you believed this is a bug. Auto system will destroy your food/ro cache if you use it too often. Simple solution is not to turn off your troop recruit if you wanna use auto system.
Author: BlueFire    Time: 2015-8-2 22:22
paijo93, I got curious and just tested out your scenario on my friend's account. With zero troop, auto system will just keep pointing toward the targeted city every few second...

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