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Title: Strategy Defeat Sunce [LimKianGi S16] [Print this page]

Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-26 15:00
Title: Strategy Defeat Sunce [LimKianGi S16]
Edited by JianYi at 2016-1-24 00:26

Just Go this Guys Yesterday Night!!!
Fight For 2 days since 123...Not Too Long for my Elite instance Journey

Sunce is hard, but luckly i have 12immu on 2 hero, so its help alot!!!
Since the 1st days i know immu is good in elite, i always try refine the equipthat still no immu...
when at 113 Luxun i only have 9immu
in this 10level leveling to 123, i got another 3.....Pure from Free refine andAdvanded order

I have 2 id
1. with 12 immu get already
2. with 6 immu only managed till Daqiao,and stuck here now....still finding way..

Ok........TALK about Sunce Elite Now.
What Is imporant for me….
1. 12 immu equip, if only 9 or 10, i think stiill possible ...
2. My Arma Full and still have Millions of iron. hehehe..
3. 28Star only i Have, strom 28%, Rebound 27%, other Normal can liao
4. GEM 12 12 12 12 12 10

Stage 1st till Stage 5th, very very easy for u...think with 6immu u can easypass!!! if 12 immu auto on u can pass hehehee

6th 7th 8th abit hard for 6immu player, but with 12 immu u can easy pass too.

Hardest Stage:
Stage 9 Da qiao
1. Xuchu ( 6immu + hocrux mechanic )
    it can help u kill till 2nd left 1 row without block...block 2ndgen not too important here
2. Zfei ( Divine suit )
   It only help u eat skill from 3rd gen hehehe, if block 3rd gen ,it only can manage to kill 1 row i think..3rd gen here very strong...like stone
3. Zyun ( 6immu + Storm)
   Dont skill 1st..wait to skill on 4th gen...it can hurt around2kmore with my zyun skill att
   here we need block 4th gen, if u left 3row of zyun after kill 3rdgen, BUT if u can left 4row of zyun think no need block also can, but block is better
   Left half Row Zyun must Block Daqiao Skill,it can kill some tropof daqiao
4. Luxun (Give him trop as much as u can, dragin suit best , + Rebound )
   Hold the skill 1st, 4row luxun can help u  kill atleast1row of daqiao, here need luck (daqiao MISS very high rate )
   Last row skill on daqiao 3row
5. Machao..wearing Harm
   With some LUCK , ur 4row machao can kill those3rows of daqiao whogot luxun burn her ass )heheehehe

Stage 10 Sunce (Mountain, all terainenemy, 4th gen like zfei 70%split, Sunce no skill, but strong like BIG STONEwith IRON FIST)
Position : XUCHU (6immu)- ZYUN(6immu+strom) - LUXUN(rebound) - ZFEI - MACHAO
1. Here We only need Xuchu Block 2nd or 3rd gen...block 1 of them can liao
    why OR, coz xuchu can kill 1st gen left and still 4rows,even dont block 2nd gen, ur xuchu still can kill all 2nd gen and left 1 row , so block 2nd or 3rd , result is same
    If block both of them...hehheheee think SUNCE in ur house Liao
2. ZYUN need Block 4th Gen ...must block, then die togther with 4th gen or ur zyun left abit trop
3. Luxun , keep crush with Sunce...last row skill
4. Zfei + machao , can kill SUNCE...
This Metode i read from China server, and think it very usefull..need fightmany time to success...

BUT i pass Sunce no use that methode, i have i morePosition more nice...only need ZYUN Block....

PM me if u have 12immu..i will share to U


SPECIAL THANK to ==TRANSVEO SHU16(retired )heehehe My Lovely Wife

and hope that bro \o/ dont come here write those BIG LETTER agian hehhee (kidding)



Author: zhugezai    Time: 2015-8-26 16:06
so i must tell WOW gitu , LOL just kiddink, nice post
Author: Benromario    Time: 2015-8-26 16:25
TransVeo is gal or gay???
Author: MengYi    Time: 2015-8-26 16:29
Nice post bro JianYi. Congrats. So Xchu still useful? One thing I'm curious, is sunce useful? Coz I don't see many high lvl player use him.
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-26 17:30
MengYi replied at 2015-8-26 16:29
Nice post bro JianYi. Congrats. So Xchu still useful? One thing I'm curious, is sunce useful? Coz I  ...

For Fast Leveling i think No quite Useful...
Now My leveling Very slow..next gen is 127Guanyu...think will take me 3 months to there...hehehe
And ,sunce is better then machao lo...so use..
higher lead...more chance for block...and got iron fist talent
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-26 17:33
zhugezai replied at 2015-8-26 16:06
so i must tell WOW gitu , LOL just kiddink, nice post

I remember u bro zhugezai...u are server 10 wei KIng before hehehe...
when ocind is Wu king, and Godofwar is Shu king

Author: Satria™    Time: 2015-8-26 20:45
ji, sunce bagus gak? kok dikit yg make ya?
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-8-26 21:09
Congrats bro lim... Cma punya 6 immu..zzz 4 di eq yg. Sama..g punya devine jg..sad..

Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-27 00:13
Satria™ replied at 2015-8-26 20:45
ji, sunce bagus gak? kok dikit yg make ya?

Bagi saya bagus sih bro...
Orang ngak pakai mungkin bnyk Yg lebih pilih kejar guanyu, atau King
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-27 00:14
ukaman87 replied at 2015-8-26 21:09
Congrats bro lim... Cma punya 6 immu..zzz 4 di eq yg. Sama..g punya devine jg..sad..

Bro nanti pasti ada cara sendiri buat dapat..liat u luxun ngak perlu 6immu
Author: ukaman87    Time: 2015-8-27 00:42
JianYi replied at 2015-8-27 00:14
Bro nanti pasti ada cara sendiri buat dapat..liat u luxun ngak perlu 6immu

Iya jg bro lim.. Tp aq perlu 3 lantern sebagai ganti 6immu...btw trans tu istri mu ya.. Haduh salah dong saya panggil dia bro selama ini..maaf ya..hehe
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-27 12:48
ukaman87 replied at 2015-8-27 00:42
Iya jg bro lim.. Tp aq perlu 3 lantern sebagai ganti 6immu...btw trans tu istri mu ya.. Haduh sala ...

Hedhehehe..No problme Bro...
Author: XiangThe    Time: 2015-8-28 11:05
immu lagi immu lg. pensiun dah.. wkwkwkkw.. congratz bro lim.. u r the best.. petunjuk mu selalu sangat membantu... btw, ZYu dah ga kpakai ya?
Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-8-31 12:51
XiangThe replied at 2015-8-28 11:05
immu lagi immu lg. pensiun dah.. wkwkwkkw.. congratz bro lim.. u r the best.. petunjuk mu selalu san ...

ZYu pakai bro..cuma di Elite ane keluarkan aja...hehehehee
Author: \o/    Time: 2015-9-4 14:58
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-11-26 16:00
Jian Yi

What was your average attack/defense when you get Sun Ce and which floor and stage have you been in Trial tower ?

Also, what would be your esteem for attack and defense for players who doesnt´ have full immu set ?

Thanx a lot for answer

Author: JianYi    Time: 2015-11-26 16:21
Corvinus replied at 2015-11-26 16:00
Jian Yi

What was your average attack/defense when you get Sun Ce and which floor and stage have you ...

i forget liao bro....
mybe around 5000-5100 for gen who wear 6immu
then for other gen like zyu dan luxun i think should around 5500

floor i not remember ....sorry bro...

Author: Corvinus    Time: 2015-11-26 16:40
Thank you, I am lvl 115 and  over 5200 attack  on every general actually some generals over 5400. Presume I´ll have av. attack around 5600 when start Sun Ce.

Thank you for important information

Author: redz225    Time: 2015-11-29 00:01
JianYi replied at 2015-11-26 16:21
i forget liao bro....
mybe around 5000-5100 for gen who wear 6immu
then for other gen like zyu dan ...

G.jia gk dipke bro..lmyan tuh bsa rebound he3...
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-1-12 23:44
Will average attack 5950 and 6immu(full set) be enough for sun ce ? (lvl 119 @mmnt)

Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-14 04:08
Corvinus replied at 2016-1-12 23:44
Will average attack 5950 and 6immu(full set) be enough for sun ce ? (lvl 119 @mmnt)

Lol ... Also meet u  in here
Author: BeamTo1999    Time: 2016-1-14 07:03
Hi jianYi !
My lv just 112 now . I just prepare to hit LX . Luckily I got 10 pieces immu need 2 more . Think I still have time to get them before reach Sun ce map . Thx for every thing u posted !
Author: JianYi    Time: 2016-1-17 11:49
welcome bro...i represent many master here to write this.
wish u get soon...

Author: 阿修罗    Time: 2016-2-1 07:13
Thanks so much for sharing bro
Author: Koandres    Time: 2016-5-17 15:11
Bro lim id linenya apa?
Author: Afrooo    Time: 2016-5-22 14:35
Help me beat X.Qiao please haha
Author: god1983    Time: 2016-5-26 09:03
Thank you for the advice
Author: brendan    Time: 2016-9-3 09:53
stucked at daqiao.....
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-9-3 15:39
This time trying it without AZfei @ Lv123..
Stuck @ Sunce stage.
Top arm: 123, Btm Arm:106,106,100
Chariot Lv:8
Gems: Top - 13 / Btm - 12
Gens I used Jia,S.xiang,zfei,zyu,luxun..
Zyun still @ lvl82 fostered only around 50% cant fight yet...
4th gen of Sunce is a b1tch with split dmg
5 immune parts, dragon,divine,tortise suits
Need help on line up and suits for gens
Author: Corvinus    Time: 2016-9-3 21:27
Xu Chu, Guo Jia, Ma Chao, Lu Xun, Zhang Fei
Author: FanofBabes    Time: 2016-9-6 19:13
Hi bro,

Was asking the line up with those gens that r fostered but its ok.
Tried around 400k+ souls and spammed iron+siron to up chariot + storm
Lv123 Line up
Jia(5 Immune)-Zyu(Divine)-ZFei(Storm[22%]+Tortiose suit)-S.Xiang-Luxun(Dragon)
Author: Wu56-kalomang    Time: 2016-9-11 02:01
Suhu jian yi ... Line nya dah gak aktif ya ? Mau minta pencerahan nich

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